Authority Essays and Term Papers

King Lear

Shakespeare's tragedy is a detailed description of the consequences of one man's decisions. This fictitious man is Lear, King of England, who's decisions greatly alter his life and the lives of those around him. As Lear bears the status of King he is, as one expects, a man of great power but ...

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Using The Student Study Sheets In The Classroom

The study sheets exploring political, religious, social, intellectual, and personal freedom can be printed out and distributed to students. (Study sheets are provided on PBS ONLINE courtesy of General Motors.) When using the study sheets in conjunction with the series Thomas Jefferson (PBS ...

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The Internet Its Effects And Its Future

Internet, its effects in our lives and the future of the Internet: The Internet is, quite literally, a network of networks. It is comprised of ten thousands of interconnected networks spanning the globe. The computers that form the Internet range from huge mainframes in research establishments to ...

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Absolute Power Corrupts Absolu

Pigs walking on two feet, horses and sheep talking. This is how George Orwell satirizes human nature in his classic novel Animal Farm. Animal Farm is an allegory of the Russian Revolution of 1917. The title of the book is also the setting for the action in the novel. The animals in the story ...

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The Black Death

One of the earliest rhymes that many children are taught is “Ring Around the Rosies”. By most it is considered a happy cheerful song. But in reality the song is an enactment of the bubonic plague or as it is more commonly known the “Black Death”. The first line, “Ring around the Rosies”, refers ...

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John Marshall: Chief Justice And His Rulings

When President Thomas Jefferson took office in 1800, an official close to the Federalist's reign in the Executive branch occurred. However, democracy was unable to remove Federalist authority from the Judicial Branch. Jon Marshall sat atop the Judicial Branch as the Chief Justice with his ...

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Government Spending & Budget

As many Federal departments and agencies lurch into an era of running without funds, the leaders of both parties of Congress are spending less and less time searching for a compromise to balance the budget, and more and more time deciding how to use it to their advantage on the campaign trail. ...

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Vietnam War - The Vietnam Conflict And Its Effects

The Vietnam conflict began in the late nineteenth century. The French conquered Vietnam and made it a protectorate. For nearly forty years, Vietnam had not experienced settled peace. The League for the Independence of Vietnam ( Viet Minh ) was formed in 1941, seeking independence from the French. ...

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Juvenile Crime

A headline reads, "Teen shot-- parents seek death penalty." In this incident a California teen was shot in a disagreement between him and a fellow classmate. The classmate, it seems, was the others constant victim of harassment, bruises, and bloodied and broken noses. It seems that this teen, ...

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identifies with an adolescent of the 1990’s more than he does with the youth of his own time. is immature, sarcastic, and takes action during the heat of passion which is very much like the behavior of the youth in the 1990’s. Love, control over action, and the ability to overcome depression are ...

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King Lear: Consequences Of One Man's Decisions

Shakespeare's tragedy King Lear is a detailed description of the consequences of one man's decisions. This fictitious man is Lear, King of England, who's decisions greatly alter his life and the lives of those around him. As Lear bears the status of King he is, as one expects, a man of great ...

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Amazing Quran

Calling the Qur'an amazing is not something done only by Muslims, who have an appreciation for the book and who are pleased with it; it has been labeled amazing by non-Muslims as well. In fact, even people who hate Islam very much have still called it amazing. One thing which surprises ...

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Improving The Literacy Of Amer

ica Through Our Classrooms Reading and writing are two of the most important functions performed on a daily basis by individuals. One problem in America is that a significant amount of the population can not perform one or both of these tasks. These two tasks are commonly referred to as ...

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Raving And Ravers

So you’re probably wondering why I decided to do my speech on the raver culture. The kind that is usually looked down on as a low form......get this! Imagine a night of dancing, listening to music, talking with tons of stranger, doing drugs and maybe getting caught up by the police. Sounds like a ...

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’S THE SCARLET LETTER Since the beginning of time, man has gathered himself in communities in order to better facilitate the needs and interests of individuals. As institutions developed to govern these communities, the idea of a “collective good” emerged. Central to the idea of a collective ...

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Black Students At Central High School In Little Rock, Arkansas

In September of 1957, one of the greatest battles between state’s rights and federal law, since the Civil War, took place in Little Rock, Arkansas. The Supreme Court ordered “gradual integration” in public schools throughout the United States. The problem in Little Rock was the fact that the ...

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A Sense Of Community By Ritual

s "In Christ, we who are many form one body and each member belongs to all the others"(Romans 12.5). From that definition, human's innate need to bond together is apparent, providing the basis of a community. In the religious sense, a community can be described as the interaction between a group ...

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Brief History Of Buddhism

Buddhism is one of the major religions of the world. It was founded by Siddhartha Guatama (Buddha) in Northeastern India. It arose as a monastic movement during a time of Brahman tradition. Buddhism rejected important views of Hinduism. It did not recognize the validity of the Vedic Scriptures, ...

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The Extradition Of Nazi War Criminals

The following paper was used as a term paper for a sophomore level Political Science class centering on international relations. The class was taken at a popular university in the state of Massachusetts. The paper deals with the legal issues surrounding the act of extradition of Nazi ...

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British Colonialism

Colony is a geographical unit outside the borders of a state, which is connected to the state financially and managerially. As Barbara Ward states in her book "5 Ideas That Change the World", when we study colonialism, we are looking at one of the most far-reaching and widespread activities of ...

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