Position Essays and Term Papers

Abortion: Points Of View

It is nearly impossible anymore to find someone who doesn't have an opinion about abortion, and probably a strong opinion at that. Yet the endless debates on the topic usually go nowhere, leaving the opponents even more committed to their positions and the open-minded observers confused. Both ...

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Altered States

Most americans are not alcoholics. Most of us do not smoke marijuana to get high. LSD trips went out of style along with the flower children of the sixties. Nevertheless, many Americans are walking and driving around with their minds slightly out of kilter. In its attempt to cope with the ...

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Mao Zedong

In the early 1900’s as China emerged from a half of a century of revolution and moved toward a place of economic development and social change, (Wade -- Giles: Mao Tse Tung) its principle revolutionary thinker and for many years its unchallenged leader, held a critical place in the History of the ...

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Heart Of Darkness 3

Conrad's novel, Heart of Darkness, relies on the historical period of imperialism in order to describe its protagonist, Charlie Marlow, and his struggle. Marlow's catharsis in the novel, as he goes to the Congo, rests on how he visualizes the effects of imperialism. This paper will analyze ...

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Anna Knight

lived a long and prosperous life. During her lifetime, she accomplished many things and did a lot of great things for the church and her community. She was born in 1874 in Mississippi, but her family was originally from Georgia where her mother was born a slave. The white man who bought the ...

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Carol Causs

Carl Gauss was a man who is known for making a great deal breakthroughs in the wide variety of his work in both mathematics and physics. He is responsible for immeasurable contributions to the fields of number theory, analysis, differential geometry, geodesy, magnetism, astronomy, and optics, as ...

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Essay On The Stranger

In ˇ°The Strangerˇ±, Albert Camus misleadingly portrays his existentialistic views of life, death, and the world. Camus portrays the world as ˇ°absurdˇ± or without purpose Meaursalt, who, as a reflection of Camus, is foreign and indifferent to his own life and death. Meaursalt eventually senses ...

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Andrew Jackson 2

Andrew Jackson was not plainly a common man or an aristocrat. He was in fact a combination of the two. Because he came into popularity on the frontier and was not of aristocratic decent he is often considered to be a common man. However, many facts about his life do not coincide with this ...

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The primary purpose of a valve is to direct the flow of fluids by starting, stopping, and throttling flow to make modern processing possible. are designed to withstand pressure temperature, and flow, and can be found in homes and industry across the world. The most common found in the ...

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King Lear: Consequences Of One Man's Decisions

Shakespeare's tragedy King Lear is a detailed description of the consequences of one man's decisions. This fictitious man is Lear, King of England, who's decisions greatly alter his life and the lives of those around him. As Lear bears the status of King he is, as one expects, a man of ...

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Bungee Jumping

is a sport that has dramatically evolved over the past couple decades. has evolved into a sport of art and thrill. As a tribal tradition, the ritual was soon incorporated with a bungee cord. spread rapidly throughout the world, ever- growing in popularity. Detailed designs and engineering ...

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An Adult Step-Child’s Understanding of Stepparenting I was a stepchild, I can tell you from first hand experience, that “step” relationships can be some of the most trying we face as social animals. Often times, children enter stepfamilies with a history of loss and change which ...

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A Mind To Murder

One of the basic assumptions underlying any detective novel is a sense of social order. The novelist assumes that the reader agrees that killing people is wrong; it does not matter if the victims are exemplary citizens or odious individuals, it is the mere act of snuffing out another’s life ...

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Global Warming

My position on is that despite the media's claim of a rising climate, in reality there is no cause for concern. Inane reports regarding are yuppie-tree-hugger propaganda. The information defending their case is misleading and inaccurate. The truth of the matter is that our impact on the ...

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The Street Of Crocodiles

The production of presented by Theatre de Complicite at the Queen’s Theatre in London exhibits evidence of a broad variety of theatrical styles. Adding to the complexity of the shows’ rich composition is the truth that it is a devised piece of theatrical work. The groups’ body of work has been ...

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Unless we accept the claim that Lenin's coup that gave birth to an entirely new state, and indeed to a new era in the history of mankind, we must recognize in today's Soviet Union the old empire of the Russians -- the only empire that survived into the mid 1980s (Luttwak, 1). In their Communist ...

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Occasionally, there comes a time in everyone's life when they ask themselves if they have a purpose. This question is not easy to answer, but can only be answered by the person themselves. I once asked myself this very question. My purpose in life is simply to live. My answer to this question may ...

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To Be Fake Or Not

How is ones behavior determined? Is it like an animals by genes or physical characteristics. A person's behavior is almost always determined by his/her surrounding environment. Physical characteristics and traits do not determine his/her behavior this is the definition of stereotyping not the root ...

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King Creon And King Oedipus

are both alike and different in nature. Both are supposedly naive people with simplistic ambitions. Each one, though seemingly different, comply with what human nature craves to have. Each one may do things differently but they do it with the same ambitions and motives. In the plays Sophocles ...

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King Lear

In the play , Shakespeare used the main characters to portray the main theme. The main theme in this play is blindness. , Gloucester and Albany are three examples Shakespeare used to incorporate this theme. Each of these characters were “blinded” in different ways because of the wrong decisions ...

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