Analogy Essays and Term Papers

What Do Ulysses, Luke Skywalker, and New York Firefighters Have In Common

What do Ulysses, Luke Skywalker, and New York Firefighters have in Common? Throughout human history, we have looked to mythology as a way to look deeper inside ourselves. The classic stories to which we refer as myths reveal something about human nature. They tell our story in a way that we ...

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Siddharta Gautama's Unique Path Towards Enlightenment and Nirvana

"Siddharta Gautama's Unique Path Towards Enlightenment and Nirvana" Buddhism is one of the oldest and one of the major religions of the world. Buddhism was said to have emerged around the year 400 or 500 B.C. in Nepal (Reynolds 1990 677). Although Buddhism does not worship any form or concept ...

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Descartes' Skepticism From His Dreams

Renée Descartes raises a particular problem in skepticism when he turns to his dreams for evidence of the value of his perceptions when awake. Descartes sees his dream analogy as potent evidence for skepticism, but many philosophers and academics since have disagreed. Consider why Descartes saw ...

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Darwin: Evolutional Uproar

Brittney Gladue Monsters Essay #3 10/15/15 Charles Darwin was one of the most iconic scientific figures our world has ever known. Even to this day, there are ongoing quarrels between those who embrace Mr. Darwin's theory of evolution and those who deeply oppose it. Let's take a moment to look ...

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Bernie Madoff Scandal

Gerald Cracknell Business Ethics Writing Assignment #2 Bernie Madoff Scandal Operated through a complex, cryptic structure Bernie Madoff, CEO of Bernie L. Madoff Investment Securities (BMIS), perpetuated the most embellished Ponzi scheme the world has ever seen. The basis of the securities ...

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Plato's Apology of Socrates

Plato's Apology of Socrates As one of the greatest and most influential of all the Greek philosophers, Socrates (469--399 B.C.E.) passionately believed that just behavior was better for human beings than injustice and that morality was justified because it created happiness and well-being. ...

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I Heard the Owl Call My Name Film Analysis

The 1973 Canadian film I Heard the Owl Call My Name offers a rare, balanced view of the long-term effects of colonization on Native North American culture. Directed by Daryl Duke, the film was based on a novel by Margaret Craven that depicts the experiences of a white vicar who is sent to a remote ...

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Online Sex Predators and Sexual Abuse

Internet Child Luring and Sexual Abuse - An Increasing Epidemic Abstract 2 Introduction 2 About Internet Child Luring 4 How the Internet Enables Pedophilia and Internet Child Luring 6 Protecting Children from Internet Crime 9 Agencies that Combat Internet Child Luring and Sexual ...

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Confucianism and Legalism

The Comparisons Between The Goals And Techniques To Government Between Confucianism And Legalism Haoyu Zhan World History 12. 2 Mr. Rory Dean 12-21-2015 Do you want to know how ...

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Detroit’s Loss of the Car Market and Downfall

Detroit's Loss of the Car Market ONE: What is Maynard's premise; what is he trying to accomplish? Is Maynard successful in achieving his purpose? The thesis / premise of this book is that Honda outsells and out-shines Ford, Chrysler, and GM, in the world of auto manufacturing. "Detroit's ...

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Analysis of Marks by Linda Pastan

Poetry Analysis of Marks by Linda Pastan American literature boasts itself of numerous talented poets that centers on themes and issues that have social relevance and importance to their readers. Linda Pastan, American poet and writer, is well-known for her poetry, where she tackles various ...

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Critical Thinking Purpose and Process

Critical Thinking Summary: Purpose and Process Despite the predominance of phrases such as 'you aren't thinking,' really, thinking is a far more complex process, at least on a critical level, than common parlance might indicate. Cognitively, the development of critical thinking is a ...

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Appealing To Emotion, Authority, Common Beliefs, and Ignorance

Appeal to Emotion Log onto your AOL account, and, unless you are operating under a screen name with parental controls, you will be greeted by this message, "Kids online? Keep them safer?" The implied answer is, who doesn't want safe children? Who wants to be a bad parent, leaving their ...

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Examples Of Fallacies Used In Fallacious Arguments

Fallacious Arguments Fallacies used We can recognize that athletes that participate in sports must be given special consideration within our grading system, or we can let the university sink into athletic oblivion. FALLACY: Slippery Slope. Assumes that if one bad thing happens, things ...

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Eliminating Fallacious Thinking

Eliminating Fallacious Thinking Fallacious thinking is logically 'sloppy' thinking. But unlike wearing a comfortable pair of jeans when out with friends on a Friday night, it's never really okay to engage in fallacious thinking when 'off for the night' with friends, spouses, or associates. ...

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Online Banking Security

Security on the Web - What are the Key Issues for Major Banks? Abstract The age of digital technology - email, Web-driven high-speed communication and information, online commerce, and more - has been in place now for several years, and has been touted as a "revolutionary" technological ...

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Three Speeches That Inspire: George Smathers, Martin Luther King Jr, and Barack Obama

Robin Sharma, a famous writer, once wrote, “Words can inspire. And words can destroy.” This has proven to be true repeatedly throughout history. Going back all the way to ancient Greece, it was a speech delivered by Demosthenes which inspired the Athenian people to unite, rise up and retaliate ...

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The House Of Mirth

The House of Mirth by Edith Wharton. Introduction. The house of Mirth is the first important novel published by Edith Wharton. It appeared for the first time in Scribner's Magazine in January 1905, under a serialization of eleven episodes, when it was not finished yet. Successively, it was ...

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A Comparison between Wuthering Heights and Arnold’s Film Adaptation

A Comparison between Wuthering Heights and Arnold’s Film Adaptation Abstract This thesis focuses on comparing Emily Brontë’s masterpiece and her only novel Wuthering Heights with the film adaptation in 2011 directed by Andrea Arnold. It concentrates mainly on the different portraits of ...

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