My Mom Essays and Term Papers

Creative Story: Father's Handicap

For a week in February when I was twelve, my mom and dad started to work hard to set up a Credit Union party. They asked me to help them so, everyday after I got out of school I would help them. Finally Friday came, a day before the big bash and I still had to help set up decorations. We were ...

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Hatchet: The Will To Survive

An Original Screenplay by Bo Moore Adapted from the book Hatchet by Gary Paulsen THE TREATMENT ACT I: The setting in the book, Hatchet, is the Canadian wilderness, near an L shaped lake. The story takes place in the late 1980's. The hero of Hatchet is Brian Robenson. He is a 13-year-old from the ...

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House Burning Down

It was in the middle of winter on a dark smoggy night, chills were running through the house in and out of my room like a quiet ghost silently coming and silently going. As I lie awake in my bed thinking of what the next day should bring, my eye's start to grow heavy as I doze off. In the distance ...

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Creative Story: Grandpa

We were going to Las Vegas for vacation. I was looking foward to having a lot of fun there. When we finally got to Las Vegas,it felt like an oven jacked up all the way. When we got to the room it felt like when you open a refrigerator. Then we went to see all the major attractions, like ...

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Personal Reflections

My Mom and Dad were divorced when I was one. Dad actually managed to sexually abuse me before the divorce. Karen and Janet, my two older sisters and I went to Dad's on Sundays where we had breakfast. We listened only to classical music, which we hated probably because it was Dad. We did not like ...

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Ice Skating

Dragging my feet across the dull floor I slumped down on the kitchen chair. My mom asked, �Annie, what has been going on? You don�t seem yourself lately.� I guessed there was just nothing to motivate me in life. Something didn�t seem complete. Although I felt sad I answered, �Nope, I�m fine mom.� ...

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Honestly Is Golden

There are many quotes, phrases, and expressions, in life that somehow impact each and every one of us. One expression that has truly made an impact in my life is, �honesty is the best policy.� I have always been the type of person to smooth-talk my way out of tough situations, sometimes it worked ...

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Success Without A Father

"You look hilarious!" I said to my best friend, whose green shirt poked out from beneath her frock. "That hat doesn't even sit on your head right!" We giggled and the vice principle glared at us, threatening with her eyes. "Face forward," she shouted out to the class. "You're all going to ...

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Friday Night Lights

Fourth and one, everyone knew who was getting the ball. The 6’2 220 pound senior, Deric Jenkins. Could he put all the drama and stress behind him from this past week? Or will it all get to his head? With all eyes on him the quarterback called out his cadence, “hut, hut, hike!” “Deric! Honey ...

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Having A Quarantine Companion

Maeve Boler Dr. Lewis English 2021 20 September 2020 Having a Quarantine Companion "Friendships decay when you don't see people, and they decay quite fast" (qtd. in Beaty), according to Robin Dunbar, professor of evolutionary psychology at the University of Oxford. During quarantine, I ...

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A Lesson From Oliver

Like any other morning I was up at four, the day Oliver met with his violent death. At four in the morning the grass is wet. Now, it's still wet at 6 a.m. and even at seven, and these tend to be the hours of choice for most people wishing to appreciate the phenomenon of grass ...

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is a way in which a person can express his or her thought processes through hand gestures, writing and verbalization. The � Webster's Dictionary� defines it as �expression of one's own personality or emotion.� Sometimes, people use hand gestures when they are trying to express a point. Usually, ...

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Keep Your Nose to the Grindstone

�Keep Your Nose To The Grindstone� As a young child I often heard my mom use the saying �keep your nose to the grindstone�, and often wondered what she really meant. I laughed at the thought of why anyone would want to grind his or her nose. Now that I am an adult I have come to understand what ...

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Favorite Food

Favorite Food Who would have ever thought that trying to figure out your favorite food would be so hard to do? I know I didn�t. At first I narrowed it down to four dishes. My Nana�s taco casserole, my Mom�s Italian delight, my girlfriend�s lasagna and BBQ chicken. I had to really think about ...

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Scholarship Essay Topic: There are many sacrifices and hardships children with parents in the military face. Explain the most difficult thing you had to face and what did you learn from that experience? Melissa Wiley I believe one of the most difficult things I have had to deal with since my ...

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Celebration Gone Bad

Nolan Kibit 10/19/12 Celebration Gone Bad There is dancing, laughter, and beer all around me. So many smiling faces that I don't recognize and I just can't stand looking at anyone much longer. Why does everyone look sick to there stomachs? "This makes no sense whatsoever", I whisper to ...

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� English 11 �Why is it that, as a culture, we are more comfortable seeing two men holding guns than holding hands?� �Author Unknown. This is my friends� favorite quote. Her name is Lucy and she is one of my best friends. I have experienced an issue that I would have never thought to experience ...

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Personal Writing: A Terrible Time

I was brushed by death on my way to a family reunion. Me and my mom were late for a family reunion so we both started to hurry. When me and my mom were finally ready we flew to the car and off to the reunion. My mom was in a hurry so she was cruising a little over the speed limit and not only ...

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The Decision

The Decision Bam! The sound of my front door getting busted down by military uniformed men awakes me quickly. They quickly come and grab me and yank me out of bed. I am soon met by my family all being dragged to the street and put on a bus. We are quickly separated by gender and put on ...

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Prama �Jimmy, who are you going to take to prom this year?� asked my lovely mother. �I�m not really sure yet�� I replied, actually knowing exactly who I wanted to take, but just trying to get off the subject. �You know it�s in two weeks, right?� she asked. �Yeah I know� I mumbled, ...

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