Teens Essays and Term Papers

Consequences Of Unsafe Sex

Wake up, teens and smell the diapers. Teens slow down, what is the big hurry to have unprotected, premarital sex? Do you know what you are doing will have an effect on the rest of your life? Slow down, slow down and think about the consequences of your actions. If you want to be a responsible ...

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People Vs. The Tobacco Industry

Cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamines are three drugs among many that are recognized by society as dangerous to one’s health, as addicting, and not to mention illegal. Along with these drugs, there is another substance that is equally addicting and disruptive, but this substance is advertised in ...

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The Effects Of Rap On Inner Cities

Do you believe that one’s words can reflect on a certain person’s action? Today, Rap has become the most popular type of music in the US. The Rap industry is dominated by artists’ who mostly dedicate their lyrics to either violence, drugs, or sex. Through 1998 and 1999 the survey taken by the ...

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Teen Pregnancy

Our nation's escalating pregnancy rate continues to be a major concern. Over one million teenage girls become pregnant each year. In the next 24 hours, about 3,312 girls will become pregnant. Teenage pregnancy isn't a rare thing nowadays, a matter of fact its an everyday thing. It is the third of ...

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Juveniles Must Accpet Responsi

Are juveniles as under control today as they were in the past? Crime plays a major role in today’s society. The government follows the policy and has always followed the policy that no crime goes unpunished. The controversy that surrounds the United States courtrooms today is whether or not a ...

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The Repulsive Effects Of Smoking

Smoking has grown to be the leading cause of death in the 90's. Over the past decade, smoking has become very popular among young adults. Kids as young as the age of fourteen, have been exposed to cigarettes. The influence of false and misleading advertisement on youngsters is enormous. ...

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Todays Hip Hop

What is hip hop and is it influnceing listeners to condone violence and drugs. First off to set the record straight, this is the truth nothing outside of this is true and if you agree great if you dont agree thats your bad. But I am tired of people saying "I listen to hip hop", stupid you cant ...

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The Breakfest Club

Theresa Puchta is very accurate in her description of the merits and limitations of John Hughes’ films. Almost all of the characteristics and themes she has described in the article: suburban setting, vague social concerns, high school cliques, uncaring parents, characters wearing the latest ...

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The teenager is a creature far different from that of any other. These strange beings are classified into the species of the homo sapiens ranging from thirteen to eighteen years of age. Through the years, it seems that a teenager has grown more to be a separate class in itself rather than ...

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Health Care System

Today’s is in a constant state of fluctuation and commotion. It is sometimes difficult for the health care consumer to identify a valuable resource when they need one. The purpose of this paper is to explore one of the many health care resources that are available in the greater Philadelphia ...

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Compare And Contrast

Bridging the Generation Gap Between Teens in the ‘60s and Teens in the ‘90s Throughout history many generations have been named after something that describes them in every way. The decade from 1960 to 1970 is definitely one of those eras and it became known as the Counter Culture Era (The Hippie ...

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The Human Mating Game

It’s a dance as old as the human race. At cocktail lounges and church socials, during office coffee breaks and dinner parties-- most blatantly, perhaps, in the personal ads in newspapers and magazines-- men and women participate in a ritual that has been embedded in our existence since the ...

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Are You Ready For Some Football

? From the early ages in history to the present day, sports have always been an important part of society. It teaches discipline, how to be a team player, how to interact with others and is a good source of physical activity. In specific, football utilizes all of these aspects of sports and ...

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Peer Pressure

Whether it’s about drinking, trying out drugs or wearing the right clothes, teenagers face every day that they are growing up. It doesn’t make any difference which cultural background a teen is from, what color of skin they have, or what their interests are, every teenager throughout the world ...

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Teenage violence

Depression can cause anyone to become violent especially a teenager. Gang violence among teens is a growing concern; teens in this situation are subject to being shot at, stabbed, or beaten to death. Teens that are involved in gangs are more likely to commit a violent act towards another person, ...

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Peer Influence

1. Introduction The general public and academic researchers alike have long recognized the importance of youths' peer relations. Adolescents themselves also have acknowledged the influence of peers. In the U.S., for example, a survey of 13- to 17-year-olds found that 40% cited peer influence ...

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The Dangers of Beauty

In today’s society most people are consumed by the extreme! A good example of this is the growth of reality television shows; these shows put people in crazy situations to keep the viewer’s interests, some of these programs such as Toddlers and Tiaras and Little Miss Perfect depict little girls ...

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School Isn’t the Only Source of Education

Every day, whether it’s on the radio, television, or just parents, I hear everyone telling teens to stay in high school and ride it out to graduation or there is no chance of success. Why is physically going to school the only way to be successful? In my experience as a teen, I knew everything and ...

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Drinking Underage

Many teens face adult problems at a very young age. Underage drinking viewed in the eyes of parents and law enforcement agencies is a major problem among teen. In today society, kids are being pressured into doing things at a very young adolescent age. Problem many parents are facing in their own ...

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Psychology - Alcoholism

Imagine yourself at a party with some of your teammates, they have been drinking and they are drunk. They told you they see you later, but what if that was the last time you would ever see them again. Years ago I was personally at a get-together, at a friend’s house, there was some drinking ...

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