War And Peace Essays and Term Papers
Psyche And WarThe experience of war places stresses on the human spirit that can scarcely be imagined in peacetime. Dilemmas that can be largely avoided in time of peace must be faced in a time of war. Concern for one’s own physical safety is often at odds with concern for the wellbeing of one’s countrymen. The ...
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The Spanish-American WarDuring the last years of the nineteenth century, the United States would find itself involved in what John Jay, the American secretary of state, later referred to as a "splendid little war; begun with highest motives, carried on with magnificent intelligence and spirit, favored by that fortune ...
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Causes of the Boer WarCauses of the Boer War
The people of South Africa were always dreaming of a unified country. They wanted all its states to unite as one peaceful country, but they wanted this to come from within the confines of their own people and not by means of other countries taking over. The only way to ...
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Mexican American WarThe war between Mexico and America has been labeled “an unprovoked and unjustifiable war of aggression and territorial aggrandizement.” The actions of the United States toward Mexico were of no such consequence. They were deliberately aimed at national security, and aiding Texas in its ...
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Morality of WarAny psychological examination of war will center on four general questions: What is war? What causes war? What is the relationship between human nature and war? Can war ever be morally justifiable? Defining what war is requires determining the entities that are allowed to begin and engage in war. a ...
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The Korean WarFor Americans, the end of World War II brought a lot of peace. But between the Soviet Union and the United States, apprehension grew because the U.S. was worried that the Soviet Union would spread communism to other nations. In the midst of the Cold War, and with the Truman Doctrine, the U.S. was ...
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The Hundred Years' WarA Brief Summary
The Hundred Years' War was a series of wars between England and France from 1337-1453. These wars were fought for control over the land which is now France. The Hundred Years' War also led to the decline of feudalism. Feudilism was developed in the Middle Ages as an economic, ...
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World War II's Impact On CiviliansWorld War II had a profound impact on civilians in different parts of the World. The impact of war cuts across rage, age, gender, and nation. It leaves scars that are psychological as well as physical, and its effects are often long lasting. It can strip away the most basic of human kindnesses ...
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How World War 1 and Its Aftermath Led To World War 2The causes of World War II had their roots in the aftermath of World War I. World War I did not settle the issues that had led to it, and added new tensions among and within many countries.
At the end of World War I, Europe saw major political changes. Paradoxically, it led to a ...
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The Horrors of War, All Quiet on the Western FrontThe Horrors of War, All Quiet on the Western Front
"We are not youth any longer. We don't want to take the world by storm. We are fleeing. We fly from ourselves. From our life. We were eighteen and had begun to love life and the world; and we had to shoot it to pieces." This quote from the ...
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The War Of 1812A primary cause of was the rise of Tecumseh, believed to be backed by the British, caused an urgency for the Americans to expel the British from Canada. The War Hawks, the congress at the time of Madison's presidency, were pushing for the invasion of Canada, and an attack upon the savages who had ...
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World War 2War is one of the most tragic things in our world today. It is even sadder that usually it comes around at least once in our lifetime. In the 20th century alone we have already had two huge wars. These wars were call the World Wars simply because they involved most of the big countries of the ...
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A Separate Peace 6Difference Too Often Leads to Hate
Many times in the world, differences have lead to hate. Think of Martin Luther King, for example, who stood for fighting against one of the largest differences. A Separate Peace, by John Knowles, is one of many examples of differences leading to hate. Gene and ...
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Propaganda And Its Uses By Countries, Especially During WarIn order to gain the support of the public, countries use propaganda.
During the Gulf War, Saddam Hussein and George Bush used propaganda to gain the
support of their respective public. Propaganda was everywhere. It was on the
radio and television and it brought the war into millions of homes. ...
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The Civil Warcame about for many reasons. Among them, probably the biggest, was the Mexican war. This war was mainly about the U.S. trying to gain more spanish territory to complete its manifest destiny.
President Polk had been eager to compromise with britian on the division of the Oregon Territory ...
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Canada At WarAny war is a horrific event that may last years. Wars leave a legacy of death and destruction. They aren’t just for soldiers and battlefields but for new weapons that make destruction possible on our lands, beneath our seas, and in our air. They bring suffering and death to all families, races ...
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War And PeaceLeo Tolstoy’s novel, , contains three kinds of material, a historical account of the Napoleonic wars, the biographies of fictional characters, and a set of essays about the philosophy of history. Critics from the 1860s to the present have wondered how these three parts cohere, and many have ...
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The Advancement Of WarThe industrial revolution and the great inventions that were growing out of it were to make possible the rapid deployment of huge armies over great areas. Modern total war was first presaged, not by dramatic technical advances, but by the revival of what is now called the ideological element of ...
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