Global Challenges Essays and Term Papers
Labor Unions: Aging Dinosaur or Sleeping Giant?
The Labor Movement and Unionism Background and Brief History
Higher wages! Shorter workdays! Better working conditions! These famous words echoed throughout the United States beginning in “1790 with the skilled craftsmen” (Dessler, 1997, p. 544). For the ...
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Latin Drug TradeToo many nations have made the mistake of underestimating the nature of the threat posed by illegal drug cultivation, production, trafficking, and consumption. Governments that have tolerated the cultivation of coca or opium poppies have seen deforestation and distortion of the agricultural ...
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Endangered Species Of South America
Endangered species are plant and animal species that are in danger of extinction, the dying off of all individuals of a species. Over 19,000 plant species and 5000 animal species around the globe are classified as endangered, and many thousands more become extinct each year before ...
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Brazil 2On January 12, 1999, over a billion dollars fled Brazil. Three days later, the Central Bank attempted to bring about a limited devaluation of the Brazilian currency, the real, but it failed to prevent a free fall. Over the next two days, another $3 billion was pulled out, and by the end of the ...
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Favelas in BrazilASKING FOR CHANGE: Rio's Favela's Communities dealing with policies from 1900s to now
Nikola Kovac
Geo 3245
Professor: Wei Xu and T.A: Li, Yu
Due Date: Monday, December 10, 2012
Urbanization and Housing
Large city centres in developing countries are a phenomenon in ...
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HRM - Ever EvolovingThesis Statement: Advances in technology along with shifts in the nations’ social structure heavily impact the workplace environment, creating a need for new management models in Human Resources.
I. The Changing Workplace
A. An Historical Perspective of Jobs in America
B. Jobs in the 21st ...
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My Job At E-DakComing to E-Dak, for me, meant leaving a comfortable "big-six" accounting
position to work for a 30-person start-up. It was a tremendous gamble, but my
choice came down to whether I wanted to continue performing repetitive audits or
face new challenges at E-Dak Dynamics, and in the process help ...
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(Author's name)
(Institutional Affiliation)
Entrepreneurs are recognised by any economy in the world as the corner stone of innovation, flexibility, productivity and ...
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China: The World's Next Superpower?China: The World's Next Superpower?
Ancient China was a world leader in arts and sciences, but encountered civil unrest and military defeat, famine, and foreign occupation during the 19th and early 20th centuries. Originally ruled under the Qin or Ch'in Dynasty in 221 B.C., the Dynasty was ...
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The Internet Contributes To The Process Of GlobalizationThe Internet acts as a tool of communication, a disseminator of knowledge and a provider of services. It has proliferated almost every segment of society and is arguably the most powerful catalyst in the globalization process.
There is a growing concern that the Internet will bring about or ...
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Blind Idealism In Twain's "War Prayer" And Howell's "Editha"Mark Twain and William Dean Howells are friends and contemporary authors of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. In addition, the authors embrace the similar, yet unpopular, stance of opposing the idealistic philosophy, promoting imperialism, that is prevalent in American society ...
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A Financial Evaluation Of General Electric CorporationRunning Head: GENERAL ELECTRIC CORPORATION
General Electric Corporation (GE) from a financial analysis presents itself as a strong corporation. The historical data reviewed revealed that it has had a stable past, with strong earnings and growth that has been consistent and which the ...
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Looking Ahead: The Future Of Post Keynesian EconomicsIn my paper titled "What is Post Keynesian Economics" presented at the 4th International Post Keynesian Workshop at the University of Tennessee, I argued that Keynes's Treatise and the General Theory provided the groundwork for an intellectual revolution in economics. By questioning ...
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Corporate FinanceSince the 1980's, and even more now in the late nineties, it has become a growing trend for companies, both large and small, domestic and foreign, to form strategic alliances within their particular industries. There are many specific goals that companies may be looking to achieve by dong this, ...
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Diversity In Educational InstiDiversity, the new buzzword in the professional world and universities across the country is definitely going to be a major issue as we step into the millennium. Before we get any further, what exactly is diversity? Diversity is a term covering all significant differences between people- not just ...
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Macro Signals Declining EfficiIt may be useful to put the discussion of performance constraints of the Thai economy briefly in perspective. Over the past 2 decades, the Thai economy has been one of the best performing economies in the world, characterized by sustained high growth rates, averaging 10.3% 1985-90, and 8% in the ...
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Buying LocalAs the world continues to evolve, new obstacles are created, ones that society must work together to solve. The current environmental issues we are facing as a society have the potential to have major implications globally, nationally and also locally. Creating timely and efficient solutions to ...
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Digital CommunicationIntroduction
In nowadays, digital communication technology is spreading rapidly. We are now able to communicate with our friends face to face with using computer and mobile phone even if we are thousand miles away from each other. However in the other site of the world (poor countries), people ...
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