Data Essays and Term Papers
Double EntryThis essay explore the definition of the term “ accounting”, its processes and procedures. I will examine the five step of the method in detail, and will compare and contrast this method to that of single entry accounting. The analysis concludes that with a discussion of the advantages of and ...
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NT 4.0 WorkstationMicrosoft Windows NT Workstation 4.0 is one of the most powerful 32-bit operating systems available for business computing today. It offers the ease of use of Windows 95 along with higher performance, greater reliability, and better security.
One of the most remarkable aspects of Windows NT's ...
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The Sources Of Public PolicyRationing medical care is a very important subject. Many low-and-middle income people lack health insurance and could not afford an expensive treatment if it were needed. The best care is given to those with money enough to pay for it or with good insurance plans paid for by employers.
With the ...
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Computer CrimeAdvances in telecommunications and in computer technology have brought us to the
information revolution. The rapid advancement of the telephone, cable,
satellite and computer networks, combined with the help of technological
breakthroughs in computer processing speed, and information storage, has ...
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The Effects Of Altitude On Human PhysiologyChanges in altitude have a profound effect on the human body. The body
attempts to maintain a state of homeostasis or balance to ensure the optimal
operating environment for its complex chemical systems. Any change from this
homeostasis is a change away from the optimal operating environment. The ...
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ArchaeologyThere is a saying that goes: One must first have an understanding of the past in order to proceed into the future. An archaeologist’s job, therefore, is very important because they have the crucial role of interpreting the past through archaeological finds. How does an archaeologist go about ...
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Developing SolutionsDeveloping and Selecting Solutions
Graham Parker’s Structured Problem Solving Guide describes the problem solving process in four phases, one of which is Developing and Selecting Solutions (Phase 4). The other phases are not summarized here, however, it is noteworthy to mention that Phase 4 is ...
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Computer Viruses(anonymous)
The term usually used to define a computer virus is:
' A computer virus is often malicious software which
replicates itself'
[ Podell 1987 for similar definition ]
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Censorship On The InternetFive years after the first world wide web was launched at the end of 1991, The
Internet has become very popular in the United States. Although President
Clinton already signed the 1996 Telecommunication ActI on Thursday Feb 8, 1996,
the censorship issue on the net still remains unresolved. In ...
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Human Resource Management In EPolitical and economical context 4
Educational system 5
Cultural aspects 6
Business environment 7
Recruitment 9
Compensation 9
Ideas for future research 16
1. ...
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Juvenile JusticeTo many Americans today, the country is a hostage-but not from oversea
terrorism as one might expect to think. No today, we live in fear from our own
children; and these are the same young people who we are entrusting the future
of this great country with. According to the Department of Justice ...
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AccountantsThesis: An accountant has many choices to what particular field of accounting to specialize in depending on the financial information she wants to analyze and how it is done.
Special Interest: Analyzing Financial Information
Subclasses: Financial
Internal auditors
A college student decides ...
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Ebonics In SchoolsMany black individuals have played their part in America's history. Has
the Oakland School gone too far by wanting to teach a black slang language in
school. In this paper, you will see the peoples, teachers, and the student's
opinion as well as the Senate.
A lot of people are speaking out ...
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This is an English exam paper prepared for the EVU2-EDB course at
Niuernermik Ilinniarfik, Nuuk.
The main topic of this paper is the USA, and I have chosen to concentrate on a
fairly new issue, the language know as Ebonics. There have always been changes
in the English language. This ...
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A Passage Of Time"This has simply gone too far!" were the words that echoed menacingly
through Bradley's room, which was engulfed in an endless stream of
paperwork. University life was not agreeing with Bradley the way he had
anticipated - his life, it seemed, had become little more than completing
one paper ...
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The Human Brain Vs. The ComputerOver the millennia, Man has come up with countless inventions, each more
ingenious than the last. However, only now, as the computer arises that
mankind's sentience itself is threatened. Ridiculous, some may cry, but I say
look about you! The computer has already begun to hold sway over so ...
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Computer VirusesA computer virus is an illegal and potentially damaging computer program designed to infect other software by attaching itself to any software it contacts. In many cases, virus programs are designed to damage computer systems maliciously by destroying of corrupting data. If the infected software ...
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“Better Teaching with Deming and Bloom,”This research article was written by James A. Hill, and it explains how he combined Bloom’s cognitive taxonomy, a classification of cognitive skills and Deming’s Quality Management concepts, to improve and monitor student’s progress. The author’s purpose for writing this article was to share with ...
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