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Winston Churchill

: Britain’s Man of the Century   Never give in–never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the ...

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Juvenile Crime And Prevention

A traditional role of state government has been to ensure statewide standardization of juvenile crime prevention programming so that those at one end of the State can find the same services to meet needs as those at the other end. Even those who are frustrated by the uneven nature of community ...

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I Was With ______ When ......

Chapter I I was with george in a small town that afternoon. We were playing horseshoes and we were betting on them horseshoes. As George leaned over the bench shot a glanceat me and said "Watch 'ya plannin' on doin' afterwards..." i told him i was going to hike over to the bunk house and have a ...

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Francesco Petrarch

, was a man held in high regards of his peers. The life in which Petrarch lived, was certainly not one of which many people could have had dealt with. A life of solitude, misplaced love and, family misfortune that was endured. But, through hard workand perseverance, loyalty to the ...

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Time To Change

The earth and many of its contents, thanks in large part to humans, is deteriorating and it has been for quite a time now. It is overwhelmingly populated with both ignorant and lazy people. In effect, not much is being done to prevent this deterioration. For instance, we are killing off vital ...

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The Communication Challenge

Everybody talks about communication and its importance. From leaders such as Jack Welch of GE (in "Control Your Own Destiney): "Real communication takes countless hours of eyeball to eyeball, back and forth. It means listening more than talking .... It is human beings coming to see and accept ...

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The Ethics Of Abortion

Abortion is a very controversial subject that has been continually argued over for the past few years and probably many years to come. The main controversy is should abortion be legalized? First before we get into the many sides of abortion we must first define abortion. Abortion is the ...

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Native Son: Bigger

Who can forget the fires blazing over local buildings during the Los Angeles Riots? Unfortunately the whole event does not seem as if it was too far off in the past. Although today we live in a nation, which has abolished slavery, the gap between the whites and the blacks during the early stages ...

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"Woe Be To Thee, O Constantinople, Seated On Seven Hills, Thou Shall Not Continue A Thousand Years"

"Woe be to thee, O Constantinople, seated on seven hills, thou shall not What made the majority of people in Constantinople believe in prophecies saying that the city would not last forever and that they are doomed? In the years before the Turkish conquest it was known that the reign of ...

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Review Of Ernest Hemingway And Writings

Ernest Miller Hemingway was an American novelest and short-story writer whose writings and personal life exerted a profound influence on American writers of his time and thereafter. Many of his works are regarded as American classics, and some have subsequently been made into motion pictures. A ...

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Teenage Parenthood

Marijuana (also spelled marihuana) is a psychoactive drug made from the dried leaves and flowering parts of the hemp plant. It is one of the most strictly classified illegal drugs in the United States. Under the 1970 Controlled Substances Act, marijuana is listed as a Schedule I substance, which ...

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NAFTA: Canada's & Mexico's Viewpoints

When the Canada/U.S. free trade agreement came into effect, the Mexican's were very impressed by the provision and opportunities that opened for both sides. Mexico then approached the U.S., seeking to form a similar agreement with them. This brought forth a new issue in Canada, should they ...

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Sexual Abstinence

Today's world is full of worries and problems which did not affect teens a generation ago. New problems keep appearing in today's world, such as STDs, increased pregnancy rates, and other factors facing teens who choose to have sex. Emotionally and physically teens and getting less developed ...

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College Costs

Introduction It's no secret that financing a college education is getting tougher. have skyrocketed over the past decade or so, and there's no relief in sight. Average tuition at four-year colleges will increase 7 percent this school year, double the rate of inflation. Student aid is ...

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Canada's Geopolitical Role In The Future

Canada is currently sitting in an economic catastrophe, our unemployment is high, production low, and our deficit is increasing at a rapid pace. We are one of the few first world countries, and we need to strengthen our economy. Once we fortify our economy, our geopolitical role will increase. ...

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Review Of Ernest Hemingway And Writings

Ernest Miller Hemingway was an American novelest and short-story writer whose writings and personal life exerted a profound influence on American writers of his time and thereafter. Many of his works are regarded as American classics, and some have subsequently been made into motion pictures. A ...

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Personal Writing: My Holiday

It was a gloomy day and there was nothing much I could do aside from cleaning my room. I chose to do that because my mother had been nagging me about the state of my room for the past week or so. I started off by clearing up the mess from my study table. First, I threw away all the unwanted papers ...

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During the past quarter century, has joined race and war as one of the most debatable subject of controversy in the United States. It discusses human interaction where ethics, emotions and law come together. poses a moral, social and medical dilemma that faces many individuals to create ...

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Vegetarian Diet

"You are what you eat", goes a famous saying. And if that is truly the case, then a lot of Americans would appear to be unhealthy, chemically treated, commercially raised slabs of animal flesh. And while that is not a particularly pleasant thought, it is nonetheless an description of the typical ...

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McDonaldization Of Society

If you have ever had a meal in a restaurant (fast-food/formal dining), used an ATM in a bank, spent your vacation at an amusement park or simply browsed through a mall, you have been exposed to McDonaldization. McDonaldization is “the process by which the principles of the fast food restaurant ...

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