Online Community Essays and Term Papers

Software Vendors

Free in Free Software is referring to freedom, not price. Having been used in this meaning since the 80s, the first documented complete definition appears to be the GNU's Bulletin, vol. 1 no. 6 , published January 1989. In particular, four freedoms define Free Software: [1] The freedom to run ...

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The Internet

* INTERNET The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) to link several billion devices worldwide. It is a network of networks that consists of millions of private, public, academic, business, and government networks, ...

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Challenges Faced By Frederick Douglass

Frederick Douglass faced many challenges during his lifetime as a slave, and later as a free African-American. He grew up in a society that imposed stereotypical guidelines upon him - he was a slave, therefore he must never learn to read, never live equally as a free man, and certainly never ...

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Teen Pregnancy

Teen Pregnancy Social Problems Instructor Tammy Nemeth June 21, 2015 There are several situations that teenagers get themselves into that can lead to many things including teen ...

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Banning Pornographic Magazines

Banning Pornographic Magazines Pornography is a passionate topic of debate. Free speech often collides with attempts to ban pornographic materials, however, the United States Supreme Court has upheld a law banning the sale of pornographic magazines to children under the age of seventeen ...

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Women and Contemporary African Religion

Women and Contemporary African Religion Women in Africa are one of the most oppressed and abused women in the world. They have little, if any legal rights, stemming from the cultural and religious beliefs of the countries. According to Patrice Bigombe Logo, a researcher at the University of ...

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Business To Business Portals

Business to Business: B2B The New International Webster's Pocket Business Dictionary of the English Language defines the expression business as "an enterprise established to provide a product or service in the hope of earning a profit" (Webster's Dictionary, 1998, p. 26). Thus, in order to ...

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Human Trafficking A Global Epidemic

Human Trafficking a Global Epidemic The Emancipation Proclamation was signed in 1963 by Abraham Lincoln. Many enslaved Americans were thought to be freed. slavery still exist today all over the world. This form of modern day slavery is called human trafficking. The United Nations defines human ...

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Juvenile Crimes Involving Guns

Juvenile Crime - Gun Control and Teenage Anger In the case of "Another Saturday Night", 15-year old Sammy exhibits aggression towards another person, Gary, which ultimately leads to Gary's death through a use of a firearm. While we are not told how or where Sammy got the gun, juvenile crimes ...

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Admission Into Criminal Justice Program At Boston University

I would like to obtain my Master of Criminal Justice degree at Boston University in the criminal justice field for a number of reasons. First, the criminal justice program at BU fits my career and personal goals quite well. I hope to teach criminal justice at the undergraduate level after ...

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The Tomb of Niankhkhnum and Khnumhotep

"That color looks great on you!" "Really? You really think so?' The Pharaoh beamed with pride. "Why, I believe you're right. What do you think, honey?" The Pharaoh's Queen sauntered over from her dresser, at which her personal attendant applied her makeup: lapis-encrusted eye shadow and gold ...

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Corporate Social Responsibility And Profitablity

C.O. Igboanua Student (Plekhanov Russian University of Economics) Corporate Social Responsibility And Profitablity Annotation: This article attempts to examine Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and its influence on the profitability of corporations that practice it. Can companies make ...

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A Night Of Salsa

Music Paper Salsa, meaning sauce in Spanish, is as varied and diverse as its namesake. It is considered a true dance of the people: changing and adapting across different cultures and landscapes. It is played by artists in countries from Cuba to Japan, paired up with music styles from pop to ...

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Reading And Writing Learners

Project 2 Over the years I have discovered that I am a reading and writing learner because I like to color coordinate my notes to help me better understand the topic, I learn more by reading textbooks than I do by listening to them being read aloud, and I look up words that I do not know the ...

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Pluralism: the Fundamental Element of America Culture

Pluralism: the Fundamental Element of America Culture When we see the United Nations Headquarters towering in the midst of bustling New York City downtown located at the tip of Manhattan Island, and the star-spangled banner flying above ancient lands of the unstable Middle East and bringing ...

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Police Response to Family Violence

Police Response to Family Violence 1.0 Introduction Domestic violence abuse by statute law is the occurrence of one or more of the following acts between family or household member (Domestic violence, Brockton Police Department): . Attempting to cause or causing physical harm . Placing ...

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