Presidency Role Essays and Term Papers
Lies My Teacher Told Me - Book ReportJames Loewen wrote the book "Lies My Teacher Told ME" to help the students of the United States become aware of their true history. This book attempts to show how and why American history has been taught the way it has without regard for the truth. Mr. Loewen had compared twelve ...
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Clinton ImpeachmentInterview: Views on Clinton’s Impeachment
The impeachment of Bill Clinton is one of the “weirdest episodes” in our political history. He is the only elected President of the United States ever to be resulted in the passage of impeachment (Johnson was not elected, Nixon resigned ...
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U.S. Budget Deficit - Good Or Bad??
"Spending financed not by current tax receipts, but by
borrowing or drawing upon past tax reserves." , Is it a good idea?
Why does the U.S. run a deficit? Since 1980 the deficit has grown
enormously. Some say its a bad thing, and predict impending
doom, others say it is a safe ...
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Vietnam: The War We Should HavThe Vietnam War is one of the most disgraceful periods in American history. Not only did the greatest superpower in the world get bested by an almost third-world nation, but we lost badly. Perhaps this war could have been won, or even prevented in the first place. The United States could have and ...
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General William Tecumseh Sherman
General William T. Sherman, one of the greatest Civil War generals, proved to be an extremely significant factor for the Northern cause due to his mastery of military warfare and thus notable contribution to the South's defeat. Despite of the fact that early on his military career looked quite ...
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The American Association Of Retired Persons (AARP)The American Association of Retired Persons (AARP)
Founded in 1958 by Dr. Ethel Percy, the American Association of Retired
Persons (AARP) has been dedicated to addressing the needs and interests of older
Americans. Percy felt that older Americans could attain a sense of
satisfaction and ...
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Jesse Louis Jackson is one of America\'s foremost political figures. Over the past three decades he has played a major role in virtually every movement for empowerment, peace, civil rights, gender equality, and economic and social justice. Jackson has been called the \"conscience of the nation\" and \"the ...
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Whitewater Vs. Watergate.Both are political sandals that have rocked the nation. As Watergate unraveled, many of Nixon\'s dirty tactics were learned, including assorted lists of enemies (a number of which became targets of IRS tax audits), wiretapping, political sabotage, burglary, blackballing, and smear campaigns. ...
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The Life Of Ulysses S. GrantUlysses S. Grant was a heroic figure for many reasons. He was a
great leader of the Union forces during the Civil War. He won many battles
and held the Union together. His presidential years also had positive
outcomes of the future of the United States.
Grant's life was a long and interesting ...
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Using The Student Study Sheets In The ClassroomThe study sheets exploring political, religious, social, intellectual, and personal freedom can be printed out and distributed to students. (Study sheets are provided on PBS ONLINE courtesy of General Motors.)
When using the study sheets in conjunction with the series Thomas Jefferson (PBS ...
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News Of A KidnappingAlthough Colombia was not discussed in great detail in class this semester, it shares many of the themes and problems associated with Latin American third world countries. For the most part these themes stem from the same problem: the vast separation of wealth and power. Guerrilla movements, ...
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Deficit Spending“Spending financed not by current tax receipts, but by borrowing or
drawing upon past tax reserves.” , Is it a good idea? Why does the U.S. run a
deficit? Since 1980 the deficit has grown enormously. Some say its a bad thing,
and predict impending doom, others say it is a safe and stable necessity ...
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Richard Joseph Daley, the grandson of Irish immigrants, was born in the Bridgeport area of Chicago on May 15, 1902. He was graduated from De La Salle Institute in 1918 and worked in the stockyards for several years before studying law. While studying, he worked as a clerk in the Cook County Controller's office. In ...
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Dizzy GelespieThe people of today, raised by the sounds of The Beatles and Pearl Jam have forgotten all about the musicians that paved the way for these artists, and the musical styles that evolved into rock and roll, rhythm and blues and rap or hip hop. Unfortunately the music that once dominated the night ...
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Privacy For Public OfficialsPrivacy has become a rare commodity for public officials over the past half century. It has even gotten to the point that almost all of the information in newspapers, magazines, and television involve information about the private lives of public officials. There have been two main reasons for ...
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George WashingtonHe was born 1732 and he died in1799. seems today a figure
larger than life itself…..almost as he was when he was a familiar person in the
halls, homes, shops, and bars of 18th-century city Williamsburg. On Duke of
Gloucester Street, in the Raleigh Tavern's Apollo Room, or the Governor's ...
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Bill ClintonIn recent history, one would be hard pressed to find one politician surrounded in more controversy than . His scandals have included drugs, adultery, treason, and fraud. The latest opprobrium that has plagued his presidency resulted in him becoming only the second president in the history of the ...
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Group Polarization And CompetiOn Tuesday, November 14, 1995, in what has been perceived as the years biggest non-event, the federal government shut down all "non-essential" services due to what was, for all intents and purposes, a game of national "chicken" between the House Speaker and the President. And, at an estimated cost ...
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Bill ClintonIn recent history, one would be hard pressed to find one politician surrounded in more controversy than . His scandals have included drugs, adultery, treason, and fraud. The latest opprobrium that has plagued his presidency resulted in him becoming only the second president in the history of the ...
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Egyptian Politics: The Fiction Of A Multiparty SystemToday CHRLA issues a new report on the restrictions to multiparty democracy in Egypt
In November 1976 the Arab Republic of Egypt officially changed from a single-party to a multiparty system. Since this transition, Egypt has witnessed the formation of 14 new political parties. However, despite ...
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