First Concert Essays and Term Papers
A Perfect DayThe definition of a “perfect day” could vary greatly among many different kinds of people, so for my own personal definition of a perfect day, I could not begin to define it with just a few words. A single word such as “fun” or “exciting” simply could not come close to giving anyone a vision or ...
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Elvis PresleyElvis Aaron Presley was born into a poverty stricken family on January 8, 1935. He and his twin brother (Jessie Garon who died at birth) were the sons of Vernon and Gladys Love Smith Presley. Gladys Smith gave birth in two-room house built by her husband and her brother - in -law. His way of life ...
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Personal Writing: The Path To The Unknown"Anyone interested in performing in the District VIII Honors Jazz Band
this year?" asked Mr. Yeazell, my band director "Because I have all the
information needed to sign-up for auditions."
For some reason, deep down inside I did not feel I had a chance at
all of making the honors band, so I ...
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Kurt CobainThe life of a rock star starts out with just a few
lyrics scribbled on a piece of paper. With the added help of a
good voice, sound, hard work, and determination, someone can
become very successful in the competitive rock industry. Among
the successful, hardworking artists in this ...
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Metallica“If you came here to see spandex and big hair, this ain’t your band”, ’s “war cry” throughout the early eighties. While the rest of the hard rock bands wanted to get rich and a lot of women, , as in the words of former lead guitarist Dave Mustaine, “Our hole existence pretty much was guitar, ...
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The Misconception Of Classical Music“The term classical is confusing because it has so many different meanings. Many people take classical music to mean anything that is not rock, jazz, folk or popular music.” I used to have a firm belief in the previous statement. I used to believe that all Western Europe concert music not from ...
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A Brief History Of Ledd Zeppelin And Its Musical ImpactTell someone to name a band from the 1960s and '70s and you could
probably listen to a dozen answers before hearing the same one twice. The
overwhelming amount of talent squeezed into these two decades has produced some
of the most popular, most powerful, and in some cases, the most bizarre ...
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The Baroque EraSocial and Cultural Background
Baroque is a term borrowed from the visual arts and one that is used
in many different senses. applies to the years between
1600 and 1750. The most famous composers of this time were Bach, Handel,
Vivaldi and Teleman.
Politically it was an age of magnificent ...
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Duke Ellington 2One of Duke’s earliest compositions was the “Soda Fountain Rag”, which he played so many different ways, it was thought that it was several compositions (Gammond, 69).
In retrospect, Duke Ellington’s formal music career could be split up into three distinct,masterful ...
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Personal Writing: The GuitarA symbol that best represents myself is my guitar. I have always
wanted to play the guitar since I was thirteen. Ever since I saw the
Rolling Stones in concert. I took lessons the following year, and have
been playing ever since then. Other than the Rolling Stones, Eric Clapton
also has ...
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Classical GenresIt is not exactly what you would here on MTV, but classical music is the most popular music around the world and has inspired more musicians than any other type of music. Classical music consists of five different genres: the symphony, the string quartet, the sonata, the concerto, and the opera. ...
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The Hippie Nation and WoodstockIn the mid to late sixties, hippies and wannabe hippies were making their presence known throughout the country. Hippie communes began to pop up and their ideas were misunderstood by the common man. In 1969, the hippies and wannabes came together for Woodstock, a festival filled with problems, ...
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Stone Temple PilotsAlright, so here is what I know about STP. The are a
band that was formed in San Diego in 1988. Weiland hooked up with Robert Deleo
at a show in California and then picked up Eric Kretz. and then after finally
convincing Dean Deleo to come to California They were officially known as Mighty
Joe ...
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Hear No Evil: Music CensorshipThe debate over censorship in music has gone on for centuries. From the Catholic Church’s disapproval of Gaetano Donizetti’s 19th century opera (Oliver 40) to the refusal to show Elvis’s gyrating hips on television in the 1950’s (Nuzum 12), the problem has always loomed in the background of ...
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Harry Shippe TrumanWhen Harry Truman was about five years old, his family noticed he was
having eye troubles. With these eye problems, Harry wasn't able to see
stars or the falling dust from fireworks. Harry never noticed this. When
his mother got his first pair of glasses, they were thick glass in which
the ...
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Remembering The Music Of George GershwinWho was George Gershwin? Today, most people would answer that question by saying that he was the composer of the song that’s in the airline commercial. Although that is true, he was much more than that. Gershwin was the most celebrated and wealthiest American composer who expressed the ...
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Bob Marleywas a Jamaican singer, guitarist, and songwriter, and a pioneer of
Jamaican reggae music. He was considered one of the greatest artists of his time and was
the first Jamaican reggae performer to achieve significant international stardom. Marley’s
career stretched back over 20 years. During ...
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Rap MusicThe music rap only a decade and a haft old , finally notice by the
world in 1990 as real music had has its real downfall with violence and
corruption that surounds this new kind of music. Its gotten so bad 1/20
people that listen to rap has run into the law that been influence by
listening to ...
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IndigoAmber Hutchison Post Modern Fiction February 23, 2000 People are born with passion. The irony is that most people spend all their lives searching for that passion without looking inside that soul to the heart of the passion. The trick to discovering that passion is to find what makes us happy. ...
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Personal Writing: "Jen"For the past five years I have been going to concerts. Time and
time again I have seen my favorite band Less Than Jake. Four days after my
16 birthday, my view of them changed forever. That was the day I went from
fan to friend of today's most popular punk/ska band.
The day started normal, ...
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