Kidney Cancer Essays and Term Papers

Chinese Medicine

Traditional medicine of China has a long historical and cultural background dating back about 2500 years. The ancient Chinese people were able to reach a level of social stability that included the ability to treat disease of emotional, physical, and spiritual origins. Although a belief in ...

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Animal Testing: Testing....1....2...3

It is a dark stormy night when suddenly the phone rings. I casually answer the telephone. It is my older sister informing me that our mother is in the hospital. She is going to need an emergency brain transplant. It takes me just a moment to drop everything I am doing and rush to the ...

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Cloning Should Be Permitted

E-mail: Cloning has been a very controversial topic since it affects moral values of human beings and other living things alike. In February 1997, scientists announced the birth of the first cloned sheep, and this predicted the future of cloning possibilities. The ...

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Animal Rights

Many humans use animals for testing each year. Animal testing is when the animals are put through something or injected to see how they react to what medical research they have been used for. There are three very important reasons why animals should not be used for testing harmful or dangerous ...

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Female Genital Mutilation

It is estimated that more than 130 million women, worldwide, have undergone some type of . Six thousand young girls go through this operation daily and an additional two million are at risk. , also know as, female circumsicion has become a major social and health problem for a number a women ...

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Hepatitis means inflammation of the liver, Someone with hepatitis may have one of several disorders, including viral or bacteria infection. Hepatitis is most commonly caused by one of three viruses, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C. In rare cases, the Epstein Barr Virus can also ...

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Registered Nurse as a Career

When we go to a doctor’s office, hospital or clinic the first person we see is a nurse. Nurses are a critical part of the healthcare industry. Being a nurse can be very challenging but also very rewarding. There are many reasons to consider becoming a professional Registered Nurse. The reason I ...

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