Jerusalem Essays and Term Papers
The Roots Of Judaism And Christianity(i) Judaism:
The Jews are a people who trace their descent from the biblical Israelites
and who are united by the religion called Judaism. They are not a race; Jewish
identity is a mixture of ethnic, national, and religious elements. An individual
may become part of the Jewish people by ...
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Israel And The PalestiniansIsrael is situated at the connection of Africa and Asia. It is 20,000 square kilometres and unlike its neighbour Arab states it lacks natural resources. Lebanon and Syria border it in the north, Jordan in the east and Egypt to the south. Israel has also been holding Golan Heights, the Gaza ...
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The First CrusadeAs the year 1000A.D. was approaching the strength of Christianity in
Western Europe was growing along with its population. The newly reformed and
organized Church began to gain great power. A new Europe was being born with
the Catholic Church as a force in every area of life.
In Christian ...
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The Need For Peace In The Middle East The quest for peace in the Middle East has been going on for decades. It all started in 1948 when Israel declared its independence and fought Arab nations to secure it. However, the Arabs were left unsatisfied while the Israelis wanted more control over land. In 1967, the ‘six-day war’ ...
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Jesus-Son Of Man-A Christological Title1. General Observation:
1.1. ‘Son of Man’ in the Hellenistic and Old Testament traditions:
The ‘Son of Man’ title that derived from a Hebrew and Aramaic ?????? ?????? kebar ?enaš, reflects a Semitic idiom, which designates a collective (humanity) or an individual within the collective. ...
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PalestineSince the United Nations partition of in 1947 and the establishment of the modern state of ISRAEL in 1948, there have been four major Arab-Israeli wars (1947-49, 1956, 1967, and 1973) and numerous intermittent battles. Although Egypt and Israel signed a peace treaty in 1979, hostility between ...
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ARAB-ISRAELI WARSSince the United Nations partition of PALESTINE in 1947 and the
establishment of the modern state of ISRAEL in 1948, there have been four
major (1947-49, 1956, 1967, and 1973) and numerous
intermittent battles. Although Egypt and Israel signed a peace treaty in
1979, hostility between Israel and ...
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Arab-Israeli ConflictsSince the United Nations partition of PALESTINE in 1947 and the
establishment of the modern state of ISRAEL in 1948, there have
been four major Arab-Israeli wars (1947-49, 1956, 1967, and
1973) and numerous intermittent battles. Although Egypt and
Israel signed a peace treaty in 1979, hostility ...
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Arab-Israeli WarsSince the United Nations partition of PALESTINE in 1947 and the establishment of the modern state of ISRAEL in 1948, there have been four major (1947-49, 1956, 1967, and 1973) and numerous intermittent battles. Although Egypt and Israel signed a peace treaty in 1979, hostility between Israel and ...
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Arab-Israeli WarsSince the United Nations partition of PALESTINE in 1947 and the
establishment of the modern state of ISRAEL in 1948, there have been four
major (1947-49, 1956, 1967, and 1973) and numerous
intermittent battles. Although Egypt and Israel signed a peace treaty in
1979, hostility between Israel and ...
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Names of GodIntroduction
Why should we study the names and titles of God?
To undertake a serious study of the names and titles of God is so that we may come to know God better. To know him more fully is the journey of a lifetime.
Our prayer life is enriched by having meditated on God's names, titles, ...
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Israeli Palestinian ConflictThe Israeli-Palestinian Conflict is a dangerous and volatile situation
that has attracted American attention for some decades. The conflict is a
sensitive subject that produce strong emotions in people. This conflict deals
with Jewish nationalism, distribution of resources, and politics.
About ...
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David And SolomonKing David proved to be a wise and effective leader for Israel. However, it can be said that his son, Solomon, made several mistakes during his reign. Many of his problems originated from his Temple, a stucture that was conceptualized by his father to be a deterrent against the paganism, which ...
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Yom Kippuris the most important holidays for the Jewish. It is a time
for people to seek forgiveness from others. is important because it
comes just before the Jewish new year so that people can have a fresh start for
the new year. also gives people a chance to look back on the past
year and plan for ...
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The Gospel Of LukeLuke, Gentile Physician and companion of Paul wrote this Gospel in the mid 60's A.D. Luke wrote both and Acts making him the largest contributor to the New Testament. These writings both begin with dedications to Theophilus, perhaps a potential or recent convert or patron who sponsored the ...
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Daniel 2The book of Daniel has always been a kind of guide and an example for me to use throughout my whole life. I learned about the Bible stories in Daniel when I was very little and I always loved them. They taught me what faith is and how it comes to us in an understandable way. Stories like, ...
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Israel 2“Israel is a country in southwestern Asia. It lies at the eastern edge of the Mediterranean Sea. Egypt borders it on the southwest, Jordan in the east, Syria on the north. The total area of Israel is about 20,700 square kilometers (about 8,000 square miles). Israel stretches north to south to a ...
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On The Jews And Their LiesPart 1
Translated by Martin H. Bertram
I had made up my mind to write no more either about the Jews or
against them. But since I learned that those miserable and accursed people
do not cease to lure to themselves even us, that is, the Christians, I have
published this little book, so that ...
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The Roots Of ChristianityReligion is an impulse to explain. A natural impulse that everyone
has and everyone one grapples with. It's an impulse that, sadly and
ironically, has been exploited to convince people to take actions that defy
and demean that impulse. These exploiters are the ruling elite of nearly
every society, ...
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The Great Passion Playwas produced by the Elna M. Smith Foundation and performed in Eureka Springs, Arkansas in September of 1998. The beautiful scenery of the Ozark Mountains was the setting for this outdoor production.
The play opens with an introduction of Jesus by scripture. "In the beginning was the word, and ...
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