Choice Essays and Term Papers

Public Administration

WHAT IS PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION? Public administration is a discipline drawing from political science, economics, sociology, and other fields to enhance understanding of public bureaucracies and administrative behavior. It has broad applicability to non-profit organizations, non-governmental ...

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Vietnam War

I started the research about the choice of USA entering the Vietnam War during the Cold War Period with great interest, Vietnam is geologically a remote and underdeveloped Asian country by then, with neither abundant mines nor rich natural recourses, and the government was corrupted and poor. On ...

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Which Argument for the Existence of God is the Strongest?

Which Argument for the Existence of God is the Strongest? Shelly Reynolds PHI 208 November 11, 2013 For decades, individuals have debated the merits of what some have called "The God Question." There ...

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Love And Sacrifice

O. Henry and F. Scott Fitzgerald are two contemporary American writers. Each has written about love story which they had known or experienced. The " The gift of the Magi" by O. Henry speaks about the poor life of the young couple and the desire of buying a gift for each other; F. Scott's work "The ...

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American Zionism

American Zionist; Internalizing Herzlian Theory Nurit Rubinstein Late 1895 Theodore Herzl came out with his first Zionistic work entitled Der Judenstaat (The Jewish state), the book was latter published in 1896 to a populous of mixed reviews. In the book, Herzl outlines the reason for the ...

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DBQ History Essay

A major issue that confronted the Constitutional Convention was how to determine representation in the new government. Should each state have the same number of representatives, or should representation be based on population? The "Grand Compromise," or Connecticut Compromise, is a representation ...

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Why Celebrites Are Good Role Models

Final Persuasive Summary By Arlene Andy In order to be a good role model it takes responsibility and making wise choices. Adding on to that, as a role model people look up to you and also people are influenced by your choices; "Actions speak ...

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The story of F. Scott Fitzgerald, Great Gatsby, shows how Gatsby became a wealthy and a great man after he was poor. He was a non wealthy person but after he met Daisy and fell for her love, he had a dream to be wealthy and to marry her. She was a motivation for him to become a great man, and ...

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Elements of Love

Elements of Love What is love? According to various dictionaries, love is defined in many ways; the one thing love is not -- it is not defined in a singular definition, it has specific meaning to each individual. Sharon Old's "Last Night" describes the love she encounters only for a brief ...

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Trader Joe's

Trader Joe's At the turn of 1967, entrepreneur Joseph Coulombe started an innovative private chain of convenience stores called "Trader Joe's". The chain first started in 1958 as a brand called "Pronto Markets", it was very similar to 7-Eleven. The brand "Pronto Markets" was originally owned by ...

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Diagnostic Essay on Zimbardo - Stanford Prison Experiment

Sophia Markham English 101 Jeff Gerhardstein April 9, 2015 Diagnostic Essay on Zimbardo - Stanford Prison Experiment Would you kill a person if somebody asks you? If asked this questions, you, most probably would give the definite answer “No” and will be sure in its truthfulness. ...

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All's Well That Ends Well: Helena's Traits

Helena's character in 'All's well that ends well' is a psychologically complex figure who doesn't resemble other female protagonists of Elizabethan plays. Not only this character has been criticized for her manipulative deeds, many critics also claim that Helena completely lacked feminine ...

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Teen Pregnancy

Teen Pregnancy Social Problems Instructor Tammy Nemeth June 21, 2015 There are several situations that teenagers get themselves into that can lead to many things including teen ...

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Changes In Each Generation

For many years, various generations have passed onto us many cultures, traditions and customs, and set of values and characteristics. These previous generations have passed to the next generation a heritage that they would like us, the latest (but certainly not the last) generation, to perpetuate ...

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The Growth Of The Suburbs

In "The Suburban Century Begins", William Schneider demonstrates the growth of the suburbs and how their influence is impacting political choices on the national and local levels. However, in doing so, Schneider has unfairly characterized suburban life and has unnecessarily turned the middle ...

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Survival Strategies For Local Companies In Emerging Markets

Dawar, N. & Frost, T. (1999, March/April). "Competing with giants." Harvard Business Review 77(2), 119-129. The authors begin by discussing the way multinationals enter emerging markets and become the giant that potentially can take all the business, while smaller companies would seem to be ...

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Women In Science Education

Women in Science Boys and girls learn that they are different from an early age. This differentiation occurs throughout early childhood, even before school. Many experts agree that children establish ideas about gender very early in life, and that parents contribute greatly to these gendered ...

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Socrate's Accusation of the Jury In Plato's Apology

Socrates' stance in Plato's Apology emerges less as a monologue of self-defense as it is a means to confront, challenge, and even accuse the Athenian citizenry, especially his jurors. Socrates spends far more time disparaging his accusers then he does explaining his innocence; his logical retorts ...

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Comparing Spielberg's Schindler’s List and Keneally's Schindler’s Ark

"Schindler's List" Perhaps no other movie in recent history has had such an effect on the American public and the citizens of the world than Steven Spielberg's "Schindler's List." Based on Thomas Keneally's book, "Schindler's Ark," the movie was hailed by most critics as a masterpiece of ...

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A Review of Jean Paul Sartre's No Exit

Both the audience and critics of Jean Paul Sartre's contemporary masterpiece, No Exit (Hois Clos), were disturbed by its insensitive characters when it was first produced on stage in 1944. The underlying message, spoken by the only male character, Garcin, was the unsettling factor - that hell is ...

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