Science & Nature Essays and Term Papers

The History Of Carbon

I. Introduction A. II. Occurrences in Nature A. Diamond B. Graphite C. Coal and Charcoal D. Amorphous Carbon III. Carbon Compounds A. Inorganic B. Organic IV. The Carbon Cycle IV. Conclusion Carbon, an element discovered before history itself, is one of the most abundant ...

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You might remember the heroic role that newly-invented radar played in the Second World War. People hailed it then as "Our Miracle Ally". But even in its earliest years, as it was helping win the war, radar proved to be more than an expert enemy locator. Radar technicians, doodling away in ...

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Effects Of Murcury On The Enviroment

LA Gear and other shoe companies have been using mercury to make the switch active in their shoe that light up when a person walks. The shoes should return to the company after the user is done with the to be recycled. Since LA never advertises this, people just thrown them away like any other ...

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Aerosol Spray Cans

Spray cans produce an aerosol, the technical term for a very fine spray. They do this by means of a pressurized propellant, which is a liquid that boils at everyday temperatures. Inside the can, a layer of gaseous pressure increased, and eventually it becomes so high that boiling stops. when the ...

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Black Holes 3

The theory that black holes have existed is not new at all. The thought of them first started in 1783 when Rev. John Michell applied Newton’s theory of gravity to predict the possibility of so-called “dark stars.” Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity predicted in 1915 “Schwartzschild ...

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Roswell Incident

Almost fifty years ago, an incident occurred in the southwestern desert of the United States that could have significant implications for all mankind. The incident was announced by the U.S. military, and denied by the U.S. military, and has remained covered-up in the government for the past fifty ...

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Internet Firewalls

The Internet is a complex web of interconnected servers and workstations that span the globe, linking millions of people and companies. But there is a dark side: The convenient availability of valuable and sensitive electronic information invites severe misuse in the form of stolen, corrupted, or ...

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The Physics Of Scuba Diving: Swimming With The Fish

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to swim with the fish and explore the underwater jungle that covers two-thirds of the earth's surface? I have always been interested in water activities; swimming, diving and skiing, and I felt that scuba was for me. My first dive took place while on ...

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Acid Rain

is a destructive force as a result of nature and man colliding. It is formed by industrial emissions combining with contents of the earth's atmosphere. This prompted governments throughout North America to take action. Many laws and regulations have been implemented, yet the question still ...

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Global Warming Extended Definition Essay

The importance of the stratospheric ozone layer, which filters out most of the sun's harmful ultraviolet radiation, in protecting the Earth's surface from the harmful effects of solar ultraviolet radiation has been recognized for many decades. It was not until the early 1970s, however, that ...

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Chemistry Hits The Beach

In our society it's a given that suntans look attractive, and it's also understoud that they can be harmful, and downright unhealthy. So what does this mean? This means that there is a multi-million dollar a year industry that researches and manufactures UV absorbing and blocking lotions that are ...

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The Peregrine Falcon

belongs to a group of birds called the Falconiformes. This group includes vultures, kites, hawks, eagles, and falcons. Other than vultures, all of these birds hunt and kill other animals for food. Falconiformes are equipped with hooked beaks and strong talons, making them excellent predators. ...

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Bengal Tigers

Number of young:1 to 5 Home: India and Southeast Asia The Bengal tiger lives in Southern Asia. It was hunted, captured,and poisoned to such an extent that is practically disappeared, except in natural preserves and national parks. It is now strictly protected. Some males occupy a territory of 200 ...

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Botany And Botanists

Botany is the study of plants and their surrounding environment. There are different types of botany, however, all of them studying different areas in which those plants live. While many people still believe that plants are anything from bacteria to large living things - such as the giant ...

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are responsible for energy production. They are also the responsible location for which respiration takes place. contain enzymes that help convert food material into adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which can be used directly by the cell as an energy source. tend to be concentrated near cellular ...

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El Nino

Typically, the level of ocean water around the world is higher in the western Pacific and lower in the eastern, near the Western coast of South and North America. This is due primarily to the presence of easterly winds in the Pacific, which drag the surface water westward and raise the ...

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History Of The F-16

The first F-16 was developed in 1974. They wanted a lightweight fighter that wouldn’t cost as much as the fighters they had at the time. They also needed a way to have a bomber without going out and building another bomber which would cost millions more. So they decided to turn the F-16 ...

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Alternative Energy Sources

In the not-too-distant future -- with regard to history's timeline -- there will come a point when fossil fuels will have been depleted and humans will be forced to find alternative sources with which to power automobiles, household heating units and myriad other machinery that utilizes fuel. ...

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Clean Coal Technologies

Coal is the most abundant fossil fuel and also regarded, as the dirtiest not only is coal inherently impure by composition by the fact that it contains ash and sulfur; coal is also difficult to burn completely. Many techniques to combust coal have been developed since the late 1800's. "The first ...

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Global Warming--is It Getting Warmer

By definition, the greenhouse effect is a term for the role the atmosphere plays in insulating and warming the earth's surface. In modern society, this is the term for something better known as global warming. The earth’s climate is predicted to change drastically in the next century due to ...

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Alzheimer’s Disease

is a slowly progressive, degenerative disorder of the brain that eventually results in abnormal brain function and death. The disease was first described in 1907 by a German physician, Dr. Alois Alzheimer(1864-1915). In the neurological autopsy on the brain of a 56-year-old woman Auguste D., of ...

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Lasers 3

The idea for the laser started as long ago as 1905 when Albert Einstein suggested the simulated emission of light. Light sources ie. candles, florescent substances, torches, and light bulbs give of packets of energy, called photons, when their atoms are excited by energy. Einstein suggested that ...

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Bioethics, which is the study of value judgments pertaining to human conduct in the area of biology and includes those related to the practice of medicine, has been an important aspect of all areas in the scientific field (Bernstein, Maurice, M.D.). It is one of the factors that says whether or ...

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A Study Of B.F. Skinner And Behaviorism

B.F. Skinner has been one of the most notable psychologists in the 20th century to talk about behaviorism and the effects of rewards and punishments in a controlled environment. His studies include operant behavior and developmental psychology, as well as, his study of observable behavior ...

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Carbon Dioxide

is an unreactive, colourless, odourless gas that occurs in small quantities in the earth's atmosphere naturally. The earth's ocean, soil, plants and animals release CO2. The formula of is CO2. The CO2 molecule contains 2 oxygen atoms that each share 2 electrons with a carbon atom to form 2 ...

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