Social Research Essays and Term Papers

Impact of African American Female Writers

A growing number of black female artists and writers emerged throughout the Civil War and Reconstruction eras before finally bursting into the mainstream of American culture in the 1920s, with the dawn of the Harlem Renaissance. After playing a significant role in both the civil rights movement ...

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Dropping Out of High School

Too many teenagers drop out of high school and then experience high rates of unemployment, incarceration, drug use, and no marital births. The high incidence of individual and social costs, combined with rigorous evidence of at least modestly successful program models, makes a solid case for ...

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"Killing" the Stereotype of Gang Violence

Ashton Small EH102-04 Dr. Jones 7 Nov. 2011 "Killing" the Stereotype of Gang Violence Gang activity, which is on the rise world-wide, offers to some a nurturing boost of tough love and loyalty; however, unless deterrents are put into action, gang activity is a pill with deadly side ...

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Morality of War

Any psychological examination of war will center on four general questions: What is war? What causes war? What is the relationship between human nature and war? Can war ever be morally justifiable? Defining what war is requires determining the entities that are allowed to begin and engage in war. a ...

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Henri Matisse

Henri Matisse Henri Emile Benoît Matisse was born in a tiny, tumbledown weaver's cottage on the rue du Chêne Arnaud in the French textile town of Le Cateau-Cambrésis on the last night of the year, December 31, 1869. Matisse's ancestors had lived in this area for centuries before the social ...

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Stoicism Theory

Happiness Debra Krueger Rasmussen College Author Note This research is being submitted on August 18, 2012 for Rebecca Moore's G125 Humanities course The theory that I choose is Stoicism theory. This theory believes it is responsible to know that a disaster happens even if they are ...

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The Great Itialian Food Company

GREAT ITALIAN Food Company John Prather 11/8/2012 The Great Italian Food Company is currently exploring the process of improving its business and increasing its profits. Joe Papa (owner)-previously was the person that made all the decisions and determined the future for the company. Now, ...

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Prevalence of Obesity in USA

Prevalence of Obesity in USA [Name of the Writer] [Name of the Institution] Introduction Obesity has emerged as the most pressing nutritional problem facing the developed world. This trend has occurred over a relatively short period of time; in the United States, it appears to have begun ...

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A Taste Of Africa

Taiwo Hameed A Taste of Africa Attention getter- Have you ever had pleasure of tasting a food so good with a fresh smell of flavor on top of other flavors creating pleasing combination? Reveal Topic- Motherland kitchen is known for serving appetizing dishes that will satisfy your taste ...

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Electronic Home Monitoring

Raquel Ramos 11/27/2012 Professor Czarnecki Term Paper (Probation & Parole) Electronic Home Monitoring Electronic home monitoring is the use of surveillance technology, usually by means of a wrist or ankle bracelet, or GPS device to monitor an offender's movements from a central location ...

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The Importance of Alec in Tess of the D'Urbervilles

The Importance of Alec in Tess of the D'Urbervilles I. Introduction When people mention about Alec, they will certainly think of Satan, a image of evil. Alec is clearly the bad guy in this novel .But actually Alec plays a very important role in the whole novel. His actions drive the novel ...

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Cloud Computing And It's Effects on the Business World

Cloud Computing And It's Effects on the Business World Professor Johnston Management Science 290 Fall 2011 By: Jordan Brown Brianna Callinan James Wheeler Scott Tremble Kayla Berreth What is Cloud computing and how is it beneficial to the Business world? Cloud computing allows a ...

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Cyber Revolution

It used to be that word of mouth, newspapers and letters were the most efficient ways to communicate. People could spend days or weeks waiting for a postcard from a family member, and groups of people would need to plan months ahead of time for gatherings. Back then, information moved at a snail’s ...

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Did you know, that according to the National Education Association, “It is estimated that 160,000 students miss school each day because of the fear of being bullied”. Students are bullied everyday all around the world, more often than what people would really expect. At school bullies destroy ...

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PTSD The Growing Problem for Returning Veterans

PTSD The Growing Problem for Returning Veterans Michael Bozzi Johnson and Wales University Abstract This paper looks at four different articles that concern a growing problem faced by veterans having severed in Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan) and Operation Iraqi Freedom (Iraq). ...

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Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Joahanna Morales Psychology I January 10, 2013 Narcissistic Personality Disorder 'Narcissism,' the term, was derived from Ovid's, the Roman poet, Metamorphoses Book III in the story of Narcissus and Echo. In Ovid's myth, Narcissus is a charming young man who believes he is too worthy for any ...

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The Internet

The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) to serve several billion users worldwide. It is a network of networks that consists of millions of private, public, academic, business, and government networks, of local to ...

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Height Linked to Cancer

Height Linked to Cancer Tall heights might have grace in them but who knew that they could have a higher risk of getting ten different types of cancer from them. There is a 16% chance for ever women over 4-inches to be diagnosed with any type of cancer. Though before it was shown that tall ...

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This week, Hewlett-Packard (where I am on the board) announced that it is exploring jettisoning its struggling PC business in favor of investing more heavily in software, where it sees better potential for growth. Meanwhile, Google plans to buy up the cell phone handset maker Motorola Mobility. ...

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Running head: HUAORANI Huaorani of Ecuador Susan Pierson Ashford University ANT101 Kristin Akerele June 03, 2013 Huaorani of Ecuador The Huaorani community is known for their preference to stay deep in the forests where contact with the outside world is minimal. This is based on ...

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