Authority Essays and Term Papers
Comparing Transportation Systems in Radiant City and Broadacre CityTransportation Systems in the Radiant City and the Broadacre City
The utopian architectures of Le Corbusier and Frank Lloyd Wright are a response to the industrialization (Kennedy, 2003). The industrialization era in the Western world brought about rapid urbanization, which in turn resulted a ...
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FCC Auction Of Spectrum RightsAccording to the article, the "fine print matters" and without careful care and review, auction design can fail and bidders find ways to outsmart the system. The government had many aims which complicated auction design, including the prevention of monopolization, promotion of more minority firms ...
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ASCE (American Society for Civil Engineers) Code of Ethics AnalysisASCE Code of Ethics Analysis
In a society, rules must be made in order to ensure equality, quality of life, and a sense of responsibility. In the professional workplace a code of ethics are those rules and guidelines which set a pre-requisite for all members of that profession. Engineering is ...
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Innovation And Regulation Of The InternetKey Assumptions About Technology and Society
Like all other great inventions and discoveries of the past, the Internet too promises to revolutionize our very existence. But, also like previous inventions and discoveries, there is no clear direction that the Cyber world seems to ...
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The Ethnic, Racial, and Social Mix Of My Graduating ClassOurs was a huge graduating class of about 1000 students. The ceremony was held inside the auditorium, even though it was a sunny day, because there simply was no room for us anywhere else. As I looked around me, I noticed how diverse the high school was: I don't think any one racial or ethnic ...
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The Ku Klux KlanKu Klux Klan
The article "The Klan's Fight for Americanism," the subject of this essay, was written in 1926 by its "Imperial Wizard." It was the period of the Klan's peak of popularity and influence in the United States with its membership touching 4 million[1] and several Klansmen getting ...
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Autonomy, Social Control, and Discipline in EducationLevinson feels it is necessary for the state to promote the practice of autonomy, discuss her concept of autonomy and its relation to education.
Levinson believes that in regards to education, "educational aims, assessment and accountability" must all be linked. Political order for Levinson was ...
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The Death of Ivan Ilych: Existentialism and the Struggle for MeaningThe Death of Ivan Ilych
Within this essay, an overview will be provided of the central themes found within and woven together in Leo Tolstoy's The Death of Ivan Ilych. Additionally, examples will be provided of some of the symbols used throughout the story that help to further illustrate the ...
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Dissent In Colonial America and America's HistoryColonial America was created essentially by groups of individuals seeking freedom from the oppressive British government. Many brave and independent thinking individuals helped carve an American Spirit from the moment they stepped foot on New England's soil.
Seventeenth-century English ...
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The Japanese Immigrants' Experience In CaliforniaThe Japanese Immigrant Experience in California
The Nineteenth Century was a time of great change for Japan and the Japanese people. In 1853, an American naval flotilla under the command of Commodore Matthew Perry appeared suddenly in what is now called Tokyo Bay. Perry carried with him a ...
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Native American EducationTraci Jameson
AIS 1413
Sunny Hegwood
February 21, 2016
Education for Native Americans
The Indian Self Determination Act and Education Assistance Act of 1975. This act allowed the government to enter into contracts with, and makes grants directly to, federally recognized Indian tribes. ...
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The Great ElectorThe Great Elector
It is difficult to evaluate history or historical figures without bias and in terms of historical setting. However, this is exactly what Derek McKay attempts in his book, The Great Elector about Frederick William of Brandenburg. McKay's purpose is to provide a biography ...
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Gender Stereotypes on TelevisionGender Stereotypes on Television
Images of men and women on television are often based on stereotypical roles of males and females in society. From the beginning of our lives, culture teaches us what it means to be a boy or a girl. From the color of clothes to the toys we play with, the messages ...
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Online Sex Predators and Sexual AbuseInternet Child Luring and Sexual Abuse - An Increasing Epidemic
Abstract 2
Introduction 2
About Internet Child Luring 4
How the Internet Enables Pedophilia and Internet Child Luring 6
Protecting Children from Internet Crime 9
Agencies that Combat Internet Child Luring and Sexual ...
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Oedipus' Pride and His DownfallOedipus's "justifiable" pride is based on his position of power, and at the onset of Oedipus Rex, Sophocles paints the protagonist as a just, if not arrogant ruler. He calls his subjects "children," and calls himself a "world-renowned king," which he undoubtedly was. However, the king later ...
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The Middle East and Growth of Terrorism TodayThis paper is based on the past and present of terrorism and aims to discuss the history of the Middle East and how it has influenced the growth of terrorism today. The paper will connect the past and present of terrorism in the modern Middle East tracing the history of terrorism, the causes and ...
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The Independence Of The PhilippinesThe Philippines has an affluent cultural history that goes back to about one thousand years B.C. Chinese, Indian, Malayan, Siamese and Arabian cultures turned out to be segments of its deemed history and immigrants commuted to enrich the affluent trading exchange islands. (The Struggle for ...
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European's Expectation of the New WorldKalae Miller
HIST 1015
Paper 1
Expectations of the New World
European's expectations of the new world were in many ways rooted in a materialistic frame of mind. "Columbus had become convinced it was possible to reach the riches of the East by sailing west" (Roark, 27). Coming ...
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Comparison of American and Russian Management TechniquesCulture-based Business Management: Comparative Analysis of American and Russian Management Concepts and Techniques
In the age of information technology, emerging concepts and ideas are fast emerging that radically changes the 'landscape' of the current state of the business sector in the ...
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