California Gold Rush Essays and Term Papers


After the Louisiana Purchase in 1803, a large amount of land west of the original 13 states and the Northwest Territory was acquired. The open land, additional benefits and other existing problems encouraged Americans to expand westward. The American people began to realize that the future ...

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Clipper Ships

were extremely fast sailing ships developed primarily by the United States between the 1830's and 1860's. Clippers' did not have a final definition written in stone, but did share certain characteristics such as a sharp hull (designed for speed, not for cargo capacity) and a heavy and lofty ...

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The Indians Of The Pacific Northwest

When stories are told about the American Indian it is usually the Indians that are looked upon as the heathens. They are portrayed as savages who spent most of their time raiding wagon trains and scalping the white settlers just for fun. The media has lead us to believe that the American ...

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Influence Of Chinese And Irish

The Laborers on the Transcontinental Railroad The Chinese and Irish laborers answered strongly when asked to help build the Transcontinental Railroad that connected the Pacific and the Atlantic Coasts. During the long process the immigrant workers encountered harsh weather and living and working ...

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Early Chinese Immigrant

Surprisingly, Asian Americans have been in America for over 150 years. They are as diverse as the immigrants from Europe, ranging from China, Japan, Cambodia, Korea, Philippines, India, Vietnam, and Laos are. When many people think of American Immigrants, Asians are on the last of their lists. ...

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Westward Expansion

Westward Expansion is one of the most important human migrations in all of world history. Not only did it expand the mainland US, but also set the US to become one of the biggest superpowers in the world. When America was first founded, the people had thirteen states for which all of the population ...

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A Analysis Of Jack London Nove

A literary Analysis of Jack London three most recognized works, Sea Wolf; The Call of the Wild; and White Fang. Jack London lived a full life, even though he died at the young age of forty. In his life time he experienced many things, and I believe that these experiences were the catalyst of his ...

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Chinese American History and Culture

Chinese American History and Culture America is thought of as the 'land of opportunity' and, more recently, as a multicultural haven for the disavowed. However, it ha s also been established that the lives of immigrants is not an easy one and that cultural assimilation is often accompanied by ...

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Comparison Of London's White Fang And The Call Of The Wild

Two of Jack London's most famous stories were The Call of the Wild and White Fang. Though they are completely unrelated stories they have many similarities that I found unique. Along with many similarities in the plot there were many similarities in the characters, human and animal, which make ...

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Angel Island

Capitalist's Exploitation of Immigrants "The two societies can be rather simply characterized: on the American side, as one that stresses individual enterprise, which is expansive; and on the Chinese side, as a society that stresses the collective social order, which is resistant."1 America is ...

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Island has quite a distinct history. Many people know that served as a federal prison, but most are reluctant to know that this island served as fort. Built before the Civil War, it served two main purposes. First, that it was to guard the San Francisco bay area from enemy ships against a ...

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The Chinese Exclusion Act

Payal Otia Anderson, Period 4 English 9CP November 13, 2013 The Chinese Exclusion Act (1882) Have you ever wonder or know who made the railroad? Well, the Chinese made the railroad. In 1850s the Chinese began Constructions on the railroad. "An 1876 report on Chinese immigrations from the ...

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Cinematography: Everything You Need To Know

(sin-uh-muh-tahg'-ruh-fee) Cinematography is the technique and art of making motion pictures, which are a sequence of photographs of a single subject that are taken over time and then projected in the same sequence to create an illusion of motion. Each image of a moving object is ...

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The Trancontinental Railroad

Vail Mountain School Grade 8 Although many changes occurred in the mid 1800’s in America, such as the Industrial Revolution and the Civil War, the Transcontinental Railroad profoundly changed the U.S. This tremendous project, partly funded by Congress, was one of the key factors that ...

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Western Expansion

THE WESTWARD EXPANSION Introduction The Westward Expansion has often been regarded as the central theme of American history, down to the end of the19th century and as the main factor in the shaping of American history. As Frederick Jackson Turner says, the greatest force or influence in shaping ...

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Reconstruction and the Western Frontier

1. Reconstruction was one of the most controversial and vitriolic events in American history. Discuss its evolution from the Ten Percent and Wade/Davis plans of 1864 through the end of Andrew Johnson's administration in 1869. How and why did the unfolding drama evolve into what became known as ...

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George Meade

Do you know who was the general for the Second Battle of Bull Run? Everyone knows what the Second Battle of Bull Run is but who was the general? Some people even know that the North won that battle. Most people do not know that General defeated General Lee at that battle. General George Mead ...

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Grapes Of Wrath

In the movie, The , one of the biggest problems in the movie is the fact that the great depression is in its prime. The great depression is the main cause and the sound basis for the movie. When you think about it after watching the movie, all of the events in the movie happened because ...

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Grapes Of Wrath 3

In the movie, The Grapes of Wrath, one of the biggest problems in the movie is the fact that the great depression is in its prime. The great depression is the main cause and the sound basis for the movie. When you think about it after watching the movie, all of the events in the movie happened ...

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Buck In The Call Of Wild--A True Son Of Life

Buck In The Call Of Wild--A True Son Of Life Abstract: Buck ,a protagonist in the book the call of the wild, went changed from a sun-kissed pet to a wild wolf dog through a series impressive experience which is like a war song that depicted some philosophy and thinking worth reflection. Key ...

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