The Word Shut Up Essays and Term Papers
Cat in the Rain: The Cat's Symbolism and IdentityIn "Cat in the Rain," by Ernest Hemingway, the cat itself is so essential to the story that Hemingway used the word in the title. This cat, which is trapped under a table during a rainstorm, represents a parallel existence to the main character's (an American wife) life, is symbolic of the ...
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Grapes Of Wrath 3Grapes of Wraith by John Steinbeck portrayed the awakening of a man's conscience dealing with his troubling trials throughout the novel. The character that goes through this monumental change is Tom Joad, son of two tenant farmers from Oklahoma. Tom's conscience was changed from a loner who cared ...
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Arthur Miller BiographyArthur Miller Biography
Personal Background
Arthur Miller was born in Harlem on October 17, 1915, the son of Polish immigrants, Isidore and Augusta Miller. Miller's father had established a successful clothing store upon coming to America, so the family enjoyed wealth; however, this ...
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David Williamson's "The Club" And "The Removalists"Part A
In his play The Club, David Williamson presents numerous Australian
attitudes of the 1970s. However, many of these attitudes are still relevant and
fairly accurate representations of Australian attitudes in the 1990s, although
some of course have changed somewhat over the time since the ...
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Lord Of The FliesSymbols Imagine a bunch of young children's lives changed by being trapped on a island with no civilization around. William Golding shows how terrifying it can be in , the novel that brings symbolism above all to the emotions of all that read it. The symbols that bring out the meaning the best are ...
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American Criticism In Short StNineteen-Fifty-Five by Alice Walker and On the Road by Langston Hughes both use a wide variety of implicit and explicit criticisms of American society within their short stories. Both essays focus on White culture vs. Black individuality. This focus opens the door to implicit criticisms such as ...
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Themes in To Kill A MockingbirdThemes in To Kill A Mockingbird
“‘Courage is not a man with a gun in his hand, it’s when you know you’re licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through till the end’” (Lee 149). This quote alone can explain how during the whole novel there is a constant battle ...
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A Street Car Named DesireBlanche, Stellas sister, seems rude and obnoxious when she first came to New Orleans to Stellas house. One of the quotes that I chose was something that Blanche had said that kind of represents herself when she first came to Stellas house. You havent said a word about my appearance. ...
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The Deplorable Life Of Willy LomanFor those of you that don' t know what deplorable means then you
need to check out the tragic play "Death of a Salesman", by the American
writer, Arthur Miller. The main character of this story is Willy Loman,
who is almost the walking definition of this word. The life of Willy Loman
is ...
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Stephen CraneToday in modern America, it has become almost impossible to avoid the tales of horror that surround us almost anywhere we go. Scandals, murders, theft, corruption, extortion, abuse, prostitution, all common occurrences in this day in age. A hundred years ago however, people did not see the world ...
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FrankensteinThe novel , by Mary Shelley is an excellent example of the Romantic Movement. The movement took place in the period from the late 1700s to the mid-1800; it emphasized passion rather than reason and imagination and intuition rather than logic. One of the key concepts most Romantic writers used ...
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Demystifying The A-Team Formula"In 1972, a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they
didn't commit. These men promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Los
Angeles underground. Today, still wanted by the government, they survive as soldiers
of fortune. If you have a problem, ...
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The Role Of Women In Sir GaiwaIn the Fourteenth Century, Feudalism and its offspring, chivalry, were in decline due to drastic social and economic changes. In this light, _Sir Gawain and the Green Knight_ presents both a nostalgic support of the feudal hierarchies and an implicit criticism of changes, which, if left unchecked ...
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Catcher In The Rye: Alcohol, Sex, And ViolenceThe Catcher in the Rye, by J.D Salinger, tells how a lonely teenager, Holden Caulfield, deals with alcohol, sex, and violence. Teenagers must also deal with these problems daily.
Alcohol is very predominate throughout the novel The Catcher in the Rye. Alcholic beverages are a readily available, ...
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Lord Of The Flies - A Symbolic InterpretationLord of the Flies is a complex book. When first reading this book one might assume that it is just a book about a group of boys stranded on an island. When looking deeper into the novel you might find that it is actually a commentary on how the author, William Golding, views human nature. From ...
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The Motif Of War In A SeparateWorld War II started in 1939 and did not end until 1945. It was the result of one person's need for power and control over the rest of the world. We saw this power as a threat, which exploded into an outbreak more devastating than anything else we humans had ever seen. War is defined as an ...
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The Catcher In The Rye: Holden Deals With Alcohol, Sex, And ViolenceThe Catcher in the Rye, by J.D Salinger, tells how a lonely teenager, Holden Caulfield, deals with alcohol, sex, and violence. Teenagers must also deal with these problems daily.
Alcohol is very predominate throughout the novel The Catcher in the Rye. Alcholic beverages are a readily available, ...
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Catcher In The Rye: How Holden Deals With Alcohol, Sex, And ViolenceThe Catcher in the Rye, by J.D Salinger, depicts how a lonely teenager,
Holden Caulfield, deals with alcohol, sex, and violence. Teenagers must also
deal with these problems daily.
Alcohol is very predominate throughout the novel The Catcher in the Rye.
Alcoholic beverages are a readily ...
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Invisible ManAccording to Goethe, "We do not have to visit a madhouse to find disordered minds; our planet is the mental institution of the universe." Despite the hyperbolic nature of Goethes statement, it holds some truth. Because of this element of truth, society looks to psychoanalysis as an important tool ...
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