My City Essays and Term Papers
Analysis of Willa Cather's Paul’s Case: A Study In TemperamentWilla Cather - An author of the frontier with a disdain for the 'artistic temperament'
Willa Cather, as an author, might be assumed to show a great deal of compassion to a sensitive young adolescent who yearns for a better, more beautiful life of the arts rather than life hunched in an office ...
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Judy Chicago’s The Dinner PartyJudy Chicago's The Dinner Party
While it is expected that singers and actors will change their names, it is much less expected that visual artists will do so. In fact, Judy Chicago did begin her career in the usual way, with her family name. She changed it from Cohen to Gerowitz when she ...
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King Lear and Creon Are Tragic HeroesLear and Creon both fulfil the roles of the tragic hero in their plays. Discuss.
Essay exploring how effective King Lear and Creon are portrayed as tragic heroes.
In Aristotle's Poetics, - a collection of philosophical dissertations on literary and dramatic theory - Aristotle defines ...
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Example of a Socratic DialogueSocratic Dialogue: Take 1
Mayor Mitch Landrieu vs the statue of Robert E. Lee
(Conversation takes place in warehouse, location undisclosed)
Mayor Landrieu: Well Lee, I guess you're out.
Statue of Lee: Yes, I can tell. View in here is not nearly as good ...
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The Lenten Church History ProjectThe Lenten Church History Project
By: Bryan Daniel Medellin Jr.Art:
Saint George
by Gustave Moreau
This piece of art depicts The legend of Saint George and the Dragon. The legend is there was a dragon terrorizing a town and the people would give it two sheep a day to prevent it from ...
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Langston HughesNature and the Human Soul: The Shackles of Freedom and Kate Chopin use nature in several dimensions to demonstrate the powerful struggles and burdens of human life. Throughout Kate Chopin^s The Awakening and several of ^ poems, the sweeping imagery of the beauty and power of nature demonstrates ...
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Persuasive Essays Are Bad AssignmentsThere is no logical reason to write a persuasive essay for an
English class. Persuasive essays definitely do not need to be a
requirement for high school students.
The definition of “persuade” in Webster's New College Dictionary
is: To induce one to believe or do something; to argue ...
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Pornography: Sex Or Subordination??
In the late Seventies, America became shocked and outraged by the rape,
mutilation, and murder of over a dozen young, beautiful girls. The man who
committed these murders, Ted Bundy, was later apprehended and executed. During
his detention in various penitentiaries, he was mentally probed and ...
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Rocky MarcianoOn Sept. 1, 1923 Mr. and Mrs. Pierino Marchegiano of Brockton, MA became the proud parents of a lively twelve pound baby boy. The child was named Rocco Marchegiano, but the world would one day know him as the legendary boxer .
When "bambino Rocco" was 18 months of age, he contracted pneumonia. ...
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The Oresteiacontains a string of bloody acts, all resulting from one conflicted decision. Because of this decision, Iphigeneia dies, Agamemnon dies, and Clytaemestra dies. The bloodshed is tragic because the slaughtering is all within one family. The decision that provokes the other decisions is ...
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Prescribed BurningIt's a promising tool, this idea of to defuel forests and help restore ecosystem health. But it's risky business, too, and smoke clouds public acceptance.
Deep in Oregon's ...
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The Function Of Profanity In Modern EnglishTable Of Contents .
Chapter 1- Introduction and Clarification
Chapter 2- Everyday Usage of Profanity
Chapter 3- How Profanity Offends
Chapter 4- A Look at the Literal Meanings and Taboo
Chapter 5- Phatic and Emotive Language
Chapter 6- The Employment of ...
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An Analysis Of Eudora Welty’s “A Worn Path”Just recently I read something very special which I think a lot of people would also enjoy reading themselves. It is a short story by Eudora Welty entitled “ A Worn Path.” An intriguing black woman in her nineties by the name of Phoenix Jackson sets off on a journey of life. Living ten miles ...
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Great ExpectationsThere are many common, familiar clichés about illusion versus truth. "All that glitters is not gold" and "Things are seldom what they seem" are the most universal hackneyed phrases, but they do not cover entirely every aspect of appearance versus reality. In Charles Dickens' novel, , there ...
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The Odessey PaperIn the Odessey, Homer has focused on the masculine characters as the most prominent. This is to be expected when one looks at the time period in which he lived, but there are some notable exceptions of some outstanding female characters. This does not mean that women were the focus of the story, ...
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Odysseus: Metis Is His Most Important QualityOdysseus’ most important quality as an epic hero is his metis, a Greek word meaning artifice, stratagem, or plan. Homer even associates Odysseus as “polymetis,” or a man of “many turns.” Robert Fitzgerald, translator of the Odyssey in The Norton Anthology of World Masterpieces, interprets this ...
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BiasWhat does the word mean? is a mental predilection or
prejudice. The essay "The View from the Bottom Rail" by James West Davidson and
Mark Hamilton Lytle opened my eyes on how American history could be looked at as
one sided and even . Even today there is still in America. In ...
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RespectIn this paper I will argue that , when earned, is more stable, more specific, and allows for a better relationship then when is simply demanded. has been a major issue throughout time. Towns and countries alike were crushed simply for dising their invaders. Vlad Dracul, a Transylvanian ruler ...
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Beethoven“ the cast majority of people suffering is still one of the
fundamental characteristics of life, and it is their realization that an
experience of suffering, pure and profound, enters as an integral part into
’s greatest work, that helps to give that work its unique place in
the ...
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