Helium Essays and Term Papers
The Prospect Of Cold FusionIn March of 1989, Drs. Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons first announced that they had discovered a way of producing heat from metals supersaturated with heavy water. Thus at the University of Utah, cold fusion was discovered. In the weeks following this announcement many other scientists tried ...
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Neptuneis the outermost planet of the gas giants. It has an equatorial
diameter of 49,500 kilometers (30,760 miles) and is the eighth planet from the
sun. If were hollow, it could contain nearly 60 Earth's.
orbits the Sun every 165 years. It has eight moons, six of which were found by
Voyager 2. ...
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LasersThe laser is a device that a beam of light that is both scientifically
and practically of great use because it is coherent light. The beam is produced
by a process known as stimulated emission, and the word "laser" is an acronym
for the phrase "light amplification by stimulated emission of ...
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Fusion EnergyA fusion reaction is one in which two atomic nuclei merge to form a
heavier nucleus. this is the process that happens in in the stars. In
average stars, like the sun, the process of fusion is converting hydrogen
nuclei (or protons) into helium nuclei. There is an enormous amount of
kinetic ...
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Our Solar System At A GlanceINTRODUCTION
From our small world we have gazed upon the cosmic ocean for untold
thousands of years. Ancient astronomers observed points of light that
appeared to move among the stars. They called these objects planets,
meaning wanderers, and named them after Roman deities -- Jupiter, king of
the ...
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The History Of The AirshipAirships. In the early years of War, these beasts were known for their majestic
presence in the sky and were icons of a country's power and prestige. They
reigned mostly as reconnaissance and transport utility aircraft but there was
something about this "lighter-than-air" ship that made it far ...
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The Comparative Abundance Of The Elements- There are 92 naturally occurring elements, only 17 of them make up 99.5% of
the earth's crust (including oceans and atmosphere). - In living things (plants,
animals, people) the six most abundant elements are carbon, hydrogen, oxygen,
nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur. - The universe is ...
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Biography Of Ernest RutherfordErnest Rutherford was born at Bridgewater, close to Nelson, New Zealand. His parents had emigrated to New Zealand from Britain approximately 30 years earlier.
Rutherford was a successful all-round student at school, though did not show any real interest in science. He entered Canterbury College ...
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SupernovasA very large star explodes, somewhere in the unfathomable space of our galaxy. The star's core collapses. The monstrous pressure crushes its atoms and smashes their electrons into the nuclei. There, the negatively charged protons change to neutrons and neutrinos. Billions of neutrinos ...
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Lasers 4The laser is a device that a beam of light that is both scientifically and practically of great use because it is coherent light. The beam is produced by a process known as stimulated emission, and the word "laser" is an acronym for the phrase "light amplification by stimulated emission of ...
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Solar SystemThe solar system consists of the Sun; the nine planets, 67 satellites of the planets and a large number of small bodies (comets and asteroids).
The inner solar system contains the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars:
The planets of the outer solar system are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune ...
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Beauty and Eating DisordersAlexandra Chorun
Hon. English
Expository essay
A teenage girl walks through the halls of her high school passing skinny girl after skinny girl, she passes girls putting on tons of makeup, girls fixing their hair, girls gossiping and complaining to each other. The girl makes it ...
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Fusion 2Fusion reactions are inhibited by the electrical repulsive force that acts between two positively charged nuclei. For fusion to occur, the two nuclei must approach each other at high speed to overcome the electrical repulsion and attain a sufficiently small separation (less than one-trillionth of ...
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We've all heard about . But, do we all know what it is?
How it works and what are its uses? To start talking about , we
must try to understand the how "normal" conductivity works. This will make it
much easier to understand how the "super" part functions. In the following
paragraphs, ...
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SupernovaA is a STAR that explodes. It suddenly increases in
brightness by a factor of many billions, and within a few weeks it slowly
fades. In terms of the human lifespan, such explosions are rare occurrences.
In our Milky Way galaxy, for example, a may be observed every few
hundred years. Three such ...
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The LaserBefore we can learn about we need to know a little bit about
light (since that is what a laser is made of). Light from our sun, or from an
electric bulb, is called white light. It is really a mixture of all the
different colours of light. The colours range from violet, indigo, and blue, to
green, ...
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Mercuryis the closest planet to the sun. It’s average distance from
the sun is approximately fifty-eight million km and it’s diameter is 4875 km,
making it the second smallest planet in our solar system. It’s volume and mass
are about 1/18 that of the earth and it’s average density is approximately ...
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Lasers And Their ApplicationsLaser is an acronym for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. In the last century many types of lasers have been used for many different applications from welding to surgery to military and even many uses in every day life by harnessing the principles of light and stimulated ...
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Fission Or FusionI think that right now, fission is the only way that we can get more
energy out of a nuclear reaction than we put in. First, the energy per fission
is very large. In practical units, the fission of 1 kg (2.2 lb) of uranium-235
releases 18.7 million kilowatt-hours as heat. Second, the fission ...
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Description For The Existanceof God
The existence of God is a subject that has occupied schools of philosophy and theology for thousands of years. Most of the time, these debates have revolved around all kinds of assumptions and definitions. Philosophers will spend a lifetime arguing about the meaning of a word and never ...
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