Social Problems Essays and Term Papers

The New Federalist Party

Part I As the sole member of , it is with great honors that I now present to you the very first New Federalist platform. PREAMBLE The growing dissension between the two major political parties today has drawn them away from the public's views. It has been determined that the citizens of the ...

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Brave New World 4

BRAVE New World was published in 1932. It is a remarkable piece of science fiction for both its time and our own. It seems to withstand the intervening 65 years, primarily because of its depiction of a tightly controlled, rigidly stratified homogenous society. Issues of social control are as ...

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Medical Miracles On The Horizon

The world and its inhabitants will face a multitude of problems in the 21st Century, including drug addiction, deadly disease, violent crime, warfare and hostility, hunger, and homelessness to name a few. All of these critical issues have been present to some extent in the 20th Century and, left ...

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Utopia...Model Or Reality

In his famous work Utopia, Sir Thomas More describes the society and culture of an imaginary island on which all social ills have been cured. As in Plato's Republic, a work from which More drew while writing Utopia, More's work presents his ideas through a dialogue between two characters, Raphael ...

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Ethical Decision Making Model

Recently, I have been challenged with a work related incident that requires immediate attention. Unfortunately, this situation is not one that I can just disregard. I honestly wish that I could leave this decision for someone else to make or even ignore it; this would make my job a lot easier. ...

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A Dolls House

In the play, A Doll’s House, by Henrik Ibsen there seems to include serious social commentary underlying in this piece. This play is obviously critical of the time period, but also presents little or no solutions. The play is critiquing the society of the time for its structured hierarchy ...

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India 3

The country of India has been faced with many problems. They have very important short-term problems, which means less time is spent on long term problems. Natural World disasters, wars, drought, and other major problems are more important to these people than such things as over population, ...

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Brave New World

was published in 1932. It is a remarkable piece of science fiction for both its time and our own. It seems to have kept nearly all of it’s meaning for the past 67 years, mostly because of its story of a tightly controlled, homogenous society. Issues of social control are as relevant today as in ...

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Britain And America Revolution

Since the historical conflict between Great Britain and her North American colonies began to unfold, historians have searched for the reasoning behind it. Many experts have discussed the various reasons for the conflict. Some experts believe the conflict occurred because America and Britain had ...

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Henry James Book Report

Henry James's The Portrait of a Lady and Edith Wharton's The House of Mirth examine the societal constraints of their female protagonists, and the limited possibilities open to them in the midst of wealthy society. Isabel Archer and Lily Bart are victims of a rigid society in which the ...

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John Locke

Perhaps one of, if not the, most historically influential political thinkers of the western world was . , the man who initiated what is now known as British Empiricism, is also considered highly influential in establishing grounds, theoretically at least, for the constitution of the United States ...

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Tales Of The New Babylon

Zola’s La Débâcle, first planned in 1868, was the penultimate chapter in Les Rougon-Macquart. Warfare was something Zola had always meant to give full play in Les Rougon-Macquart, and his 1868 scheme had provided for "a novel that will have the military world as its framework…; ...

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Nelson Mandela

We dedicate this day to all the heroes and heroines in this country and the rest of the world who sacrificed in many ways and surrendered their lives so that we could be free. Their dreams have become reality. Freedom is their reward. We are both humbled and elevated by the honor and privilege ...

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Internet Security

The Internet is the community of the future, but if security measures are not put in place and enforced, then it will become more of a slum and less of a community. The primary question is, therefore, who has the obligation to put these security measures into place? Is it the individual users of ...

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The Nature Of Imperialism

“The most prostitute and the ultimate form of the state power which nascent middle-class society had commenced to elaborate as a means to its own emancipation from feudalism, and which full-grown bourgeois society had finally transformed into a means of enslavement of labor by capital” Gerald ...

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Health Care Reform

From FDR’s New Deal to Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society, the United States government has attempted to centralize extensive social policies. In the early eighties, when recession and inflation were at a high, Ronald Reagan took office and pronounced that the federal government needed to take a ...

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Rural Healthcare

In 1976 over 53 million Americans lived in roughly 900 rural counties, which together make up about 40% of the land mass of this country. These areas are characterized by low population density, a disproportionate share of the country's poor and elderly, and shortages of all kinds (Bayer, Caplan, ...

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Harvard Referencing Guide

University Library Guide to the Harvard Style of Referencing September 2010 Anglia Ruskin University 1 Guide to the Harvard Style of Referencing Second Edition Revised September 2010 ++` Anglia Ruskin ...

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Disabling Analysis

Part I. Introduction People have often criticized news channels for only focusing on bad things that are happening in society. Why would anyone care about a Good Samaritan’s story when they can get the dish on the latest robbery downtown? Well, one of the hottest, negative, topics on the news ...

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Analysis of the Human-Animal Relationship

Summary This essay proposes that companion animals have a calculable benefit to humans on a diverse scale. The study focuses on a three-tiered beneficial affect; highlighting how individuals benefit from companion animals, how the community can benefit from people owning pets and how ...

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