After World War 2 Essays and Term Papers

Spanish Settlement Of The West

International borders have always been centers of conflict, and the U.S.-Mexican border is no exception. With the European colonizing the New World, it was a matter of time before the powers collided. The Spanish settled what is today Mexico, while the English settled what is to day the United ...

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German Unificatio

At the end of the eighteenth century and up to 1814, Germany was under the power of Napoleon's French empire. Napoleon created the Confederation of the Rhine, a conglomeration of the fractured north German states. This was the first time that these states had been brought together and as a result ...

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Sin Is Ignorance - Socratic De

International borders have always been centers of conflict, and the U.S.-Mexican border is no exception. With the European colonizing the New World, it was a matter of time before the powers collided. The Spanish settled what is today Mexico, while the English settled what is to day the United ...

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Spanish Settlement Of The West

International borders have always been centers of conflict, and the U.S.-Mexican border is no exception. With the European colonizing the New World, it was a matter of time before the powers collided. The Spanish settled what is today Mexico, while the English settled what is to day the United ...

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The Holocaust - The Way It Was

Definition of the Holocaust What does Webster's dictionary defines the Holocaust as? ho·lo·caust \'hO-l&-"kost, 'hä- also -"kästor'ho-l&-kost\ noun 1 : a sacrifice consumed by fire, 2 : a thorough destruction especially by fire. (i.e. a nuclear holocaust) 3 a often ...

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American Labor Movement: Development Of Unions

The American Labor Movement of the nineteenth century developed as a result of the city-wide organizations that unhappy workers were establishing. These men and women were determined to receive the rights and privileges they deserved as citizens of a free country. They refused to be treated like ...

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Bioremediation Of Explosives In Contaminated Soil

TNT is not the kind of substance that most people think of composting, but it can be done! At several U.S. Army depots, the water used in processing explosives was disposed of through evaporation from unlined lagoons. This has resulted in sediments and soils that are contaminated with TNT (2,4,6- ...

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"Little Green Men", "Martians", "Outer Limits" ! That is what people think about when aliens and come to mind. Aliens have been around, as far as we can see, since 1561. The question is now asked, How come because they [] have been sighted, encountered, and taken hostage; Why have we been kept in ...

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Causes Of The Wwi

The assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand triggered World War I. But the war had its origins in developments of the 1800's. The chief causes of World War I were (1) the rise of nationalism, (2) a build-up of military might, (3) competition for colonies, and (4) a system of military ...

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Concentration Camps

Concentration Camp, a place where selected groups of people are confined, usually for political reasons and under inhumane conditions. Men, women, and children are confined without normal judicial trials for an indeterminate period of confinement. Camp authorities usually exercise unlimited, ...

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Warfare Technology

In today’s world war plays a very important role in people’s lives. Some of these wars date as far back as the Roman Empire and Alexander the Great, while others are just being born and brought to the doorstep of the world. In 1939 this world was introduced to World War II. Although this war ...

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Civil War 6

The United States Civil War: A Time of Change and Equality for All The United States Civil War, which lasted from 1861 to 1865, represented a time of major change around the world. This civil war that absorbed our nation during the mid 1860s not only fought for the rights of African Americans in ...

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US Generals Of WWII

World War II was a critical period for America, not to mention the world as well. Throughout all the fighting and bloodshed, Americans returned home successful. Over 700,000 soldiers were disabled after the war, thankful for their lives. All the success and happiness of this country wouldn’t have ...

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The Ss

The authors of “,” were a collaboration of editors of Time-Life trying to show the factual evidence and knowledge of with the least amount of biases and strict factual evidence. The first general consultant of the information, was Col. John R. Elting, a retired veteran of World War ...

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Japanese Americans During WWII

During W.W.II over 110,000 Japanese Americans living both in the United States and abroad were uprooted, without due process, and placed in detention camps, or internment camps. These Japanese Americans lost their homes and their business. They were only allowed to take what they could carry and ...

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War is an ever changing, advancing type of combat. From swords to guns, the weapons used are always developing and becoming much more powerful. Nuclear bombs are one of the most forceful weapons that exist today. On August 6, 1945, during World War II, the United States dropped an Atomic bomb ...

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Early Resistance To British Na

Since the French Revolution, the idea of self-determination has spread all around the world, unifying peoples inside nations, starting new revolutions, erasing empires, freeing colonies and scaring modern states. There are few models explaining the emergence of nationalism and the definitions of ...

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The First Atomic Test

On Monday morning July 16, 1945, the world was changed forever when the first atomic bomb was tested in an isolated area of the New Mexico desert. Conducted in the final month of World War II by the top-secret Manhattan Engineering District, this test was code named Trinity. The Trinity test took ...

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Should Defense Spending Be Decreased

Many people in the United States believe that the Department of Defense spends too much money on National defense. Still others believe that a decrease in defense spending would leave the nation vulnerable. In this paper I will examine both sides of this argument, and draw some conclusions of ...

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From The Floutings Of The Cooperative Principle To Communica

From the Floutings of the Cooperative Principle and to the Function of Context in Conversation by It is for a long time that linguists have set great store by the effectiveness of linguistic communication through the oral channel ¡ª that is to say, our daily conversation. On account of the fact ...

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