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Advances In AI

With advances in technology many researchers have become captivated with the pursuit of Artificial Intelligence. Numerous fields of study have tried to contribute their knowledge in order to create intelligence. However, years of research have thus far been unable to create human intelligence. The ...

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Importance Of Diversity Traini

Diversity training has become a necessity in businesses today. Diversity training is necessary because of people’s differences in our work force. Some of these differences are race, gender, culture, age, and disabilities. Because our organization is so diverse, this program will help ...

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The Downy Woodpecker

Habitat Downies take home in the United States and southern Canada. They have been recorded at elevations of up to 9,000 feet. The downies are not deep-forested birds, preferring deciduous trees. Open woodlands, river groves, orchards, swamps, farmland, and suburban backyards are all favorite ...

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Manuel Noriega

, the former dictator of the Central American country of Panama, rose to power through the art of destruction deception and detail. was able to profit and flourish as Panama’s new leader because of the Cold War environment. Due to the Cold War, its geographical positioning, and financial ...

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A World Without Freedom

As I envision , I gaze into a lifeless jail cell and my heart is broken at the sight I am forced to witness. I can feel the sorrow and grief penetrate the cold prison bars and with a quick glance a blurred image flashes before my eyes. I see myself with my hands and legs clasped in chains and ...

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Death Of A Salesman

By Arthur Miller We can't all become what we want to be and further more, others can't become what we want them to be. In the play by Arthur Miller, Willy wants to become a very successful, big, respected salesman. But as he could not reach his longed for dream and as his reality starts to sink, ...

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Conjure Woman

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep Philip K. Dick, the author of Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, was born in 1928 in Chicago, but he lived most of his life in California. During 1952-1982, Philip wrote 36 novels and 5 short story collections. ...

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Comparing Employees In America And Their Kenyan Counterparts

My working experiences in Kenya and the U.S.A taught me how the different working conditions in these countries exposed employees to certain advantages and disadvantages. I completed my high school studies in October 1998, and almost immediately joined my father as an apprentice in our family ...

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Growing Up GAY

“The unprecedented growth of the gay community in recent history has transformed our culture and consciousness, creating radically new possibilities for people to ‘come out’ and live more openly as homosexuals”(Herdt 2). Before the 1969’s Stonewall riot in New York, homosexuality was a taboo ...

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Shel Silverstein

Few writers of the twentieth century have made nearly the same impact on the literary society than Sheldon Allan Silverstein. His writing encompasses a broad range of styles, from adult to children’s, comical to unusual. One of his most common styles was that of fantasy: actions and events ...

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Gifted People

Started in the 1970's, America's Gifted & Talented programs are used to enhance the curriculum of students included in either category in order to challenge and strengthen their unique abilities. These students are usually provided a separate class with specialized lessons in all areas and a ...

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Bartleby: "I Prefer Not To,"

"I prefer not to," also tells the reader about Bartleby isolating himself. The phrase shows his lack of involvement, another form of isolation. The narrator tells the reader exactly what he did to Bartleby, very vividly, as shown below. In the novella, the author tells the reader, down to ...

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Early Marriages Are Usually Unhappy Marriages

People who marry at an early age usually have unhappy marriages. The truth can be said for the above statement. The results are sometimes disastrous and painful for some; others seem to never heal emotionally from their experiences. In the community about fifty years ago arranged marriages were ...

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To Be, Or Not To Be

According to Merrion-Webster Inc. Dictionary, a doppelgänger is a double, an often ghostly or evil counterpart to a character. It comes from the German language, doppel- double + -gänger goer. It might be asked, “What does a doppelgänger have to do with a paper on Joseph Conrad?” ...

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To Work Or Not To Work?

An argument based on personal experience that I have come to be familiar with is that of working while in school. In my experience working while in school can have its advantages as well as disadvantages. I have come to realize that work is an important part of life and it aids in creating good ...

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Albert Einstien

Men and Women of Science Albert Einstein Early Life Einstein was born in Ulm, Germany on Mar. 14, 1879. Einstein's parents, who were non observant Jews, moved from Ulm to Munich, Germany when Einstein was an infant. The family business was the manufacture of electrical parts. When the business ...

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Shelley's "Ode To The West Wind": Analysis

In "Ode to the West Wind," Percy Bysshe Shelley tries to gain transcendence, for he shows that his thoughts, like the "winged seeds" (7) are trapped. The West Wind acts as a driving force for change and rejuvenation in the human and natural world. Shelley views winter not just as last phase ...

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Days Of Othello

We start out episode one on the streets of Venice, during the dark of night. A distraught Roderigo has just learned that his ladylove, the fair Desdemona, has run off and eloped with Othello, one of Venice’s most brave soldiers. Roderigo is extremely upset with Iago also, since he has been ...

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Affirmative Action Is Wrong

America was known as the Land of Opportunity. Then it became evident that "opportunity" was only available to white men. Later, laws were passed to ensure equal opportunity regardless of race, sex, or religion. These Affirmative Action laws were set in place by our government with the intent of ...

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Abilities Of People With Disabilities

Assumption: A person with mental retardation cannot be trained to perform a job as well as an employee without a disability. Fact: Over two thirds of Pizza Hut employees have mental retardation. The average turnover rate (the rate at which workers quit) of these employees is a modest twenty ...

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