Voter Essays and Term Papers

Martin Luther King

The most important person to have made a significant change in the rights of Blacks was . He had great courage and passion to defeat segregation and racism that existed in the United States, and it was his influence to all the Blacks to defy white supremacy and his belief in nonviolence that lead ...

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Legalizing Marijuana Legislation

Through the whole reform on the issue of has looked at all the bad things marijuana can do. What they do not look at is the benefits to society if they legalize it, because of its medical potential, and its qualities as a natural resource. If government looked at the chemical properties and ...

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Martin Luther King

On January 15,1929 Michael Luther King Jr., which was later changed to Martin, was born. His father Michael Luther King was a Baptist minister and his mother was a school teacher named Alberta King. In 1948 King graduated from Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia. with a Bachelor of Arts. After ...

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Martin Luther King Jr. 5

Nearly three centuries ago, African slaves were brought to the New World and put into slavery. They were treated more cruelly in the United States than in any other country that had ever practiced slavery, and ever since its prohibition, African-Americans have fought oppression. Martin Luther King ...

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Cultural Diversity In Local Politics

Overview This paper explores the limits and potentials of ethnic and racial coalition building in Los Angeles. The demographic changes that have occurred in Los Angeles during the past twenty years have been extraordinary, both in scope and diversity. The area has witnessed a literal boom in ...

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Medger Evers Murder

Medgar Evers was a World War Two veteran and a very important martyr in the Civil Rights movement. He was the first field secretary and a chairman of the NAACP in Mississippi. Medgar traveled around the state to recruit members, organize voter-registration and boycotts. Just hours after President ...

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Robert F Kennedy

Robert F. Kennedy Born: November 20, 1925 in Brookline, Massachusetts, United States Died: June 06, 1968 in Los Angeles, California, United States Nationality: American Occupation: Senator (U.S. federal government) Robert F. Kennedy Born in Brookline, Massachusetts, on 20 November 1925, to ...

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The Gilded Age

For the novel, see The Gilded Age: A Tale of Today. "The Breakers", a Gilded Age mansion in Newport, Rhode Island. In American history, the Gilded Age refers to the era of rapid economic and population growth in the United States during the post-Civil War and post-Reconstruction eras of the ...

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Eleanor Roosevelt

Eleanor Roosevelt, the wife of one the greatest American President. Though, she was the wife of Franklin Roosevelt, she was not known for being his wife. She, as I remember, more than any other woman, "typified... the realizaton of the dreams of the female Crusaders of the 19th century who threw ...

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Barack Obama

The candidate that I am profiling is Barack Obama. The political party Barack Obama represents is the Democratic Party. Another political office Barack Obama has had in his career was that he was a senator. Barack Obama’s political and leadership experiences that he has are that he was the sate of ...

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Alberta Tar Sands Essay

“Only when the last tree had died and the last river has been poisoned…will we realize that we cannot eat money”. This is an old Cree saying that is very applicable today. Is the mining of the Alberta tar sands worthwhile, knowing its devastating effects on the environment? There are very valid ...

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Literacy tests and Poll Taxes were two measures taken by some states prior to the 1960's that affected voter turnout among African American citizens. They allowed African Americans rights they had not had before this time. Also, it allowed African Americans that were educated enough to pass ...

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Alice Walker

Alice Malsenior Walker was born on February 9, 1944 in Eatonton Georgia. Alice's father, Willie Lee Walker was a farmer and her mother Minnie Lou Tallulah Grant , a maid. Growing up with an oral tradition, listening to stories from her grandmother, Alice began writing, very privately, when she was ...

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Same-Sex Marriage

Same-sex Marriage Ask just about anyone and they will tell you that they are in favor of equal rights for homosexuals. Then you ask them about same-sex marriage and all they said about equality stops. Same-sex marriage is marriage between two people of the same biological sex. Since 2001 ten ...

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Malcolm X

It is tempting to speculate how the radical politics of the 1960s might have played out had Malcolm X not been assassinated on February 21, 1965. The campaigns for civil rights, for the liberation of people of color domestically and internationally, against the war in Vietnam and other instances of ...

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Shale Gas Revolution And Potential Impact On World Energy Markets

Shale Gas Revolution And Potential Impact On World Energy Markets Dr Slava Mikhaylov 1) What is shale? A geological structure that has tiny pockets of gas or oil. 2) How does shale extraction happen? Drill is turn sideways (horizontal) and use water, sand and small explosions ...

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Education Speech

Education Many of you already know that you have to take charge of your hair and your clothes. Maybe you know that all too well. You're also figuring out that you have to take charge of your diet and exercise, of trying to look good and feel good. This is what being young is about; figuring out. ...

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Political Parties Platform Development

Nicole Contreras Period 5 11/19/13 Political Parties Platform Development In the United States the main issue is the inability to compromise. Recently a government shutdown occurred due to the lack of creating a financial plan. In an economic perspective the government has to raise the ...

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The 2000 Presidential Election

Lizhi Du COUNS 20 HW (Critical Thinking from Two Videos) Outfoxed * What do you think about this video's depiction of the media? What did you like? What didn't you like? Do you believe this is true? Why or why not? * "Outfoxed" examines whether and how media empires, led by Rupert ...

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After The Reconstruction

The social, political, and economic issues that black Americans faced after Reconstruction: As much as being free from slavery was a time of joy for African Americans, being truly free from slavery was not to happen for many years to come. African Americans faced many social, political, and ...

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