Communism In China Essays and Term Papers

Red Guards

In the summer of 1966 there was a new effort on the part of the head leaders in China to further control the actions and thoughts of the people in China. The were the force to do it all. A group of kids who mostly in their teens and some in college were put into this gang. This so-called ...

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Cold War 3

The Cold War was a response to the perceived threat by the United States that Communism would interfere with national security and economic stakes in the world. It was a perceived threat by communist countries that the United States would take to the world. During the Cold War, the United States, ...

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Decline Of The American Empire

In any era there are different protagonists, playing the same game on a similar board. Like a game of Risk, there are nations competing to become the foremost leaders of their time. They amass great wealth, powerful armies, and political sway. When the influence and might of these countries ...

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Should Eisenhower Be Praised For His Foreign Policies?

? Eisenhower came into power at a time when American people were exasperated with Soviet relations and his fresh ideas seemed like a welcome change. Eisenhower should be praised for his initial ideas and policies. However, his one character flaw was that he could not back these policies up. And ...

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The Conflicts Between The United States And The Soviet Union

During the time period 1945-1989, there were conflicts between the United States and the Soviet Union, since they had differences in their ways in government beliefs, the two countries then fell apart, and turned into a struggle known as the Cold War. There were many views on why the United ...

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Was The War In Vietnam Justified

Looking back we can see how America made poor decisions in relation to Vietnam. Vietnam is an invitation only to amnesia- a hard and numb scar we prefer not to notice. (1) The U.S. involvement in the Vietnam conflict was not justified. The country it was backing in the war made immoral ...

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Singapore Society

Conflict identified: Potential conflicts in community due to different opinions to each other held by local people and residents from China. Targeted situation of potential conflict Singapore is famous for its low-crime-rate and cleanliness, for that, many people from China settled in ...

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The Archigram Movement

Very little has been written about the visionary, predominantly British architectural movement, Archigram, since it first came to prominence in 1960. Of the scant texts available (of which many are in Japanese, as opposed to English), the authors generally attempt to describe this radical form of ...

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World Leaders: Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, and Moa Zedong

The years preceding and following World War II had a profound effect upon the entire world. Especially important to world events were the reigns of four particular leaders, Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, and Moa Zedong. Joseph Stalin ruled the U.S.S.R. from 1929 to 1953. Born ...

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Evaluation of Economic Systems in India

EVOLUTION OF ECONOMIC SYSTEMS IN INDIA Introduction India is highly diverse and complex, as reflected in its ethnic, linguistic, geographic, religious and demographic features. India is only the second country to achieve a population of one billion (after China). Its current population totals ...

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Confucius And Confucianism

Confucius was believed to have been born in 551 BC., in the state of Lu, known today as the Shandong province. His parents, who died while he was a child, named him Kong Qui. Confucius was derived from the Latin word Kongfuzi which means Great Master Kong. Confucius was the most influential ...

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The Role Of Citizen Political Participation In Hong Kong And Singapore

Both Hong Kong and Singapore are city states that traditionally have lacked broad political participation, instead political decisions were left up to a small group of leaders. Historical factors were critical in determining the role of political participation in both city states. Hong Kong's ...

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Was Khruschev's Foreign Policy Successful?

? Like Stalin in the early 1920s Krushchev was not seen as an eventual leader in 1953 and 1954. In the early years his political opponents underestimated him and again in 1957, but he in turn was to underestimate the force of opposition in 1964. An important area of change under Khushchev was ...

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Confucius And Confucianism

Confucius was believed to have been born in 551 BC., in the state of Lu, known today as the Shandong province. His parents, who died while he was a child, named him Kong Qui. Confucius was derived from the Latin word Kongfuzi which means Great Master Kong. Confucius was the most influential ...

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The Political Career Of Richard Nixon

1. Nixon's Beginning in Politics 2. Emergence in National Politics A. The Hiss Case B. Nixon's Political Obituary C. Resurgence as a presidential candidate 3. The 37th President A. Nixon's Appointment's B. Foreign Policy ...

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Mao’s Last Dancer

Mao’s Last Dancer Li had no way out of his tough times. He was born into a large broke family. Li lived in the Li Commune, a poor village near the city of Qingdao in the Shandon province. When Chinese officials visit his village in search of potential ballet dancers to attend the Beijing Dance ...

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The Rise Of Capitalism And Its Opposition

Developments in the 18th century paved the way for the emergence of modern capitalism. Among these developments was the thought of British philosopher, Adam Smith. Smith tried to show the existence of an economic order that would function most efficiently if the state played a limited role. He ...

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Vietnam War - The War We Should Have Won

The Vietnam War is one of the most disgraceful periods in American history. Not only did the greatest superpower in the world get bested by an almost third-world nation, but we lost badly. Perhaps this war could have been won, or even prevented in the first place. The United States could have and ...

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The term is commonly used to refer both to an ideology--a comprehensive set of beliefs or ideas about the nature of human society and its future desirable state--and to a state of society based on that ideology. Socialists have always claimed to stand above all for the values of equality, social ...

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Stalin And The Soviet Union

Stalin, Joseph (1879-1953), general secretary of the Communist Party of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) from 1922 to 1953, the despotic ruler who more than any other individual molded the features that characterized the Soviet regime and shaped the direction of Europe after World ...

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