A Cold Essays and Term Papers
InternistAn internist is a Doctor of Internal Medicine. General internists diagnose and provide non-surgical treatment for diseases and injuries of internal organ systems. They provide care mainly for adults who have a wide range of problems associated with the internal organs, such as the stomach, ...
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Why I Miss The 80'sYou know, the eighties are more popular now than they were in the eighties. How the hell did that happen?
Here's a newsflash for you kids; they weren't all that great. I know because I was there. But there were a few high points mixed in amongst all the lows.
First the lows:
Let's start ...
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Lord of the FliesLord of the Flies is a story about a group of young British boys that must survive on a deserted island after crash landing into it during the thick of the Cold War. William Golding does a great job of taking us deep into the heart of man where reason and instinct battle against each other as we ...
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Life's Little MiraclesLIFE’S LITTLE MIRACLES!
"It's easier for me to kill you than to wave good-bye." Is this the logic and reasoning behind women who have abortions? Abortions have always been a VERY controversial topic that has been the subject of debate many times by the pro-life and pro-choice groups. The ...
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CompostThe Analysis of Composts
The term compost has been defined by Zucconi and Bertoldi (1987) as ‘the
stabilized and sanitized product of composting which is beneficial to plant
growth. It has undergone an initial, rapid stage of decomposition and is in
the process of humification.’ The initial ...
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The JungleAmanda Allen
Mr. Matt
History 106
February 22, 2011
Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle was written in 1906, the turn of the early twentieth century and was mainly in the stockyards of Chicago. When writing this book, Sinclair’s goals were to show the world how the labor was for low income families ...
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A Perfect DayThe definition of a “perfect day” could vary greatly among many different kinds of people, so for my own personal definition of a perfect day, I could not begin to define it with just a few words. A single word such as “fun” or “exciting” simply could not come close to giving anyone a vision or ...
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My Room, My DomainMy Room, My Domain by D. Hayes
Everyone seems to have their one secret place to get away or go and hide from the problems of the world. A place that is just your own, where imagination is limitless and dreams can entertain all possibilities ever imaginable. For some it’s a home away from ...
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Paper On Stereotyping & RacismWhen Mrs. Gernenz told us to write a paper on racism or stereotyping I really didn’t want to write this paper or honestly how to write it because the subject can be very sensitive to people and then after you have been in the situation of racism or stereotyping sometimes we tend to bury those ...
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Libya GenocideTitle: Nearly 150,000 flee Libya; UN reports crisis along borders.
Author: Ivan Watson and Moni Basu
Source: Cnn.com
Date: 3-1-11
Pages: 2
After the recent events that have occurred in Libya, many foreigners have fled into Tunisia seeking refuge. Many of those fleeing were ...
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AsthmaFor all persons with asthma, communication with and regular visits to their physicians are essential components of treatment. Without periodic checkups, the physician cannot monitor progress or potential worsening of symptoms. So, the most important aspect of prevention and treatment for asthma ...
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Jonathan Swift: A Modest ProposalIn his lengthy literary career, Jonathan Swift wrote many stories that used a broad range of voices that were used to make some compelling personal statements. For example, Swifts, A Modest Proposal, is often heralded as his best use of both sarcasm and irony. Yet taking into account the persona of ...
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The Romantic EminemEnglish II E
27 May 2010
The Romantic Eminem
“Will the Real Slim Shady Please Stand up…” the line which made him famous. Marshall Bruce Mathers III better know as Eminem, or Slim Shady, is the white, modern day rapper that made it big from never giving up and rapping about the controversy in ...
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Skin RashesCommon Skin Problems:
There are more than a thousand conditions that may affect the skin but most skin diseases can be categorized according to nine common types.
• Rashes.
A rash is an area of red, inflamed skin or a group a individual spots. These can be caused by irritation, allergy, ...
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Macbeth - A Human to A KillerMacbeth: Macbeth - A Human to A Killer
In Shakespeare's play Macbeth the character Macbeth proves to be somewhat dynamic in his human representation. He starts off as being very human; he is actually a war-hero. However the seed of change is planted right away when he meets the witches ...
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ArmadillosOf the 20 varieties of armadillo, all but one live in Latin America. The familiar nine-banded armadillo is the only species that includes the United States in its range.
Armadillo is a Spanish word meaning “little armored one” and refers to the bony plates that cover the back, head, legs, and ...
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What is Transcendentalism?What is Transcendentalism?
Readers have asked this question often. Here's my answer:
When I first learned about Transcendentalism, Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau in high school English class, I admit: I couldn't figure out what the term "Transcendentalism" meant. I couldn't ...
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Sexual Violence Against Native AmericansEuropean colonization in the Americas is what started the centuries of conflict between the immigrating Europeans and the indigenous Native Americans. Diseases were brought from overseas settlers, some possibly intentionally, which wiped out Native American villages. The Natives were murdered, ...
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Observation EssayGrandparent's Place
I know to take one last breath of fresh, clean air before I open the front screen door and then the faded, chipped white wood door. I walk in, and the blend of the aroma of apples and old people suffocates me. As I walk in, the same two-year old cat food is right where it ...
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Tips For Entering The Job Market After CollegeThis article touches on the subject of college students entering the job market after graduation and some things that can help them succeed in their quest. The author suggests things like appropriate dress, resume presentation, compiling a list of resources, cold calling, and building experience. ...
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