Animal Essays and Term Papers
White Fang Thematic AnalysisWhite Fang, written by Jack London, is a wonderful adventure novel that vividly depicts the life of a wolf by the name of White Fang. Throughout the course of the novel, White Fang goes through numerous learning experiences as he interacts with humans and other wolves from Alaska around the turn ...
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Confused In AmericaI had been dreaming of going to America for God knows how many years before
I finally came to this land. The various misfortunes in my life gave me a
chance of being sent to America by my university only when I was about to
be 40 years old. Thinking th at I would take the chance to root ...
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Is Medical Testing On Animals EthicalEvery year, nearly one hundred million animals die in research laboratories at the hands of curious scientists who perform outdated and inaccurate tests that prove no benefit to humans or animals. I believe vivisection, medical testing on animals, should be banned.
Before these animals die they ...
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War Of The WorldsH.G. Wells' classic novel is one of the most profound prophetic novels ever written, comparable to other works such as A Brave New World and 1984 in that they predict events leading to the decline of mankind in times of social unrest. In this case, Wells has written a book in the time of a ...
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What Is Satanism?Satanism is the religion of the flesh. Happiness, to the Satanist must be found
here and now. No heaven exists to go to after death and no Hell of burning
punishment awaits the sinner. Strongly attached to our family and close
associations, we make excellent friends. Satanists do not believe that ...
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Finding good day care can certainly pose a problem these days, unless,
of course, you're an African widow bird. When it comes time for a female
widow bird to lay her eggs, she simply locates the nest of a nearby
Estrildid finch and surreptitiously drops the eggs inside. ...
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The WolfDestiny, perhaps from the very beginning, claimed as a symbol. Has any
other animal stirred human passions the way has? Its haunting howl, its
incredible stamina, its brilliant eyes, and its superiority as a predator all
have been reviled as nefarious, and even demonic, traits. Ironically, these ...
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“A Dog Is A Man’s Best Friend.” That common saying may contain some truth, but dogs are not the only animal friend whose companionship people enjoy. For many people, a cat is their best friend. Despite what dog lovers may believe, cats make excellent housepets. If everyone would adopt just one spayed cat from their local ...
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Streetcar DesireA Streetcar Named Desire (1951) is a controversial film classic, adapted from Tennessee Williams' Pulitzer Prize-winning play of 1947. This film masterpiece was directed by Elia Kazan (his first piece of work with Williams), a socially conscious director who insisted that the film be true to the ...
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What Is WitchcraftWhat is "Witchcraft"? This question is gaining importance to people as we approach the 20th century. To catch up with a constantly changing environment, people should be more aware and open-minded to things, especially to those that are rejected by our old traditional sets of values. We should get ...
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Fablesgive lessons for younger children with small stories involving animal that can talk. A fable is a special kind of story, it is short, usually has animal characters, and teaches a lesson. The World encyclopedia says “Others are short poems. Some are the longer than a paragraph. Others are short ...
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Prized PossessionsWhat is a prized possession? Some people might tell you it is something that a person holds dear to them. This is true, but a prized possession is much more than that. It is something that is a part of you, and if it is missing, you are not complete. Such is true with my prized possession, ...
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Canadas ShameThe infamous Harp (whitecoat) and Hooded (blueback) seal hunt photos have virtually disappeared from newspapers or television news. That does not mean that seal hunting in Canada has stopped. The mass killing of seals off Canada’s East Coast is commercial, cruel, and wasteful, yet despite ...
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American Male PigsToday in this great country of ours, there is an animal that stalks the
face of our land. An animal that'll stop at very little to obtain it's nightly
goal. Some women have unjustly classified this animal a Land Shark, along with
an assortment of other colorful names. Little do the women of this ...
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Ensuring Our Future Through ConservationThe world's natural rainforests are one of humanity's only remaining hopes to continue its existence. Rainforests are vast forests filled with lush vegetation, teeming with life (both animal and plant), of which only about 40 percent has been completely discovered and studied. Rainforests are a ...
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Sacred Cow, Holy BullThe word cattle comes from the Latin word “capital”. It means wealth or property. At one time, capital meant all types of domestic animals. Through English and French usage it has come to refer specifically to bovines. A bovine is an animal whose stomach is divided into chambers. They have ...
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Kant Vs. Schopenhauer On EnligIn the age of enlightenment, new and radical expressions and ideas emerged at the forefront of philosophy. Amongst German philosophers, the question of what enlightenment truly encompassed, was a major focal point. Two specific philosophers of this age are Immanuel Kant (during) and Arthur ...
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Cladocerans, or water fleas, are small (0.2-6 mm) aquatic crustaceans forming one of the orders of the Branchiopoda. Most inhabit quiet fresh waters. Along with the rotifers and copepods they account for most of the freshwater zooplankton yet most of them are benthic. Most are filter feeders that consume ...
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Coral Reefs 3Coral reefs are one of the oldest types of living systems on earth, and certainly one of the most spectacular. They are massive underwater structures formed by the limestone skeletons of tiny invertebrate animals. Reefs house a greater diversity of body forms, chemistry, and animal phyla ...
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Transformation Power Of LoveIn the world today the word LOVE has become corrupted, sentimentalized, cheapened, almost exhausted because it is used so randomly and without thought, so much so that when it is used with power and integrity it is often dismissed and ignored. In a simple way, power is the ability to make someone ...
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