Design And Desire Essays and Term Papers

Chinese Economic Reform

Two years after the death of Mao Zedong in 1976, it became apparent to many of China's leaders that economic reform was necessary. During his tenure as China's premier, Mao had encouraged social movements such as the "Great Leap Forward" and the "Cultural Revolution" which had had as their bases ...

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Approaches To Modern Literary Theories

APPROACHES TO MODERN LITERARY THEORIES BY JIDE BALOGUN, Ph.D 1. Introduction The history of literature is the history of literary criticism. The latter as an ally of the former makes creative writing more complementary and helps to conceptualise the ...

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Organizational Skills


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has been on debate for numerous years. It is mentioned in the Bible which is thousands of years old. But recently two philosophers have spoken how they feel about . Michael Levin and Richard Mohr's views on the subject are in conflict with one another. Levin argues that homosexuality is ...

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The Effects Of Creatine

Since 1990 more people in America are exercising than ever before. An even stronger trend in the nineties is resistance training ( Resistance training has shown numerous positive health effects. These include weight management, minimizing muscle ...

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The Danger Of Air Bags And The

Proposed Improvements including Advanced Air Bag Systems In today's fast paced world, the amount of automobile travel increases more and more each year. With this increase in travel, there has been a much larger demand for safety in automobiles, and this includes air bags and other restraint ...

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Computer In The Classroom

Computers and Electronics in the Classroom Computers and electrical equipment in a modern educational room are essential for a well-rounded workspace. The need for computers is obvious. They allow students to do research far deeper and faster than ever before. They allow students to type ...

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Whittaker Chambers was born in 1901 and grew up in Long Island. The book that had the greatest impact on him was Les Miserables. It taught him that Christianity and revolution are two seemingly irreconcilable things. After going to Columbia University he went to England, where he joined the ...

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Japanese Aesthetics, Wabi-sabi

In the Western world, aesthetics is considered the branch of philosophy that is concerned with concepts of value and beauty as they relate to the arts. Philosophers from Plato until the present time have had rigid ideas about what artists should create and what people should like, but in today's ...

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Using The Student Study Sheets In The Classroom

The study sheets exploring political, religious, social, intellectual, and personal freedom can be printed out and distributed to students. (Study sheets are provided on PBS ONLINE courtesy of General Motors.) When using the study sheets in conjunction with the series Thomas Jefferson (PBS ...

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Advertisement Manipulation

Advertisements are located everywhere. No one can go anywhere without seeing at least one advertisement. These ads, as they are called, are an essential part of every type of media. They are placed in television, radio, magazines, and can even be seen on billboards by the roadside. ...

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Marx's Theory of Alienation

According to Marx, alienation is a systemic result of Capitalism. Marx's theory of alienation is founded upon his observation that, within the Capitalist Mode of Production, workers invariably lose determination of their lives and destinies by being deprived of the right to conceive of themselves ...

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Conflict In Organisations

"As new strategies are implemented in any organisation, tension and conflicts are likely to arise ... such conflicts must be confronted, no matter how uncomfortable it may feel to operate in such a situation. " Discuss in relation to LIS organisations and examine the management strategies which ...

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Importance of Mathematics

Course Project Submission: Revision 1 MATH IN CONSTRUCTION Where would we be without mathematics? Without mathematics, we would not have the Great Pyramids of Egypt, Panama Canal, or the Golden Gate Bridge. Every society throughout history has seemed to use mathematics in one form or ...

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Cornell's Hotel Management Program

What can a career in hotel management accomplish? It can cause a grandfather to tell his grandchildren about the wonderful trip he had with their grandmother when they met. It can allow newlyweds to experience the love of a lifetime in the sights and sounds of their honeymoon destination and it can ...

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Types of Research Used By Internet Researchers

The internet provides both opportunities and risks for social researchers. Research, in general, with all of its nuances has been forever altered by the technology of the internet. Research has been made possible in ways never before imagined. The amount of information available, the ease of ...

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Online Marketing: Sony, FedEx and UPS

1. Sony Electronics Company 2. Advertising The web site's non-personal communication with the consumer is through the online or Internet mode, using Internet communication and interaction to access, gain information, and 'physically' view Sony products. This ...

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Human Aggression

There are different reasons why a person may act aggressively towards other human beings. The person may act this way because of his culture or the way he was brought up in society. The person does not, however, act this way based on instinct alone. Aggression is a molded, learned behavior. A ...

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Internet Access: Flat Fee Vs. Pay-Per-Use

Most Internet users are either not charged to access information, or pay a low-cost flat fee. The Information SuperHighway, on the other hand, will likely be based upon a pay-per-use model. On a gross level, one might say that the payment model for the Internet is closer to that of broadcast (or ...

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The Essence Of Empowerment

Empowerment is certainly not a new idea within the business arena. In fact, its concept has been around since the 1960's when American car manufactures suddenly realized that they were losing their butts to the Japanese producers. An extensive and extremely well-funded investigation ...

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