Switzerland Essays and Term Papers

The War In Vietnam

The Vietnam War, the nation's longest, cost fifty-eight thousand American lives. Only the Civil War and the two world wars were deadlier for Americans. During the decade of direct U.S. military participation in Vietnam beginning in 1964, the U.S Treasury spent over $140 billion on the war, enough ...

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Frankenstein: Technology

In Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus, written in the late nineteenth century by Mary Shelley, Shelley proposes that knowledge and its effects can be dangerous to individuals and all of humanity. Frankenstein was one of our first and still is one of our best cautionary tales about ...

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Philosophy - Davide Hume

David Hume was the son of a minor Scottish landowner. His family wanted him to become a lawyer, but he felt an "insurmountable resistance to everything but philosophy and learning". Mr. Hume attended Edinburgh University, and in 1734 he moved to a French town called La Fleche to pursue philosophy. ...

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John Stubbs' "Love And Role Playing In A Farewell To Arms"

John Stubbs' essay is an examination of the defense which he believes Henry and Catherine use to protect themselves from the discovery of their insignificance and "powerlessness...in a world indifferent to their well being..." He asserts that "role-playing" by the two main characters, and several ...

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Duino Elegies- Life Or Death

If someone could point out a specific meaning in Duino Elegies what would it tell us? If someone say without a doubt what Duino Elegies is about, what would they say? They might say life, they might say death, or they might say neither. In either case they would probably be right, for Duino ...

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Lsd 2

The use of drugs among Americans is rapidly rising. They can be bought and sold almost anywhere, from the streets to hallways of schools. A drug on the rapid rise from the 70's is LSD. Some people attribute this to the fact it is extremely inexpensive, $2-4 a hit, the wrong belief by users that ...

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Princess Diana

was born The Honorable Diana Frances Spencer on July 1, 1961. She was the third female child to Viscount and Viscountess Althorp. Diana had two older sisters, Sarah and Jane and one younger brother, Charles. Her family was well off and Diana had a privileged childhood. The Spencer’s made their ...

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Iomega Corporation Data Storag

IOMEGA CORPORATION: DATA STORAGE FOR THE NEW MILLENIUM The purpose of this report is to examine the Iomega Corporation, based in Roy, Utah, for the BA 201 – Survey of Business course at Birmingham-Southern College. The company manufactures computer storage devices: the ZipTM and JazTM ...

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Alber Einstein

Albert Einstein Albert Einstein was a famous scientist, writer and professor. He was born in Ulm, Germany, on March 24,1879. As a child, Einstein wasn't like the other boys: he hated school but loved math. He was shy, and talked very slowly. He didn't participate in sports but instead played with ...

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may be created by substituting some or all of the hydrogen of a phosphoric acid by metals. Depending on the number of hydrogen atoms that are replaced, the resulting compound is described as a primary, secondary or tertiary phosphate. Primary and secondary contain hydrogen and are acid salts. ...

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A Farewell To Arms

The overall tone of the book is much different than that of The Sun Also Rises. The characters in the book are propelled by outside forces, in this case WWI, where the characters in SAR seemed to have no direction. Frederick's actions are determined by his position until he deserts the ...

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Cable Vs. V.90 Modems

Cable modems emerged in consumer markets as an alternative to ISDN and regular modems only a couple of years ago. Promises like speed up 30 Mbps to connect to the internet sounds very attractive given that the service charge is only $35-$55 a month. But the whole thing has been overhyped in my ...

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Aristotle On Virtue

Ing. Ivan Kopriva, Managing Director of the SESAM Formula Table of Contents Introduction. p. 3 The Czech economy p. 3 Euronova p. 4 Brief profile of Euronova¡¦s retail store chains p. 5 The Marketing Concept p. 6 Conclusion p. 8 Appendix I: Division of FDI in the Czech Republic p. 10 ...

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Children, TV, And Violence

America has the largest crime rate in the world. Along with that crime rate is also the substantially high violence rate. Why? Why is violence becoming and everyday common happening in our society? When you flip on the "tele" and tune into the news, the highlight of every show is somehow ...

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Charles Dickens

Charles John Huffam Dickens was born February 7, 1812, in Ports Mouth, Hampshire. In his infancy his family moved to Chatham, where he spent his happiest years and often refers to this time in his novels (1817-1822). From 1822 to 1860 he lived in London, after which he permanently moved to a quiet ...

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Super conductivity is a natural phenomenon in which certain materials such as metals, alloys, and ceramics, can conduct electricity without resistance. These materials are what we call . In a superconductor, once the flow of electrons begins, it essentially goes on forever, making it an important ...

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Napoleon And Unrest In Europe

Napoleon defeat brought about much unrest in Europe. The years that followed were littered with revolts, both successful as well as futile. Governments scrambled for a foothold as they tried to turn back the clock to their comfortable pre-Napoleon habitat. Liberals and Nationalists alike were ...

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An Autobiographical Portrayal

Dreaming The Impossible Dream: of F. Scott Fitzgerald as Jay Gatsby, in The Frances Scott Key Fitzgerald, born September 24, 1896 in St. Paul, Minnesota, is seen today as one of the true great American novelists. Although he lived a life filled with alcoholism, despair, and lost-love, he ...

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Jean Sartre

Jean-Paul Sartre is a French philosopher, novelist, play-write, and journalist. He is mostly recognized for his leadership in French Existentialism. After questioning his own ideas he gave up his own ideas, and started to support Marxism. Existentialism was the ideology that he is mostly known and ...

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International Business Ventures

Measuring a potential business venture has many aspects which the international manager must be aware of in order to convey the correct information back to the decision makers. Being ignorant to any of the aspects can lead to a false representation of the project, and hence an uninformed ...

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