Switzerland Essays and Term Papers

Daisy Miller

by Henry James Brief Biography of Henry James Henry James was born in New York in 1843. His parents were Henry James Sr. and Mary James. Henry James had three brothers and one sister. Henry James’ ancestor, William James, was an 18 year old Irishman who arrived in America in 1789. According to ...

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The Hutu Tribe

The culture of the Hutu and Tutsi tribes of Rwanda, Africa interests me for many reasons. One reason is that they are so diverse from our American way of life. Another reason is that I have heard a little bit about them in the news and by talking to people. This sparked my interest and made me ...

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Loosing Through Surviving

George Gordon, also known as Lord Byron, was born on January 22nd, in London. Lord Byron was born witht the physical deformaty known as a "clubfoot" or lame foot. As a chail, Byron lived with his mother, Catherine Byron, in Scotland, they were fairly poor. He stayed with his mother in Scotland ...

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Road Trips Revisited - A Route 66

Prior to moving to Arizona from Switzerland two years ago, I have spent almost all of my vacation time from 1987-1992 (thanks to 6 weeks vacation time per year and airline benefits) visiting the U.S.A. and taking extensive road trips across the country. I followed the same pattern each time, ...

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Written by: The Prophet Edited by: The Metallian , a nation that once proudly called itself the Switzerland of the Middle East, is today a country in name only. Its government controls little more than half of the nation's capital, Beirut. Its once-vibrant economy is a shambles. And its ...

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Communism: Overview

Communism is the belief that everyone in a society should be equal and share their wealth. It is an outgrowth of socialism and Anabaptism (Laski 45). It became a firmly rooted term after the Russian Revolution of 1917. According to the words of Karl Marx, "From each according to his ability, to ...

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Brave New World

The Loss of Individuality The peak of a writer’s career should exhibit their most profound works of literature. In the case of Aldous Huxley, is by far his most renowned novel. Aldous Huxley is a European-born writer who, in the midst of his career, moved to the United States and settled in ...

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Phosphates In Water Pollution

Phosphates may be created by substituting some or all of the hydrogen of a phosphoric acid by metals. Depending on the number of hydrogen atoms that are replaced, the resulting compound is described as a primary, secondary or tertiary phosphate. Primary and secondary phosphates contain hydrogen ...

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Carl Gustav Jung

Primer of Jungian Psychology ============================ (1875-1961) was a son of a minister in Switzerland. He was born on July 26, in the small village of Kesswil on Lake Constance. He was named after his grandfather, a professor of medicine at the University of Basel. He was the oldest ...

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James Baldwin

, one of America’s most renowned and appreciated authors, broke through the barriers of early 20th century Semitism with grace and ease that will always be recognized. Although Baldwin faced opposition and hard times because of his risqué lifestyle, he triumphed and became one of the best ...

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Rainer Maria Rilke

"Rose, o pure contradiction, desire to be no one’s sleep beneath so many lids." This was ’s self-composed epitaph, written before leukemia took his life on December 29, 1926. The rose was a symbol of love, beauty, and devotion in many of Rilke’s writings.With quotes such as this ...

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A Farewell To Arms 4

The overall tone of the book is much different than that of The Sun Also Rises. The characters in the book are propelled by outside forces, in this case WWI, where the characters in SAR seemed to have no direction. Frederick's actions are determined by his position until he deserts the ...

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Female Genital Mutilation

It is estimated that more than 130 million women, worldwide, have undergone some type of . Six thousand young girls go through this operation daily and an additional two million are at risk. , also know as, female circumsicion has become a major social and health problem for a number a women ...

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A Farewell To Arms 2

A Farewell to Arms [If The Sun Also Rises was one of the best books I have ever read, then A Farewell to Arms is Truth. I simply cannot believe that these books existed so long without my knowledge of how grand they are. I consider myself to read constantly, more than almost anyone I know, ...

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Jean Sartre

Jean-Paul Sartre is a French philosopher, novelist, play-write, and journalist. He is mostly recognized for his leadership in French Existentialism. After questioning his own ideas he gave up his own ideas, and started to support Marxism. Existentialism was the ideology that he is mostly known ...

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Ralph Lauren

is American\'s leading designer in the classic tradition, who has stayed true to his own point of view, despite the seasonal vagaries of fashion. Mr. Lauren has always believed that fashion is function of lifestyle. He believes that clothed should be natural, comfortable and elegant, for the way ...

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Machiavelli was born in Florence, Italy, the third son of attorney Bernardo di Niccolò Machiavelli, and his wife, Bartolomea di Stefano Nelli. The Machiavelli family are believed to be descended from the old marquesses of Tuscany, and to have produced thirteen Florentine Gonfalonieres of ...

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Euthanasia: Ending Life with Dignity

A Doctor is someone that gives debilitated people medical treatment in order to make them feel better. He is also the person who helps people have a better quality of life; however, not all diseases are curable. Some treatments may help for a while but as time passes it is inevitable that the ...

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Benito Mussolini

Benito Mussolini was the founder of Italian Fascism and premier of Italy ruling as a dictator from about 1925 until his dismissal in 1943. Mussolini was born to a socialist blacksmith. As a child he was unruly and undisciplined. He shared his father’s views picking up other ideas from authors of ...

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All Quiet on the Western Front - Horrors of War

Published in 1929, All Quiet on the Western Front masterfully depicts the horrors of war. Erich Maria Remarque based the book on his own experience as a young infantryman in the German army during World War I. Remarque was partially influenced by Henri Barbusse’s war novel Le Feu Journal d’une ...

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