Science & Nature Essays and Term Papers

The Female Brain

Human DNA is about 99 percent the same in women and men. Although the difference on a genetic scale is miniscule, it shows an infinite number of differences between the genders. The most significant difference is in the make-up of the smartest organ. The human brain is an immensely intricate ...

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Of the 20 varieties of armadillo, all but one live in Latin America. The familiar nine-banded armadillo is the only species that includes the United States in its range. Armadillo is a Spanish word meaning “little armored one” and refers to the bony plates that cover the back, head, legs, and ...

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Gas Laws

GAS LAWS Gases are the only state of matter that can be easily expanded and compressed; because of this gases don't have a constant pressure. Pressure is the force exerted per unit of surface area and is caused when gas particles collide with a surface. The pressure of a gas can be measured ...

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Pineal Gland

The pineal body (corpus pineale), or the pineal gland, is a small, pinecone-shaped endocrine gland located at the posterior portion of the third ventricle of the brain. The pineal gland, which was known to physicians in Antiquity, has been a mystifying subject to scientists. René Descartes, who, ...

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Arctic Ecology

Arctic ecology Arctic ecology is the study of biotic and abiotic of the Arctic area. At first Arctic may not be viewed as the center of attention to us; but as global warming starts to impact our environment it becomes a main event. The Arctic is a region located at the northern-most part of ...

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The Street Cleaner Robot

Subject: The Street Cleaner Robot The following is in response to your 22 October 2009 requirement that we generate a proposal describing our engineering project. For our project, we would like to design the street cleaner Robot. The following proposal discusses the description of the robot, a ...

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Las trés fórmulas para viajar en el tiempo de stephen hawking

Las tres fórmulas de Stephen Hawking para viajar en el tiempo Actualizado Martes , 11-05-10 a las 18 : 33 «¿Es posible viajar en el tiempo? ¿Podemos abrir un portal al pasado o encontrar un atajo al futuro?». El genial físico británico Stephen Hawking se hacía estas preguntas en un artículo ...

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Synthesis of the Jacobsen’s Catalyst

Synthesis of the Jacobsen’s Catalyst Abstract The synthesis of Jacobsen’s catalyst involves five experiments, each experiment synthesis part of materials that is needed in following experiment. In experiment #1, 0.8259g of (S,S)-tartaric salt was synthesized from 3.7530g of unnatural ...

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Bioethics: Nature vs. Nurture

In the modern world that is known to be, people are oblivious as to how they develop in society now. Throughout history it has been an issue between “Nature vs. Nurture”. Within the social sciences ‘Nature vs. Nurture’ is seen to be the biggest topic, but it has summoned a great debate over which ...

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The Periodic Table ‘The nineteenth century was a golden age for the discovery of elements [1]’. This was when scientist began to look for patterns and behaviours of elements. The early periodic table was arranged by the elements relative atomic mass rather than atomic number, which is now ...

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Impacts of Global Warming

Impacts of Global Warming Global warming is the gradual increase in the earth’s surface temperature. Increasing temperatures will cause sea levels to rise above current levels, change of weather patterns, and affect several species of animal’s habitat. Human activities have been found by the ...

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Wave-Particle Duality

The study of the nature of light is an important research area in modern physics. Many, including the theoretical physicist Albert Einstein, have contributed to theories involving light. Of these, the wave-particle duality is arguably the most strange and noteworthy concept in the field. ...

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Element Magnesium

Element Report: Magnesium ļ It all started in 1755 in England when Joseph Black made a phenomenal discovery. His discovery inspirers Sir Humphrey Davy in 1808 to first isolate an element labeled magnesium as an impure metal. Humphrey an English chemist pioneered the study of Electrochemistry ...

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Glaciers are pretty much a good size body of ice that rarely melts completely and shifts downhill. Glaciers start in high elevations where the winter cold snow is much greater then what is melted in the warmth of summer. Glaciers advance down the mountain in winters where the snow has fallen is ...

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Who Discovered it? When and Where was it Discovered? On August 18th, 1868, a French astronomer named Pierre Janssen was looking at a solar eclipse when he saw a big bright yellow line. At first, he thought that the line was sodium. Then, in October, 1868, an astronomer from England ...

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A fingerprint is an impression of the friction ridges of all part of the finger. A friction ridge is a raised portion of the epidermis on the palmar (palm) or digits (fingers and toes) or plantar (sole) skin, consisting of one or more connected ridge units of friction ridge skin. These are ...

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Power Generation

There are many types of power generations, but one specific is a Nuclear Power Plant. The nuclear power plant generates water. There are many disadvantages, and many advantages to this power generation. Nuclear plants, like plants that burn coal, oil and natural gas, produce electricity by ...

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Fresh Water turtles are small, yet amazing creatures to have and care for in your home. River Cooters, Red Eared Sliders, and Painted turtles are all common pet’s found in America. Though turtles are fun to have around they do require special care just like any other pet would. In most cases they ...

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Mitosis is the process that facilitates the equal partitioning of replicated chromosomes into two identical groups. Before partitioning can occur, the chromosomes must become aligned so that the separation process can occur in an orderly fashion. The alignment of replicated chromosomes and their ...

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The New Deal on Nuclear Energy

In the United States, we generate about one-fifth of our electricity with nuclear power. The practice has been called dangerous, “commercially unviable” (28, Henderson), and environmentally catastrophic. Despite these complaints, according to the World Nuclear Organization, France uses nuclear ...

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Bears. Across the four corners of the globe, these hairy mammals can be found on nearly every continent. There are multiple different species each adapted to their own specific environment; each species varying in size shape, color and behavior. Due to misinformation and ignorance these creatures ...

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Solution: a homogeneous mixture of two or more substances in single phase +Solvent:component present in largest amount +Solute:other components of the solution -Colligative Properties: properties of a solution that depend only on the number of solute particles per solvent molecule and not on ...

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Echolcation - the location of objects by their echos - is a highly specialized faculty that enables dolphins to explore their environment and search out their prey in a watery world where sight is often of little use. As sound travels four and a half times faster in water than in air, the dolphin's ...

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Sugar and Water Science Experiment

As seen in observation and analysis; my hypothesis was proved to be correct and density does increase if the sugar concentration is increased. The data in the table and the strong linear relationship on the graph shows that grams per each millilitre increase as the ratio of sugar to water increases ...

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Boas To Pythons

Brandon Lazzar Fundamentals of Writing II Tues/Thurs 9:20am November 16, 2010 Argumentative Essay Boa Constrictors Reign Superior to Pythons as House Pets There are many breeds of snakes that are commonly owned as house pets. At first glance, you might think that any type of snake can ...

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