Scientist Essays and Term Papers

The Arm Of The Starfish

The title of this book is . It was written by Madeleine L’Engle. She named it , because Dr. O’Keefe is studying starfish. Humans and Starfish are closely related and Dr. O’Keefe is seeing if because starfish can regrow limbs maybe humans can too. The setting of this story is in ...

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Imagination And How It Relates

Imagination is involved in everything. It is impossible for the human race to do anything without its imagination. It molds and shapes our society, our science and our art. It makes things we dream about into real things. Imagination pushes the human mind to create, to invent and to aspire ...

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Book Review On Tavriss The Mis

Carol Tavris’s The Mismeasure of Women offers the reader insight into the inequality and problems women face in society. I approached this book with the assumption that it would glorify women and belittle men. I figured that the author would blame all the problems women face on men. After ...

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People are, by nature, very gullible, nieve and border on ignorance. There are very few that strive for understanding. Most accept what is told them by friends, the media and the government without question. Take for, instance, the calorie. Millions of Americans read the labels of food ...

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Jonathan Swifts Gulliver's Travels

Gulliver in Houynhnmland One of the most interesting questions about Gullivers Travels is whether the Houyhnhnms represent an ideal of rationality or whether on the other hand they are the butt of Swift's satire. In other words, in Book IV, is Swift poking fun at the talking horses or does he ...

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Atomic Bomb 2

The Manhattan Project was and is still one of the most secretive projects ever created in United States history. The purpose of the Manhattan Project was simple: to build; test; and unleash its power if necessary. Robert Oppenheimer and General Leslie Groves were the two men put in charge of this ...

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Atomic Bomb

The Manhattan Project was and is still one of the most secretive projects ever created in United States history. The purpose of the Manhattan Project was simple: to build; test; and unleash its power if necessary. Robert Oppenheimer and General Leslie Groves were the two men put in charge of this ...

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Magnificent Minds Of The Renai

The high renaissance of the 1500's was a time of scientific, philosophic, and artistic awe and inspiration. Many new discoveries were being made in the field of science, and philosophers expressed their assumptions on the world and universe around them. In addition, many individuals were gifted ...

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parasites have been with us since the beginning of time, and fossils of mosquitoes up to thirty million years old show that ’s vector has existed for just as long. The parasites causing are highly specific, with man as the only host and mosquitoes as the only vector. Every year, 300,000,000 ...

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The Great Influenza

The Great Influenza is unforgettable; it has certainly opened my eyes to a specific time in not just US history but the world. This book was written in very well detailed form. It was very gruesome to read and yet educational. John Barry has written this book in great details that I felt as if I ...

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Alcoholism is perhaps the most common form of drug abuse in America today. In 1995, in the United States 67% of all the population over the age of 12 reported drinking alcohol with in the previous year. Even more astounding, is the fact that nearly 50% reported drinking some type of alcoholic ...

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Eugenics and the Nazis

Eugenics and the Nazis Nazi Germany and its predecessor was obsessed with the perfect race. The tall, blond hair, blue-eyed race or the Nordic race was dreamed to be the corner stone of the Reich. The Nazis firmly believe in eugenics to reach there goal of the pure Nordic race. Germans ...

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A Cure For The World

Heather Smith Ms. Ing English III Block D 10 May 2010 A Cure for the World Embryonic stem cells have the ability to change into every type of cell found in an adult human. In one study they were used to help paralyzed mice regain the ability to move. There is a list of diseases that ...

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Global Climate Change: Where’s the Evidence?

Global Climate Change: Where’s the Evidence? For years now climate scientists have urged people to change the way we leave our carbon footprint and help save the earth from extreme storms, unusual floods and droughts, intense heat waves, rising seas levels and many changes in biological ...

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The History of Batteries

The History of Batteries Around 1936, archaeologists uncovered in a village near Baghdad a set of terracotta jars which each contained a rolled-up sheet of copper which housed an iron rod. Some scientists speculate these to be ancient galvanic cells and dubbed them the "Baghdad Batteries". ...

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The Importance of Internet To Students


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Phobias and Addictions

Phobias and Addiction Rachael Thomas PSY/300 January 26, 2014 Professor Chung Phobias and Addiction Webster Dictionary defines phobia as "a persistent, irrational fear of a specific object, activity, or situation that leads to compelling desire to avoid it" ("PHOBIA," n.d) Whereas ...

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Analysis Of The School Of Athens and St. Peter's Cathedral

AN ANALYSIS OF "THE SCHOOL OF ATHENS" & ST. PETER'S CATHEDRAL The artist most typical of the High Renaissance period is undoubtedly Raphael Sanzio (1483-1520). Although he was strongly influenced by Leonardo DaVinci and Michelangelo Buonarroti, Raphael developed his own individual style which ...

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Legal Ownership Of One's Own Cells

Introduction The Immortal life of Henrietta Lacks raises many ethical debates and issues like, whether or not people should be given legal ownership of their own cells. HeLa cells have been the basis of many scientific finds. If Mrs. Lacks was given the right of her own cells scientist would not ...

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Roaring Twenties

THE Americans, in the years following the end of World War I found themselves in an era, where the people simply wished to detach themselves from the troubles of Europeans and the rest of the world. During the years of the Twenties, the economy was prosperous, there was widespread social reform, ...

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