Law Enforcement Essays and Term Papers

Who Can Stop Credit Card Abuse

Credit cards have become such a familiar feature of the life style in the world that it is difficult to imagine a consumer economy functioning without them. The credit cards are nowadays the most convenient of all types of payments. The boom of the credit card industry has affected everyone in ...

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Why Gun Control Is Needed

The year was 1787, and Benjamin Franklin, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and George Washington were signing their names to a document that stated, "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free-state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." ...

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In November 1960, at the age of 43, John F. Kennedy became the youngest man ever elected president of the United States. Theodore Roosevelt had become president at 42 when President William McKinley was assassinated, but he was not elected at that age. On Nov. 22, 1963, Kennedy was shot to death ...

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Computer Viruses

In the past decade, computer and networking technology has seen enormous growth. This growth however, has not come without a price. With the advent of the "Information Highway", as it’s coined, a new methodology in crime has been created. Electronic crime has been responsible for some of the most ...

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The Canadian Security Intelligence Service () is responsible for safeguarding Canada against activities or persons who could pose a threat to national security. These threats include terrorists activities, espionage activities or foreign influenced activities in Canada. The is a civilian ...

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Fundamental Of Racism

Did you know that people use to treat each other with less respect just because of the color of their skin? These issues of racism are strongly suggested within the novel, “In the Heat of the Night.” Racists discrimination comes in many different forms which can affect the treatment of other ...

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The Holocaust

I have heard that there has been some controversy over whether or not to include the study of in our English I curriculum. I think it is vitally important to study . After evaluating the positive and negative aspects, I find it compelling that is included in our curriculum. To begin with, ...

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The Lottery

, what are the results? This is a question often ignored today. In a world of get rich quick and something for nothing seems to fit right in. Is it to good to be true. It promises better schooling for children and lower taxes for the average worker. It is toasted as the answers to all of a ...

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Youth Violence

In the book Toting a Gun for Tomorrow by Jonie Michel, a fictional world is created where it is an accepted fact that occurs, and where teens kill teens in large numbers. The main idea in this book is that changes need to be made in order to deter teen violence, and when these changes do not ...

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The Rise Of Auto Thefts In Charlotte, North Carolina

The rapid rise of auto theft crimes in Charlotte, North Carolina is making the duties of auto theft investigation very strenuous work. Detective David Clayton of auto theft investigations from the Charlotte Police Department allowed me to interact with him for two consecutive days. I also ...

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The Iliad

Emotions in , The “Iliad” by Homer is a book that deals with many emotional issues. I am going to talk about a few emotional parts of and compare them to the emotional life of today. I have chosen a section of the book and will talk about the emotions that come up ...

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Was Jimmy Hoffa A Hero Or A Criminal?

? Another organizer was Jimmy Hoffa, in his short 62 years in this world has caused a change that will live in the minds of many people forever. But there is one question that bothers many people, was Jimmy Hoffa a hero or a criminal? Hoffa was born James Riddle Hoffa, the second of the four ...

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The Mafia

is viewed by many people as a bunch of gangsters like those that they might see on movies such as Goodfellas, The Godfather, or Donnie Brascoe. In all actuality represents much more than that, it is an entity within itself. The original Sicilian Mafia was just a group of families controlling ...

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The Grapes Of Wrath

is an eye-opening novel which deals with the struggle for survival of a migrant family of farmers in the western United States. The book opens with a narrative chapter describing Oklahoma, and the overall setting. It sets the mood of an area which has been ravished by harsh weather. “The ...

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Analysis On Electronic Data Imaging

DigiFile has been serving the Houston community since 1992. Originally a litigation support company, they evolved into a total solution service organization for electronic document management. They offer conversion services, both at their production facility and on-site, as well as open ...

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White Collar Crime Vs. Street Crime

One problem that plagues our society is crime. Crime is all around us in our everyday lives. Daily we hear of murders, robberies, and rapes. These are categorized as "street crimes." For many people, such crimes are the only "tragic" crimes, the ones that are senseless and preventable. In ...

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How To Reduce Crime In Your Neighborhood

While we don't like to talk about it - or even think about it - crime is on the increase in America, and throughout the world. The number of burglars, muggers, auto thieves, robbers, purse snatchers, etc., is growing at an alarming rate. Now you, as a resident, working with neighbors can ...

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Date Rape

In an ideal world, all men would be caring , respectful, and protective. This is not an ideal world; every woman has a responsibility to herself and to understand the risks and to protect herself fagainst them (: The Danger is Not From a Stranger 13). One of the biggest risks from a male to a ...

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Louis XIV Had A Greater Impact On European History Than Peter The Great

Although Peter the Great was possibly the most magnificent Russian Czar of all time, I believe King Louis XIV of France had the greater impact upon European history. At the time of Louis XIV’s rule France was the most populous country in Europe with an estimated 18 million people. Under his ...

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Downfall Of Democracy In Lord Of The Flies

The basic concept of democracy is that government is based on and run by the people. But even in a democracy where the majority of the people are happy, there are always going to be those who are displeased and may cause a disruption. So in knowing this the only reasonable solution is to have ...

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