Phony Essays and Term Papers

Scarlet Letter Essay

"To be fully human is to balance the heart, the mind, and the spirit.” One could suggest the novel The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne, that one should not violate the sanctity of the human heart. Hester was well ahead of her time, and believed that love was more important than ...

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Frank Sinatra

I have decided to do a report on Frank Sinatra. It has to do with how an artist or genre has affected rock and roll. If I don’t I don’t like them I have to state why and give facts to why I don’t, but I have to recognize them as in influence to rock and roll. I will do this in the pages ...

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The Great Gatsby: Eyes And Distorted Vision

The Great Gatsby Essay The Great Gatsby is a novel about a young man named Nick who encounters a wealthy man by the name of Gatsby and becomes involved in a world of corruption and blindness. Eyes and distorted vision are used to portray corruption of society through the eyes of T.J Eckleberg, ...

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Billy Wilder’s “Ace In The Hole”

Paying the Price of Gambling With Fate: Billy Wilder’s “Ace In The Hole” “I’m a pretty good liar, done a lot of lying in my time…” Charles Tate, Ace In The Hole. Seizing an opportunity for self advancement, regardless of the consequences or who may be harmed, is to set oneself on a path ...

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Analyzing The Joneses

The movie “The Joneses” is a movie about how people can be easily influenced and manipulated by the people around them. The way these characters interact with each other, how they view themselves, and knowingly influence other people makes this an interesting plot. This whole movie was ...

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The Hiding Place

The book the hiding place is about love forgiveness mostly but there is also hatred racism violence there is the hatred of the Jews and most people hated the Germans the racism was mainly to the Jews and they were not included in most thing such as a non-Jew may not go to a Jewish doctor or Jewish ...

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Arthur Miller Biography

Arthur Miller Biography Personal Background Arthur Miller was born in Harlem on October 17, 1915, the son of Polish immigrants, Isidore and Augusta Miller. Miller's father had established a successful clothing store upon coming to America, so the family enjoyed wealth; however, this ...

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The Necklace Analysis

The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant In the story The Necklace it involves a couple, the Loisels, from the 1880's. Maupassant portrays the flaw vanity, which many humans obtain. In more cases women are at fault. It is like they have to compete with one another and be above each other. The Loisels ...

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The Breakfast Club

Five teenagers who don't' know each other spend a Saturday in detention at the suburban school library. At first they squirm, fret and pick on each other. Then after sampling some marijuana, a real encounter session gets underway. The stresses and strains of adolescence have turned their inner ...

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Symbolism In Catcher In The Rye

Jordyn Vazquez Tower English 3 16 February 2012 Symbolism in The Catcher in the Rye Authors use symbolism in their books to explain to the reader what the character is learning or feeling. Throughout the novel, the reader is presented with many different symbols. These symbols are clearly ...

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Fake ID's

Fake ID Just like many college students, Dana and her friends decided to go to a bar one Saturday night. The problem: Not everyone in their group was old enough to enter. The solution: Use fake ID obtained through a friend. So Dana and her friends used fake IDs to enter the bar without a ...

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Huckleberry Finn: A Book of Lies

Stephanie Assimonye PIB English 2: Hour 5 Ms. Hutton 30 March 2012 A Book of Lies Thesis: Lies and deceit are prominent characteristics of many of the characters. * Throughout The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Tom Sawyer, Huck's best friend constantly lies childishly in order to ...

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Cheating In School

Chandler Nichol Mrs. Keltz English 111 19 Nov. 2013 Only Cheating Yourself Although, some feel that cheating in sports and academics can help in getting ahead and avoiding confrontation, it also leads to dishonor and hinders one from being truly successful. Cheating used to be considered ...

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The Diamond in the Rough

The Diamond in the Rough Our society revolves around how someone sees us as a person. We are constantly being judged on our appearance and what society calls beautiful. Beauty Standards is the phoniest part of our society. All around us are magazines full of models only featuring one size, a ...

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Response to Huffington Post Article “Half of Gun Owners Support an Assault Rifle Ban, So Why Are Politicians Still So Afraid of the NRA?” By Mike Weisser

Danielle Bunting October 1, 2017 JRN02205 - Journalism Principals and Practices Response to Huffington Post Article "Half of Gun Owners Support an Assault Rifle Ban, So Why Are Politicians Still So Afraid of the NRA?" By Mike Weisser The basic stance of the article addresses the ...

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