Cancer Essays and Term Papers

History Of The Prostate Gland

The prostate is a gland that is located just underneath the bladder. It surrounds the urethra through which a man urinates. The prostate gland is therefore vital to proper bladder control and urine flow-rate. The prostate is also essential for normal sexual function. It is the gland of ...

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Quit Smoking!

SURGEON GENERALS WARNING: Smoking Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema, And May Complicate Pregnancy. Cigarette smoking has been proven to be hazardous to your health. It wasn�t until 1964 that the actual truth came out about cigarette use. From the years 1952-1956 Kent brand cigarettes ...

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Cigarettes: The History

For many years our country has been brought up smoking cigarettes and until the past 50 years our society has excepted it without any complaint. Now since studies have found that smoking does cause cancer increased heart disease and many other health problems tabacco companies are now on the run ...

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Mobile Phone Risks

New evidence is growing fast about health risks from mobile phones - electromagnetic radiation. These devices can be used to make telephone calls from almost anywhere. Symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, burning sensations on the skin were more common among those who make longer phone calls. ...

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Nutrition And Health

“ We are indeed much more than we eat, but what we eat nevertheless helps us to be much more than we are.” A century ago our ancestors feared infectious and communicable diseases such as smallpox -- diseases that claimed many children’s lives and limited the average life ...

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Legalizing Medical Marijuana

The medical community continues to expand our ability to handle life-threatening illnesses and prolong life. With that ability comes an extension of the treatments that patients must undergo. Many patients today refuse medical treatment that may save or prolong their life, out of a desire to avoid ...

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Half Gone: Fred As Dorothy's Guardian Angel

Essay on the short story "Half Gone" by Tim O'Brien "Half Gone" by Tim O'Brien is a story of a woman (Dorothy Stier) who have been afflicted with breast cancer and has to undergo mastectomy (operation where a breast will be removed in order to inhibit the spread of cancer cells), and Dorothy's ...

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A Guide To Indoor Air Quality

Air Pollution Sources in the Home Introduction Indoor Air Quality in Your Home What If You Live in an Apartment? Improving the Air Quality in Your Home A Look at Source-Specific Controls Radon Evironmental Tobacco Smoke Biological Contaminants Stoves, Heaters, Fireplaces, and ...

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Animal Research

For the past 20 years, there has a been an on going heated debate on whether experiments on animals for the benefit of medical and scientific research is ethical. Whether it is or isn't, most people believe that some form of cost-benefit test should be performed to determine if the action is ...

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Marijuana And Hemp, The Untold

The purpose of this brochure is to expose the numerous facts about marijuana and hemp that have been suppressed-facts the government does not want you to know. Hemp is a plant that can be used to produce thousands of products. Hemp is of the same plant species that produces marijuana; its ...

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The War On Tobacco

Each day, millions of Americans of all ages light up a cigarette distributed by the tobacco companies. Smoking is a habit that, in the long run, causes cancer and other diseases associated with the lungs. Now, this deadly cancer causing drug is one of the leading causes of death in America today. ...

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Nuclear Power: Cons

Since the days of Franklin and his kite flying experiments, electricity has been a topic of interest for many people and nations. Nuclear power has been a great advance in the field of electrical production in the last fifty years, with it's clean, efficient and cheap production, it has gained a ...

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In this paper I will discuss the element called . I will explain how and when this element was discovered, its' physical characteristics, the natural environment of the element and the abundance in which it occurs. In addition, I will describe why is important to humans, and other interesting ...

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Law of Attraction

Do you believe that you control your own destiny? Do you believe that your life is a mirror of your thoughts? Law of Attraction is believed to be a Universal Law, thus it impacts every part of our existence. This belief states that thoughts power all physical results. If one thinks positive, ...

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Breastfeeding Vs. Formula Feeding

When being pregnant, you have lots of things to worry about and decide on. One of the major things you need to decide on is weather to breastfeed or formula feed. This is also a very controversial subject and raises many arguments and debates in society. I chose to formula feed my daughter and I ...

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The Doctor

The life journey of the main character Dr. Jack MacKee consists of a transformation from an inadequate life into one filled with compassion and integrity. Dr. Jack Mackee�s life experience can be expressed by Van Genneps� three stages of separation (pre-liminal stage, transitional stage, and ...

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Reasons to Legalize Marijuana/Cannabis

Kristin Barry Reasons to legalize Marijuana/Cannabis The federal government should legalize marijuana because of the benefits: Cancer patients provided with some relief from their symptoms, and the economic gain $1.3 billion in taxes, hemp saving 4 acres in trees, and decriminalization in a ...

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On Death and Dying by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

Josianne was diagnosed with uterine cancer a year and a half ago, prompting a hysterectomy and subsequent radiation and chemotherapy treatments. Because the success rates for treatment of her particular cancer seemed relatively high, her friends and loved ones remained hopeful that Josianne, too, ...

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The Legalization Of Marijuana

Marijuana (also spelled marihuana) is a psychoactive drug made from the dried leaves and flowering parts of the hemp plant. It is one of the most strictly classified illegal drugs in the United States. Under the 1970 Controlled Substances Act, marijuana is listed as a Schedule I substance, which ...

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is a cancer that has had a significant effect on our society and with the developments of new drugs it may become treatable. originates in the blood-forming organs which may include the lymph tissue and bone cells. In a person with the rate and the number of cells produced is altered. This ...

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