English Essays and Term Papers

Critical Lens: Araby by James Joyce

James Joyce once “referred to Dublin as the center of paralysis”. In other words, Dublin is a place you can’t grow out of or be somebody. I agree with the quote because in the story refers to Dublin as a dark, cold place more like a haunted house and from what happens In the story it shows that ...

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Peter Singer’s “Famine, Affluence, and Morality

Logic is a powerful tool when making an argument. Often times, when one is trying to get a point across, he or she misuses logic by either making fallacious claims or by drawing false conclusions from a premise. Sometimes, logic is misused on purpose in order to try to manipulate the reader’s ...

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La Epica Anglosajona y El Romance Medieval

LA EPICA ANGLOSAJONA Y EL ROMANCE MEDIEVAL O NOVELA DE CABALLERÍA Intro histórica y cultural al periodo anglosajón Claudio conquistó Britania en el 57 d. C., tras intento fallido de Julio César en el 43 a. C. Punto culminante en el s IV d. C., los romanos se retiran en el año 410. Al ...

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Lord of the Flies

When Ralph and the other boys are rescued from the island at the end of the book the first feeling is that it’s all over. All the trauma and horrific events that happened on the island end the moment the naval officer turns up to take them home, and Ralph no longer has to endure the hate and ...

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The Prioress from The Canterbury Tales

Madame Eglantine is a nun Prioress. A Prioress is the superior in a nunnery. Madame Eglantine possesses the manners and behavior of a lady from a royal court. She has excellent table manners and eats her food daintily, never dropping a morsel of food from her lips. She is well educated, speaks ...

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Contrast of Society on the River to the Shore in Huck Finn

In, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, author, Mark Twain contrasts what life is like on the uncivilized shore compared to the peaceful life on the river. Huckleberry Finn is a character that rejects society's behaviors and values because he does not want to be "civilized" like everyone wants him to ...

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Heritage in Everyday Use

A quilt can be worth the lives of several generations of a family. A quilt can be a piece of art hung in the front hall of your home, suspended on the wall by an artistic frame. A quilt can also be an object used to keep someone warm through cold nights. Alice Walker understands the true meaning ...

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Food and Literature

During the 1600’s food affected literature and was reflected in the literary works of that time. Food was an important part of life during the 1600s. Not only did food keep people alive it also played an important part in shaping peoples lives. Food portrayed the status and origin of the people ...

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What methods does Fitzgerald use to engage our interest in Gatsby at the beginning of the novel?

Before we even start to read the novel the reader is intrigued at the ambiguous title. Fitzgerald uses the word “great” to describe Gatsby which makes the reader ask questions such as, who he is, and why is he great? The word “great” could also mean that Gatsby is a superb individual or it could ...

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Old Man And Sea

Manolin is a young man, based on someone Hemingway knew in Cuba who was then in his twenties. In the story, however, Manolin is referred to as “the boy.” Like Santiago, Manolin comes from a family of fishermen and has long admired Santiago as a masterful practitioner of his trade. Although ...

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The Green Lantern: Gatsby

Across the lake, on Daisy’s dock, shines a green light. The image of the green light in the novel The Great Gatsby is a significant symbol which reflects Gatsby's version of the American dream and mainly Daisy who is beyond Gatsby's reach. Throughout the novel Fitzgerald uses many other images or ...

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Scarlet Letter: Pearl

The Double Sided Symbol One, who has committed a terrible crime or sin in their life, can never fully leave and forget about what they committed. There is always something that is reminding them of this daily, which reminds them of their sin. Pearl has endured some of the evil that was cast ...

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Great Expectations

Great Expectations Ben Slack Do you think that life is really what it seems? In the book Great Expectations, by Charles Dickens, it expresses that life sometimes cannot be what it appears to be. Charles Dickens’s message throughout the book shows that no varnish can hide the grain of wood and ...

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Comparison of Inna and Oedipus

My argument will be about the two ancient narratives is both of their situations were definitely different in their perspectives. Everything beyond was totally different as power, justice, spiritually, leadership, and wisdom. The one I can prove and give more in details is that Inna and Oedipus ...

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Causes and Effects of Stereotyping

Stereotyping exists in every society and permeates through every level of intellect. It can cause a multitude of misunderstandings, struggles, pain, and even war. Two authors, Judith Ortiz Cofer and Dave Barry, present their viewpoints as well as the causes and effects of stereotyping in their ...

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Romanticism is the connection between the individual and his surroundings. It is feelings, imagination, self-expression that a person experiences. Some say that society has corrupted man kind not the individual. An example in the story is that Elizabeth had a loving relationship with the nature ...

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The Gift of the Magi

Gifting understands giving something that is lying in the deepest corner of your heart.While unwrapping the pack what you get is nothing material , but pure love.Such a gesture of love knows no bounds, no monetary values, no myths but the softness of feeling for some one you adorn and hold in high ...

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Beowulf The Poet

In modern, written poetry, we often judge the excellence of the creator by the use of unusual but appropriate imagery. The more original the poem is, the better. The bards who performed in the oral-formulaic tradition, however, were evaluated for the skill with which they could weave together ...

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Salvation and Suffering in The House of the Seven Gables and The Birth-Mark

The two stories Nathaniel Hawthorne has written in which salvation through suffering is presented are, The House of the Seven Gables, and “The Birth-Mark”. Salvation can be defined as the act of protecting from harm. These two pieces of writing reach this by two different points. In “The ...

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The Great Gatsby Movie to Book Comparison

The book I choose to read for my summer reading this year was The Great Gatsby. The book was such a great read for me. While reading it I was not able to put it down because of every little detail in it, which made it interesting. The movie, on the other hand, to me wasn’t as great as the book of ...

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Femininity in Sir Launfal

In Thomas Chestre’s Sir Launfal, femininity is unmistakeable. One of the most important elements of femininity in the story is established by the emphasis on good and bad female conduct. In this passage, two women separately exemplify both behaviours. Tyramour represents the idea of good ...

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The Outsiders

The Outsiders, by S.E. Hinton was about conflicts between the Socs and the Greasers. The Socs were the upper class with nice cars; the Greasers were the poorer community with leather jackets and hair grease. The whole story is through the eyes of Ponyboy, a fourteen year old greaser. The day after ...

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Kelly Houtman 3/11/2011 Owens Eng 111+11 Relationship essay Word count 1077 The Giver and the Receiver There is an overwhelming wave of emotions that are beginning to hit the younger generation earlier then expected. There are teenagers that are in relationships five years and ...

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Young Goodman Brown: Wheres The Romance

Nathaniel Hawthorne, in his short story, "Young Goodman Brown", generates a relationship in direct contrast with that of a true romance among the roles of Faith and Young Goodman Brown. Whereas, a true romance is the ideal romance, exhibiting virtuous aspects such as trust, as well as a ...

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Batman Vs Beowulf

There are many heroes in our world. Hero are often seen as mythological legends, endowed with great courage and strength, and celebrated for their bold exploits. Some may also say heroes are noted for their feat of courage or nobility of purpose, especially one who has risked or scarified his or ...

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