Social Research Essays and Term Papers

J Alfred Prufrock

Love, Lust or Lackluster Lifestyle? “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” demonstrates the effects of social and economic pressure in the life of a Victorian man. T.S. Eliot shows us, in an ironic monologue, how the reality of age and social position paralyzes his character with fear. The poem ...

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Body Modifications

Ouch! Suzy made an appointment to have her naval pierced. She was so excited about this new piece of jewelry that she gave little thought to the pain she would endure. When she arrived for her appointment she experienced a feeling of excitement and nervousness all at once. She questioned ...

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The Roy Adaptation Model

Roy began work on her theory in the 1960s. She drew from existing work of a physiological psychologist, and behavioral, systems and role theorists. She was keenly interested in the psycho/social aspects of the person from the start and concentrated her education on this aspect of Person. Thus, ...

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Fair Labor Act Of 1938

Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938: Maximum Struggle for a Minimum Wage When he felt the time was ripe, Secretary of Labor Perkins, 'What happened to that nice unconstitutional bill you had tucked away?' On Saturday, June 25, 1938, to avoid pocket vetoes 9 days after Congress had adjourned, ...

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Consider this: Elizabeth Wurtzel has struggled with depression throughout her life. She has a history of suicide attempts, self-mutilations, and serious mood swings. She took numerous antidepressants and medications in an attempt to regulate her irregular behavior. She quit using the ...

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Personal Impacts Of Death

When a person is born, we rejoice, and when they're married, we jubilate, but when they die, we try to pretend that nothing happened. Odd as it sounds, there can be little question that some deaths are better than others. People cross-culturally have always made invidious distinctions between good ...

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Do Companies Have Business Con

Organizational or corporate social responsibility refers to the obligation of a business firm to seek actions that protect and improve the welfare of society along with its own interests. Corporate social responsibility often challenges businesses to be accountable for the consequences of their ...

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Violence In Sports

Sports violence can be defined as behavior which causes harm, occurs outside of the rules of the sport, and is unrelated to the competitive objectives of the sport (Terry and Jackson, p.2). Leonard (p. 165) identifies two forms of aggression in sports. Instrumental aggression is non-emotional and ...

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Book Review On Public Administ

H. George Frederickson’s “The Spirit of Public Administration” is an informative yet drab look at motivating public administrators. Frederickson discusses a wide variety of topics that would be useful to any public administrator, but the verbiage used is a bit difficult for an individual that ...

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Creative Writing: X-Men

When many people hear about the X-Men, they think of a silly kid's comic book, but that is not so. X-Men, actually most comic books in general, are a unique blend of two classic art forms; drawings, sometimes even paintings, and storytelling. A comic artist must be able to convey the right mood ...

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Looking Ahead: The Future Of Post Keynesian Economics

In my paper titled "What is Post Keynesian Economics" presented at the 4th International Post Keynesian Workshop at the University of Tennessee, I argued that Keynes's Treatise and the General Theory provided the groundwork for an intellectual revolution in economics. By questioning ...

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The End Of Affluence

As the first European settlers arrived in America, ideas of wealth and prosperity were fully implanted in their minds. These ideas soon turned into reality, and the United States dominated the global economy up until the post World War II years. In this paper, from the Book by Jeffery Madrick, ...

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Importance Of Being Earnest

Theatre Studies: Cat One Draft The is set in late Victorian England, a time of social reform. Society was rediscovering art in its many forms yet as a consequence, The Upper class continued their program of suppressed inferiority. The lower classes were treated with disdain and disgust and the ...

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The Four Political Parties Of Canada

In a country as vast and as culturally diverse as Canada, many different political opinions can be found stretched across the country. From the affluent neighbourhoods of West Vancouver to the small fishing towns located on the east coast of Newfoundland, political opinions and affiliations ...

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Sex In Advertising

There is no dispute over the power of advertising to inform consumers of the various available products, and in today's economy, effective advertising is essential to a company's survival. The purpose of advertising is to convince people that a particular company's product is better than their ...

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Cyberspace And The American Dream: A Magna Carta For The Knowledge Age

This statement represents the cumulative wisdom and innovation of many dozens of people. It is based primarily on the thoughts of four "co-authors": Ms. Esther Dyson; Mr. George Gilder; Dr. George Keyworth; and Dr. Alvin Toffler. This release 1.2 has the final "imprimatur" of no one. In the ...

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Do Companies Have Business Con

Organizational or corporate social responsibility refers to the obligation of a business firm to seek actions that protect and improve the welfare of society along with its own interests. Corporate social responsibility often challenges businesses to be accountable for the consequences of their ...

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Homosexual Marriage

Over time, marriage has been the solid base for procreation and child rearing, which is the foundation of family and social life. There is recognition that allowing polygamous or closely related couples into our marriage system would be dysfunctional in our society. Does this not apply to same-sex ...

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Consider this: Elizabeth Wurtzel has struggled with depression throughout her life. She has a history of suicide attempts, self-mutilations, and serious mood swings. She took numerous antidepressants and medications in an attempt to regulate her irregular behavior. She quit using the ...

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McDonald’s Americanizing Europe

At one of several concerts in Europe by the American rock sensation Bruce Springsteen, 30,000 enraptured youths wear jeans and T-shirts bearing the names of American universities, states, and products. At their feet are thousands of empty Coca-Cola bottles. Springsteen addresses the crowd in ...

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