English Essays and Term Papers

The Significance of Water in Mrs. Dalloway

Throughout Mrs. Dalloway, the use of imagery involving water is very apparent. Thus, Woolf’s style and her use of water imagery help to enhance the theme of interconnectedness in the novel. Virginia Woolf wrote this novel in a style that is unlike that of most authors. Instead of including ...

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In Groups We Shrink

In the essay, “In Groups We Shrink” author Carol Tavris speaks on how people tend to act completely different towards a situation, depending on if someone is in a group or by there selves. She goes on to state that groups in general tend to influence people to do the wrong thing, and that when by ...

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Reflecting on Literature and Community

When reading a story, poem, or any type of writing it can at times be obvious what type of a person the writer is and where the writer might have grown up. Each writer has his or her own language that pours out in their writings. This can be seen from a few writers like William Falkner, Toni ...

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Trusting In Friends

Whether we choose to or not, everyday we interact with one another. Sometimes we may not like each other, but those we do enjoy interacting with are usually viewed as friends. There is more than that for someone to be considered a friend. A friend is not only someone we enjoy spending time with ...

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The Dime: Analytical Essay

I choose to analyze the narrative essay of “The Dime” by Leona Holman. As a young child, Leona Holman talks about her struggles growing up homeless with her brother and mother. As I read the story I could almost imagine myself in her shoes. Leona Holman’s story in my opinion was very successful ...

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Memorial Day Short Story Essay

In the short stories, “Memorial Day,” by Peter Cameron, and “ Reunion ,” by John Cheever, two teenage boys take similar journeys in life which puts them in much the same situations. In “Memorial Day,” the main character Stephen’s father left him to live with his mother. Stephen and his mother ...

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Struggles in "A Sorrowful Woman” and "A Secret Sorrow”

"A Sorrowful Woman” and "A Secret Sorrow” are stories that reflect the struggles of two women in their respective relationships. The lead character in the first story is married to a good man and has one child. Faye, the woman in the second story, is engaged to her husband. However her secret and ...

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A Hero

Danielle Ngbo 3/26/11 Period 4 “Do not let your fire go out, spark by irreplaceable spark, in the hopeless swamps of the approximate, the mot-quite, the not-yet, the not-at-all. Do not let the hero in your soul perish, in the lonely frustration for the life you deserved, but have never been ...

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Oedipus' Blinding Fate

In Sophocles‘ Oedipus Rex, many mishaps and mistakes troubled the character Oedipus. He was a ruler with a kingdom in distress. As a ruler he promised to his people that he would do whatever he could to help them. However, his name of Oedipus nor the decisions he made ever really helped his ...

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Ishmael Experiencing the Sublime

In the novel Moby Dick, by Herman Melville, a mysterious unknown, such as the whale oil painting displayed in the decrepit Spouter Inn and the crucial characters of Queequeg and Captain Ahab, troubles Ishmael throughout his journey. The abnormality experienced throughout the duration of each ...

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Summary Of Error Analysis

1. Introduction - What are Errors? Errors are the flawed side of learner speech or writing. - Major purposes studying learner’s errors are: a. It provides data from which interference about the nature of the language learning process can be made b. It indicates to teachers and ...

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Lord of the Flies

Lord of the Flies is a story about a group of young British boys that must survive on a deserted island after crash landing into it during the thick of the Cold War. William Golding does a great job of taking us deep into the heart of man where reason and instinct battle against each other as we ...

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Life of a Child “Demonology,” touching story by Rick Moody, portrays the life of his beloved sister as he recalls through chronologically portions of snapshots and photos, recollecting significant moments in her life. Moody pushes the boundaries and uses the conventions of both a short story ...

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Of Mice And Men and The Great Gatsby

“Good literature substitutes for an experience which we have not ourselves lived through”. This quote was said by Alexander Solzhenitsyn and I believe that it means that many people have gone places, done a massive amount of activities, gone through good and bad times and accomplished our goals in ...

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Doctor Faustus As A Morality Play

Liturgical Drama in the beginning had three forms, Mystery, Miracle and Morality. The morality play is really a fusion of allegory and the religious drama of the miracle plays (Which presents the miracles of saints and the subjects depend upon Bible). It flourished in the middle ages, was at its ...

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Among the Siamese and the Lao

This essay is a summary of the Daniel McGilvary’s fascinating autobiography “Among the Siamese and the Lao”. Written around 1912, this autobiography lays out some of the unforgettable adventures McGilvary experienced in his journey as a missionary of the Christian faith. From 1870 he traveled ...

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Throughout history, mankind in each civilization and culture has created many stories to entertain as well teach cultural values, codes of conduct, history and morals. Beowulf is such a story. It, in particular, represents the epic hero archetype narrative so common in early literature, folk ...

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The Story of an Hour: A Feminist Reading

In Kate Chopin’s short story “The Story of an Hour”, the element of oppression exists. Not only does Louise Mallard suffer in her medical and marital conditions, but she also poses a threat to herself, as her sister Josephine warns. The story reflects this danger thoroughly, since all of the ...

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Novel Structure in Going After Cacciato

By structurally dividing Going After Cacciato into three narrative strands- war memories, flight to Paris, Observation Post - O’Brien displays Paul Berlin’s struggle to make order out of the chaos that is this war experience in Vietnam. In general, Going after Cacciato is convoluted and ...

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In the words of Lucy Hughes-Hallett in her book Heroes, a hero is a “dynamic, syductive” person that is “associated with courage and integrity and a disdain for cramping compromises.” With this writers and poets have described and told stories of the past. History’s heroes had a way of being a ...

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Jonathan Swift: A Modest Proposal

In his lengthy literary career, Jonathan Swift wrote many stories that used a broad range of voices that were used to make some compelling personal statements. For example, Swifts, A Modest Proposal, is often heralded as his best use of both sarcasm and irony. Yet taking into account the persona of ...

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Analysis Wife of Bath

Throughout "The Canterbury Tales" one of the recurrent subjects in the tellers’ tales is love. Not all of the tellers agree about what love is, however, nor how it should be shared. They philosophize about related concepts, including marriage, fidelity, and chastity, and argue about men’s and ...

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The Romantic Era: The Influence on British Literature

Romanticism The heart of Romanticism goes back as far as the 18th century and lived all the way through the 19th. It had a huge impact on the dynamics and mentalities of writing. With a definition not clear, romanticism is a very broad and unique subject. The era known as Romanticism was a ...

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“Ozymandias” The speaker meets a traveler from an antique land; the antique land is Egypt. The traveler described a sculpture to the speaker as “two vast and trunkless legs of stone.” The statue had been broken with only the legs left. The speaker describes the features of the face and they ...

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“Poetry” Poetry is a part of literature and a special method to explain the situations, ideas, and feelings. Poets present their ideas in a rhythmic format in short phases with an effective use of words and figurative speech to describe the environment and aware the audience. Poetry can also ...

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