Saving Money Essays and Term Papers

A New Technology

coming to automatic teller machines this summer could mean the end of those pesky personal identification numbers, or PINs. Instead of asking you for a PIN, the ATM will scan the iris of your eye (that’s the colored part) to identify you. It may sound like science fiction, but these ATMs are ...

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Home Computer Network

Have you ever needed to have more than one home computer for you and your family? Do you have two or more computers, but need to copy and/or share files and/or programs between them, but you don't know how? Do all of your computers need Internet access, but you don't want to have a phone line ...

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The only way to reduce the amount of traffic in cities today is by reducing the need for people to travel from home for work, education or shopping. To what extant do you agree or disagree. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant example from your own knowledge or ...

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Advertisements Are Too Misleading Nowadays. What Is Your View?

Advertisements Are Too Misleading Nowadays. What Is Your View? Advertisements can take different forms such as television, radio, display lights, newspapers, adverts or magazine adverts, leaflets, posters/billboards, sides of bags/vehicles, direct mail, internet and cinema. Advertising can ...

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How To Keep Your Car Running L

“ike NEW” · Automobiles are Americans 2nd biggest investment after real estate and how to keep your car running at top conditions becomes a very important knowledge everyone should know about. · The major components of a car consist of engine, transmission, brakes, suspension, and tires. · Today I ...

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Bioremediation Of Explosives In Contaminated Soil

TNT is not the kind of substance that most people think of composting, but it can be done! At several U.S. Army depots, the water used in processing explosives was disposed of through evaporation from unlined lagoons. This has resulted in sediments and soils that are contaminated with TNT (2,4,6- ...

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The Library Card

“,” by Richard Wright is a strong essay on how books can affect and influence readers. Richard Wright writes that his first experience of the real world is accomplished through novels. He read an article criticizing H.L. Mencken and it tempted him to read some of his books. The article labeled ...

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Snake By DH Lawrence

SNAKE David Herbert Richards Lawrence was born in Eastwood, Nottinghamshire, England on September 11, 1885. His poem Snake was written while he was living in Taormina, Sicily in 1920. The poem is actually derived from an experience there(Groliers). In all, Lawrence published 11 novels in his ...

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It was a warm September Thursday night in 1991. I was engaged in my favorite past time of "channel surfing" when a light appeared at the end of the tunnel. Displayed on my favorite, "20 inch friend", (also known as my usual Saturday night date), appeared a remarkable treasure. There before my eyes ...

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The Inter(esting)net

With only 1000 or so networks in the mid 1980's, the Internet has become tremendous technological change to society over the past few years. In 1994, more than twenty-five million people gained access to the Internet (Groiler..). The Internet users are mainly from the United States of America and ...

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The Killing Floor

Frank Custer leaves his young family in rural Mississippi in pursuit of industrial employment in the northern “Promised Land” of Chicago, Illinois. Little did he know about the true extent of the journey he was about to embark on. Initially a move to secure work and improve upon the conditions ...

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College Costs

Core Assessment Emily Smizaski Block 4 High school seniors are waging the yearly battle to gain entry to the college of their choice know all too well that the odds increasingly high against success. The universe of top choices is fixed, while the ranks of competitors seem to do nothing but ...

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Billions of animals are slaughtered every year for the sake of human consumption. Cows, chickens, and turkeys are just a few examples of these. I’ve seen the pictures, and let me be the one to tell you that they’re not exactly pretty. For this reason, I am a vegetarian. This has given me great ...

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Discuss Ways Organic Pollution Can Be Reduced

Discuss ways organic water pollution can be reduced. Organic pollution occurs when organic substances emit pollutants into the environment. These are then biodegraded by naturally occurring micro-organisms. Organic pollutants tend to harm the environment and pose health risks. Organic ...

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A Balanced Budget?

This year President Clinton will submit his proposed legislation for the Federal Budget to Congress. The fact that we have divided government (ex., Democratic President, Republican majority in Congress) means the majority of that legislation won't make it through the first ten minutes of a ...

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Is Expensive Clothes Worth It?

Hollister, Abercrombie and Fitch, American Eagle, Armani, Gucci, Prada, True Religion, and J. Crew are just some of the many worldwide expensive clothing brands. All of these are very high-end and expensive brands that everyone wants to look good. Seeing someone with a Prada bag or an ...

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Taxes And Its Objectives

The main objective of tax policy is to encourage permanent economic growth. Many countries suffer from a combination of budget deficit crisis and domestic financial instability. Fiscal policy plays a key role in reducing in the size of the budget deficit. However, the way the deficit is ...

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Fund Purchasing Using Statistics In the past few years many young people transiting into adulthood have found themselves victim to improper or no teachings on how to handle money, or how to build some kind of future funds. This trend has effected most young people. When talking about stocks and ...

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Social Security In The Future? Maybe Not

Social Security In the Future? Maybe Not It was early spring in the year 2048 and my bithday was coming up this August 26. I would be turning 70 years and retirring. I am not looking forward to it as much as I thought. My whole life I dreamed of moving to Florida and living on the beach when I ...

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Individual Retirement Accounts: Why Bother?

? English 121 Mr. Frost September 22, 1996 Outline Thesis: When planning for retirement, Individual Retirement Accounts offer several benefits; however, careful planning is essential to ensure that: upon retirement there is an adequate amount of money saved, that the heirs to the IRA are ...

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