Classification Essays and Term Papers


The well-known writer George Sarton says in his Introduction to the History of Science that "Rhazes was the greatest physician of Islam and the Medieval Ages." And the Encyclopedia of Islam remarks that "Rhazes remained up to the 17th century the indisputable authority of medicine." The Bulletin ...

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The Effects Of Stress, Alcohol Outcome Expectancies, Gender, Coping Styles, And Family Alcoholism On Alcohol Consumption

The Effects of Stress, Alcohol Outcome Expectancies, Gender, Coping Styles, and Family Alcoholism on Alcohol Consumption Abstract One large component of American popular culture today is alcohol. A common stereotype for the effects of alcohol is that as a drug it acts as a stress antagonist. ...

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The Condition Of African Americans In The 1920’s Compared To Amory Blaine

During the nineteen twenties, white males had rather adequate opportunities to attend school and get a quality education. Whether it was a small college or a large, prestigious university, it still provided them with an essential tool for the future, an education. On the other hand, African ...

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Evolution Or Ignorance

Education: Throughout recent history creationists and evolutionists have argued whether evolution should be a part of America's public education. Whether evolution is science fact, or science fiction. Evolution being a science based on statistics has some faults, although many concepts in ...

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Employer Association

Industrial relations in Australia is undergoing considerable change. The counterpart organisations to unions for employees are, of course, s. This paper argue that s exist to provide to employers, services to enable them to cope with the demands of unions and the complexities of employing staff in ...

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The Love Song Of J. Alfred Pul

In T.S. Eliot's "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock," the author is establishing the trouble the narrator is having dealing with middle age. Prufrock(the narrator) believes that age is a burden and is deeply troubled by it.. His love of some women cannot be because he feels the prime of his life ...

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Analysis -- Buffy The Vampire

Buffy the Vampire Slayer is a difficult media to classify into one genre. An obvious classification of the programmeˇ¦s genre would be horror; but this isnˇ¦t entirely true, because the show has more concepts and themes that a horror movie would, and deals with more issues as well. The show uses ...

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Decriminalizing Prostitution And Legalizing Brothels In The United States

Do you know what is the world’s oldest profession? It is prostitution (“Prostitution” 669, Volkonsky 20). Academic American Encyclopedia defines, “PROSTITUTION [sic] is the performance of sexual acts with another person in return for the payment of a fee”. Since it is the oldest profession that ...

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The Tempest: Comparing The Cultures In The Tempest And Ours

"All men are created equal" is one of the declarations that American culture is built on. This declaration means that all men no matter of race, religion, or creed are equals in the eyes of society, as well as the law. This was not always true in history, especially not in Shakespeare's day and ...

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was discovered in the 1700's in the coal mines of bohemia and Jachlovikna. 's atomic number is 92, its Symbol is U and the atomic mass of is 238.0289. Miners called it Pechblende meaning, Pechblende, from the German words pech, which means either pitch or bad luck, and blende, meaning mineral ...

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Animal Farm: Animal Satire


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Apes have 13 species of large, highly intelligent primates, including Chimpanzees, Gorillas, , and Orangutans. Apes are sometimes confused with Monkeys, but unlike their smaller primate counterparts, apes do not have tails and their arms are usually longer than their legs. Apes live in tropical ...

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Analysis Of Chris Marker's "La Jetee", And Roland Barthes's "Camera Lucida"

When I began to look at the relationship between Chris Marker's film, La Jetee, and Roland Barthes's book, Camera Lucida, I was thinking only about their most obvious link: photography. The more I looked, though, the more Marker and Barthes seemed to have in common. It was almost uncanny. Some ...

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This is the scenario: You are terminally ill, all medical treatments acceptable to you have been exhausted, and the suffering in its different forms is unbearable. Because the illness is so serious, you recognize that your life is drawing to a close. comes to mind as a way of release. The ...

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Leadership Styles And Its Appl

icability in India "Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things." Leaders There are many ways to differentiate leaders from others persons. A recognised leader is someone who has followers; whose focus is not on popularity but on results; a role model - he/she is highly ...

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Plato Republic 2

The Republic of Plato explores the meaning of Justice from both an individual and societal point of view. It also looks into the incorporation of Justice into human society, in other words, how to create an ideal state of social order in a society. This is carried out through the various dialogues ...

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The Hanmaids Tale

In Margaret Atwood’s, The Handmaid’s Tale, our eyes are open to an oppressive society of which seems to be the near future. Widespread sterility has led to the rich controlling young women of childbearing age, who are called “handmaidens”. The tale is narrated by Kate, also known as “Offred”, her ...

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Contemporary Thinkers: Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, Aguinas

Question #1 : Please discuss the political organization of the Greek city- states, particularly Athenian democracy at the time of Pericles, Plato, and Aristotle. Also discuss the backgrounds of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle and the fate of the Greek city-states historically. During the time of ...

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Computer Mediated Evnvironment

CHOICE IN COMPUTER-MEDIATED ENVIRONMENTS In the last several years, the increased diffusion of computer and telecommunications technologies in businesses and homes has produced new ways for organizations to connect with their customers. These computer mediated environments (CMEs) such as the ...

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The Writing Styles Of 2 Prominent British Science Fiction Authors

"Science fiction is one of the more secluded parade grounds where private fantasy and public event meet. They call it entertainment". (Aldiss Billion 1) This quote is interpreted to mean that, in the genre of science fiction there is a fusion of fantasy and reality. It is this combination of ...

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