An Ideal Day Essays and Term Papers

Interstellar Travel: Sooner Or Later?

? Though interstellar travel is theoretically possible, colonizing Alpha Centauri in the next millennium may be far-fetched. Modern Quantum physics gives many new openings into the world of plus-light-speed travel, but Einstein’s theory of relativity maintains the fact that light speed is an ...

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A common misconception about computers is that they are smarter than humans. Actually, the degree of a computerıs intelligence depends on the speed of its ignorance. Todayıs complex computers are not really intelligent at all. The intelligence is in the people who design them. Therefore, in order ...

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Political Correctness: The Teddy Bear Massacre

The University of Southern California: The Teddy Bear Massacre Like so many other traditions, the burning of the bruin was put on the chopping block recently. The long running University of Southern California spirit activity consisted of throwing a large stuffed bear in a bon fire the night ...

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Early Colonies

There were various reasons why the American Colonies were established. The three most important themes of English colonisation of America were religion, economics, and government. The most important reasons for colonisation were to seek refuge, religious freedom, and economic opportunity. To a ...

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There are two things that make up a : god and animals. s alone have morality, ability to know the principles of right and wrong behavior, and ethical judgment. Alexander Pope, Shakespeare, and Gilgamesh, these people and books, use concepts of beings are: morality, divinity, and integrity. In ...

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Diplomatic Immunity

INTRODUCTION United Kingdom, 1982 While unloading the ship which carried the embassy's materials, one box marked "household effects" dropped from a forklift. More than six hundred pounds of marijuana worth 500,000 British pounds (1982 prices) spilled dockside. For centuries governments have used ...

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The Great Imposters

Finding good day care can certainly pose a problem these days, unless, of course, you're an African widow bird. When it comes time for a female widow bird to lay her eggs, she simply locates the nest of a nearby Estrildid finch and surreptitiously drops the eggs inside. That's the last the widow ...

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Talking About Love

What is love? It may seem like a stupid question, but on second examination, it doesn’t seem quite so stupid. After all, love is a feeling. How can we really describe what a feeling is or means? The meaning of any feeling can differ greatly between individuals, and the meaning of love is ...

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Christianity And Love Versus R

Christianity and Love versus the Reality Many of us have an ideal picture of what our future looks like. It is a picture that is filled with hopes, dreams, happiness and loves. We do what we do now to complete our picture of the future as fully and as fast as possible. Many of us believe in God. ...

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Native American Genocide

In this paper, I will argue that the act of genocide as here defined, has been committed by the United States of America, upon the tribes and cultures of Native Americans, through mass indoctrination of its youths. Primary support will be drawn from Jorge Noriega\'s work, \"American Indian ...

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Affirmative Action

What is ? This is a question that has plagued our nation since the 1960's. The term itself was coined during this decade. The problem has actually existed since the founding of our country. And the issue of discrimination has been around for much longer than that. Since slavery in the 19th ...

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Lord Of The Flies: Ralph Creating A Society Based On Survival

Throughout the novel Lord of the flies, Ralph tries his best to create a society based on survival. As time progresses, it is clear that Jack's feelings are towards living life and having fun. Jack's society eventually leads to corruption, killing innocent people, while Ralph's prevails as ...

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A long time ago, culture was universal and permanent. There was one set of beliefs, ideals, and norms, and these were the standard for all human beings in all places and all times. We, however, live in the modern world. Our ethics are not an inheritance of the past, completed and ready for ...

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American Dream 2

The American dream. It consists of a family, house, cars, and other luxury items. How did it become the American dream? Why do we feel so compelled to pursue it? The reason is because we, the American public, have been convinced through advertising to acquire it. It is a very powerful way of ...

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Macbeth- Tragic Hero

The following is an essay on how the character of Macbeth serves as an example of a tragic hero in Shakespeare’s Macbeth. His tragic decision stems from the influence of a tragic flaw. Once he has made the decision, it is irreversible, and produces his downfall. In an attempt to save himself, ...

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Theme Of Beowulf

The Anglo-Saxons were the members of the Germanic peoples who invaded England, and were there at the time of the Norman Conquest. They were people of their own time, language and culture. In the Anglo-Saxon adventure filled tale of Beowulf, the heron Beowulf was, at the time, considered the modern ...

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Hamlet To Kill Or Not To Kill

Hamlet promises to the ghost of his father to kill the man who killed former King Hamlet. From that day, Hamlet has been trying to figure out a way to kill Claudius, his uncle, and present King of Denmark. It takes Hamlet a long time to kill him, speaking that he had at least one good chance to ...

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was created a simple game. The primary objective was to place a ball, without dribbling, into a peach basket. However, like Darwin's theory of man, has evolved into the most exciting exhibition of athletic ability. has seen many rule changes, because of the increasing ability of the ...

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Huck Finn 2

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain, is a story of a young man who finds himself in many unpredictable situations. In the novel, Huck is constantly changing his setting. Either he is on the land, at the shore of the mighty Mississippi river, or upon a small raft floating downstream. ...

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The American Dream

. It consists of a family, house, cars, and other luxury items. How did it become ? Why do we feel so compelled to pursue it? The reason is because we, the American public, have been convinced through advertising to acquire it. It is a very powerful way of persuasion. Advertising affects us so ...

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