Physical Therapy Essays and Term Papers
Sports TherapyToday in sports athletes endure many mental and physical obstacles
from there competitive environment. Many of today's best athletes work
with sports psychologists to help them handle the pressures found in this
competitive atmosphere. One question that athletes ask is, why cant they
play in big ...
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Cystic FibrosisImagine having a child that had to have his chest "gently pounded" on everyday in order to survive. Imagine having to do this through the cries and pleads from your child "please mommy not today". Yes this may sound terrible and even painful, but it is required to keep the child alive. ...
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DyslexiaIn Latin, literally means, "distorted words." This describes the learning disability that will be discussed in the pages that follow. , however, is much more than just the distortion of words. It includes several ways in which an individual may be handicapped, from reversing letters, and not ...
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Cystic FibrosisI am the doctor for your hospital and have prepared the following paper for you to look at and possibly use. It includes information on what really is, what treatments there are, what you two can do for your child, and how it is inherited. I hope this document is useful to you in your incoming ...
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The value placed on the importance of winning in professional sports has hit an all-time high. The astronomical amount of money being spent in the entertainment field of athletics has dictated a win-at-all-costs mentality that has trickled all the way down ...
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The value placed on the importance of winning in professional sports has hit an all-time high. The astronomical amount of money being spent in the entertainment field of athletics has dictated a win-at-all-costs mentality that has trickled all the way down ...
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Poliomyelitis, infectious virus disease of the central nervous system, sometimes resulting in paralysis. The greatest incidence of the disease, also known as infantile paralysis, is in children between the ages of five and ten years. The disease was described in 1840 by the German orthopedist Jacob von ...
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Genetics And Evolution: Cystic Fibrosis And Down SyndromeCystic Fibrosis
Cystic Fibrosis is a disorder where the exocrine glands secrete abnormally thick mucus, leading to obstruction of the pancreas and chronic infections of the lungs, which usually cause death in childhood or early adulthood. Some mildly affected patients may survive longer. Doctors ...
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Down Syndromeis one of the most common birth defects. Usually, children born with the condition have some degree of mental retardation, as well as characteristic physical features. Many of these children also have other health problems. Each year in the United States, approximately one in every 800 to 1,000 ...
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Barefoot vs. Shod RunningBarefoot vs. Shod Running
By: Scott Schmitt
Table of Contents
I. Introduction.......................................... Page 1
II. Shod Running...........................................Page 2
III. Minimalist Running.....................................Page 5
IV. ...
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Knee SurgeryIt was my first practice for the 1994 wrestling season. Even after the long football schedule, I felt at home down in the wrestling room. The familiar scent of stale sweat filled my nostrils as I began to practice. I had been drilling for thirty minutes when "POP" my knee buckled; I dropped to ...
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Hemophilia 4Hemophilia is the best known of hemorrhagic disorders. When a person has hemophilia, the blood does not clot properly and bleeding persists. The people who have hemophilia are called hemophiliacs or bleeders. Bleeding disorders, such as hemophilia, result from a disruption of the body's ...
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Creative Writing: StanleyDamn it, was about all that Stanley could think. It was his first
day at work at Holiday Lanes Family Recreation Center, and he was so stoned
that he forgot to take his shower. He was running fifteen minutes late and
hell, nothing but red traffic lights. Stanley was wondering why in the
hell ...
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Mobility And Immobility And the Elder Patients NeedsMs. Cavallo, 97 years of age rehabilitation resident. On the basis of the data, develop a nursing diagnosis of Deficient knowledge (use of walker and effects of immobility) related to lack of recall.
� Ms. Cavallo will verbalize benefits of being mobile with the walker by the end of ...
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Women Sport Athlete InjuriesThe number of girls and women participating in all levels of sports has risen greatly in recent years, and the way they play has changed too. Women’s sports used to be played by a slow defensive style. Today, the sports are played with speed, precision, and power. With these changes have ...
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Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (Lou Gherig's Disease)Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (Lou Gherig's Disease)
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis is a deadly disease of the nervous system.
Also known as Lou Gehrig�s disease, ALS at this time affects 25,000 people in
the U.S. today. One in 50,000 people will be affected in any one year. The
average age for ...
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Clubfootis defined as a congenital foot deformity characterized by a kidney shaped foot that turns inward and points down. The forefoot is curved inward, the heel is bent inward, and the ankle is fixed in planter flexion with the toes pointing down. Shortened tendons on the inside of the lower leg, ...
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Jonas SalkFrom the beginning of mankind, man has looked for cures of illness. Jonas
Salk found a cure for one of the worst illnesses in the history of man, polio.
's polio vaccine was a great discovery of his time, and it is still
being used today to eradicate polio worldwide. Dr. Salk is also known for ...
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ScoliosisEveryone's spine has curves. These curves produce the normal rounding of
the shoulder and the sway of the lower back. A spine with has abnormal
curves with a rotational deformity. This means that the spine turns on its axis
like a corkscrew.
Scoliosis is a curvature of the spine which may have ...
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