First Day In Class Essays and Term Papers

Moral And Ethical Dilemmas

One of the most difficult trials I face in my life are ethical and moral dilemmas. They can be soul-wrenching and searching experiences that tax my character and cause me to really "put my money where my mouth is." Sometimes I'm quick to see ethical faults in others, but slow to see them in ...

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Affirmative Action

Papers are piling up on top of a desk. People are running around trying to meet their deadlines. Assignments are being pushed back to later dates. Phones are being answered, but put on hold for the next available representatives. The president of the firm puts out a notice of hire. The word is ...

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Hypocrites In Huckleberry Finn

In the novel The adventures of huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain uses his knowledge of the Mississippi River to write about the ways of life in the Southern Mississippi area before the civil war. In chapters 17-22 of the novel Mark Twain exposes the Hypocrisy of Southern society through false notions ...

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Black Boy: Richard's Hungers

Have you ever experienced real hunger? The kinds of hungers that Richard experiences in Black Boy are not evident in the society where you and I reside. The present middle class citizens cannot really relate to true physical hunger. Hunger for most of us is when there is nothing that we desire ...

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The Great Gatsby: The American Dream

The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, is about the pursuit of the American Dream. This dream is different for many people, but for Jay Gatsby, the dream is that one can acquire true happiness. In order to obtain this happiness, Jay must obtain the love of a girl, secure wealth and power, ...

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Creative Writing: The Case Of The Broken Hutch

I would like to write a story about a conflict I had with a past boss. It had to deal with the fact that he did not want to hear my side of the story, and listen totally to the customer. This has affected my life and the way I work with my co-workers to this present date. I work at a home ...

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Why People Dye Their Hair

Many people of different ages ask of teens the question, "Why do you dye your hair?" It's a valid question. It seems like the fad these days is to have a different color of hair every week. Red, purple, blue, green, orange, it doesn't matter, as long as it's new. The crazier the better, ...

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A Simple Proposal

Major League Baseball has probably some of the most exciting players in sports today. Players such as Ken Griffey Jr., Alex Rodriguez, Derek Jeter make watching baseball fun. But there are some people in Major League Baseball that I have forgotten who display probably more talent than those 3 ...

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Dorian Gray

“The content of the writing brings you directly into the author’s mind.” In the novel, , the author, Oscar Wilde, related the values during the 19th century through his characters. His personality and view of life is expressed through his novel-"Basil Hallward is what I think I ...

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The Merchant Of Venice: Summary

William Shakespeare was born in Stratford in April 23, 1564. He was baptized on April 26 in Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwichshire. William was the third of eight children. His father was John Shakespeare. He was a glove maker in the town of Stratford-upon-Avon. John was respected man in the ...

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Leonard Bernstein

was born in Lawrenceville, Massachusettes on August 25, 1918. He was the first born child of Samuel and Jennie Bernstein, who lived in Boston, but had gone to Lawrenceville to visit some relatives. Bernstein's parents had little knowledge of, or interest in classical music. The only records ...

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Creation, Evolution And Intervention: Which Theory Is Correct?

? For: Mrs. Talbot bb Class: Socioledgy88 For many years, it has been widely debated how modern man came about. In this essay, I will explain the ideas of the three main theories: Evolution, Creation, and Intervention. I will also discuss which theory I believe and why it is that I believe ...

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A Room Of One’s Own: Cranial Spelunking

Throughout time, philosophers and psychologists alike have aspired to map out and/or understand the workings of the human mind. Despite the many valid efforts, the collective body of information confuses more than it clarifies. In order to get a strait forward answer on the issue, one need only ...

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Civil War

The Civil War was an extremely difficult time for all Americans. Many people lost loved ones including sons, daughters, aunts, uncles, and cousins. However, the loss of losing a husband or wife is one that prevails over all others. A husband and wife have a bond that is stronger than any other ...

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The Martian Chronicles

Ray Bradbury is a twentieth century writer. Two themes, common times and the American spirit characterize Bradbury’s book. Bradbury contrasts these two themes and creates irony throughout the book. Bradbury uses most of the book to show the adaptation of Americans to the planet Mars, and how they ...

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FM Alexander's Directions

Allow the neck to be free in order for the head to go forward and up in order for the back to lengthen and widen in order for the knees to release forward and away in order for the elbows to release out and away. It’s not just a run on sentence; these are Alexander’s directions. It’s great to ...

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The Train Who Said Who

The house in which I lived before was near the railway station. Trains used to pass by at regular interval and I had become so familiar with their sound and sight that I took little interest in them. It never occurred to me that I might make a journey by train some day. However, when my father ...

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Biography of Sylvia Plath

The first time I came into contact with Sylvia Plath’s poem was in an English poetry class. I was deeply impressed by her poem, “Mirror” and I heard the instructor saying that Sylvia Plath ended her life by killing herself. This piece of news aroused my interest in Sylvia Plath ,and pushed me to ...

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Values vs. Civil Obedience: Thoreau’s Civil Disobedience

“Let every man make known what kind of government would command his respect, and that will be one step toward obtaining it.” (22). The Henry David Thoreau’s essay published in 1849, “Civil Disobedience” is a reflection of Thoreau’s deeply rooted personal values formed by the Bible and his ...

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People of the Civil War

Ulysses S. Grant Ulysses Simpson Grant served effectively with Zachary Taylor's army at Monterey during the Mexican war. Right when the war began Grant obtained a position on the staff of General George McClellan. During the war he showed courage in both physically and morally manners. ...

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